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Everything posted by lukemax

  1. lukemax

    Makeing my OFP run faster

    Ok thx all helps!!!!!! But should i do anything in the OFP prefences? IE give OPF more memory or what?
  2. Hi all How do u make a MOD folder? Dont flame me but i have already searched the forums!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and found nothing! Luke
  3. lukemax

    Mr Hilter and ww2 german/soviet man pack

    Cant we like talk about the pilots 4 once? I think these pilots are great!
  4. Hi Where can i get a Simple Player respawn script for my OFP i tried the one at the OFPEC but it was crap and didnt work so can someone send me one or tell me where to get one? Thanks
  5. lukemax


    How do i make my aeroplane so that you cant walk through it? i thought it was GEO but i must be wrong!
  6. lukemax


    I thought that was how to mission make  J/K. Sadly I can't help too much, except to say I do have the Starship Troopers soundtrack tucked away somewhere in a CD box, which I could .OGG for you guys. Same goes for the films, I could do you a sound pack (Prehaps throwing a couple of sounds from Aliens too.. wherever they refer to the Xenomorphs as bugs  Pretty ace offer i would take it up!
  7. lukemax


    The MOD i created slowly begins to crack i left about a year ago so dont point any finger at me! although maybe i could reerrect it?
  8. lukemax

    Paint shop Pro 7

    I have a image of a cockpit but the screen is black and i cant see so i have 2 make it transparent how do i add transparent 2 my image? Luke
  9. lukemax

    Paint shop Pro 7

    How do u mean how do i use that?
  10. lukemax

    Big  and small!

    Hi i have created a model how do i make it bigger or smaller as its way to big for OFP anoyugh ones way to small!
  11. lukemax

    WW2 Marder III M BETA version !

    yes A GErman ww2 addon!
  12. lukemax

    Some questions about world war ii

    This sounds like a School topic question
  13. Hi After reading my post hear: http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=39849 Someone responded but we still need more people to help out. So i have desided to put the pack up for download if anyone can supply a Host contact me. Luke.steel@btinternet.com Web-Address here: http://www.freewebs.com/lukemax/index.htm Luke Luke.steel@btinternet.com
  14. lukemax

    New star wars thread

    Some Wing Commander ships: http://www.freewebs.com/lukemax/index.htm
  15. lukemax

    Little help?

    Hi I have been playing SWG for a long time and havent worked on my OFP stuff for a long time. More then anything i hate looking a screenshots of stuff that never gets realeasd. If theres anyone out there that can help get these models on my site into OFP then E-Mail me and ill send to the thing. Some are already 1/2 in game all with textures but no Cockpits. http://www.freewebs.com/lukemax/index.htm Luke Luke.steel@btinternet.com
  16. lukemax


    How many Polygons can OFP take?
  17. lukemax


    How many Polygons can OFP take?
  18. lukemax

    Split screen

    Hi Is it possible to play OFP on split screen Moniters. If so please could you tell me how. Thanks Luke
  19. lukemax

    Mini europe map

    Hi Does anyone remember that Mini Australia map? Well im trying to import a Euope map into WRP Edit so i can do the same thing but i cant find a Europe map! Does anyone know where i can get one or does anyone have an old ne they could send me? Thanks Luke Luke.steel@btinternet.com
  20. lukemax

    Mini europe map

  21. lukemax

    Mini europe map

    Anything as long as i can imprt it into WRP EDIT
  22. lukemax

    Mini europe map

  23. lukemax

    Greatest generals in all of history

    Also Rommel! The desert Fox!
  24. lukemax

    Radio tower!

    A radio tower by Martin is released its just an object thoe! Get it here: http://freespace.virgin.net/martinz.world/games.html Lukemax