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Everything posted by lukemax

  1. lukemax


    http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=anti+EA+games&meta= Thx Luke
  2. lukemax

    Best Space simulation?

    X2 is supposed to be good took me +4 Months 2 finish,bulid my empire, go everywhere but no Multiplayer
  3. lukemax

    Big Mods - Slow Flashpoint

    A MOD should Lock-NOW!!!!!!! They always do it to my topics!
  4. lukemax

    HQ Maze?

    I need a HQ buliding thats VERY BIG! with lotasa cool, doors and hideing places? What do you guys recommend? I tryed MIGS research complex but what was the underground bit? you couldnt go down there! so i dont like that 1 although the rest of it is cool, also u cant put it in WRP EDIT Thx Luke
  5. lukemax


    BLAME Canada!
  6. lukemax

    Theme song

    Russian naval Hymm is Ok There is 1 that i (Think) is done by tachovsky (Spelling?) For Romeo and Juliet where the familes are showing off! But i cant remember! Luke
  7. lukemax

    Prince Harold the Nazi Brit

    Lol  Huh but yes em SO appaling he should be shot  its not even Prince Charles Son! where does that G****r hair come from? James hewitt maybe
  8. lukemax

    Theme song

    Wing commander tunes Theres LOADS here all done my my 2nd favrite composer all free and legal http://www.oldzieymusic.com/music.asp Thank you, thanks very much Lukemax
  9. lukemax

    HQ Maze?

    thank you but i wanted to hear what other people thought
  10. lukemax

    Theme song

    Also on ya OFP MOD download list When its done
  11. lukemax

    WrpTool has been released!

    dom dis me fore i cum dwn wif ma crew and we wil CLASH blood
  12. Where is there a castle addon/download, i found 1 by Nik but had no screens+no download link Thx Luke
  13. lukemax

    WrpTool has been released!

    WHY not blood! Da should be som grudge reason 4 it brove! iz cos da is som neekazoids outta da! long liv uncle sam
  14. lukemax

    Where r the castle?

    how dare you talk to me like that!!! Dont you think i tryed that! PS: LAZY BOY when is your Eurofighter realsed, and dont tell me it needs to be finished because you have had SO LONG since you said it was nearly ready Anyway enough grunting from me Thx for the help, you shall be rewarded in Heaven
  15. lukemax

    WrpTool has been released!

    that didnt make sense
  16. lukemax

    WrpTool has been released!

    IS there any way 2 open a file saved in WRPTOOL and open it in WRP EDIT? Thx Luke
  17. lukemax

    WrpTool has been released!

    Hi all I installed WRP tool and yes im a noob I de-pboed all my addons loaded my map but many of AGS indus and city packs couldnt load! Why? i have read the manual and looked on the forums but with no answer! I open odol explorer and searched for the P3D's when i clicked on them, its gave me a warning saying it couldnt load! But thew model was clearly displayed! O forgot 2 say it says there is no ODOL format or something! So whats going on? THX Luke
  18. lukemax

    AEF-Campaign: Train Addon FINISHED

    Any news on the MP one?
  19. Go there now! http://ofp.gamezone.cz/index.php?newlang=eng i finally got rid of em into the hands of people that can finish them! good rythems!! Now i can work on my police car addon THX Luke
  20. lukemax

    Need help!

    Please post all comments here: http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=44215
  21. lukemax

    Need help!

    Hi all I got some addons that i cant finish they need configs/configs a few scripts ETC.... Thunderbolt http://www.freewebs.com/lukemax/T1.JPG Drathi http://www.freewebs.com/lukemax/D1.JPG Bearcat http://www.freewebs.com/lukemax/B1.JPG Excaliber http://www.freewebs.com/lukemax/EX1.JPG Hellcat http://www.freewebs.com/lukemax/H2.JPG Victory-HUGE captital ship with runway on it! Vaktoth-Fighter/bomber I dont have pics of these! If u think u can help out mail me at Luke.steel@btinternet.com Thx in advance Luke http://www.freewebs.com/lukemax
  22. lukemax

    Wing commander addons realeased!

    What i will say is if u decide to do something with it, post what your doing and release it dont keep it tucked on ya hard drive i know i want a play with them!
  23. lukemax

    Need help!

    Thx for hosting them
  24. lukemax

    Need help!

    If anyone could provide a host for me to post the aircraft pack for download i would be most gratefull, JUST A WORD OF WARNING!!!! This pack is only intended for people that have spare time to finish the addon they can have full credits ETC............... If downloading for personnal play u will be disspointed there not exactly ready
  25. lukemax

    Target Textures

    kinda fixed but not proper