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Everything posted by liquidsteel

  1. liquidsteel

    How long have you had ofp?

    since day 1 for both ofp and res,and still play both a lot.
  2. liquidsteel

    Red hammer stuck/lock-up

    just hold left shift and minus on numpad far right type campaign then just go to the next mission and hit revert,then itll start from the next mission.
  3. liquidsteel

    Red hammer stuck/lock-up

    just hold left shift and minus on numpad far right type campaign then just go to the next mission and hit revert,then itll start from the next mission.
  4. Hummer Desert Maac and Marfy maf_hmmwv its for the biological warfare campaign.opediting center iss offline or something ,i cant connect to the sight,if anyone had this addon please post in here and i will give you my email if you could send it to me,im on the mission to kill some iraqi general and need the hummer to continue,thanks
  5. liquidsteel

    Good dl's for resistance

    pay? you dont have to pay for anything from fileplanet,all files are free,you just have to take yer turn and wait,you can pay for a dedicated server if you want,but they dont make you.
  6. liquidsteel


    yea i sniped the spetsnaz before he jumped in the hind and took both it and the v80 plus my original truck and the brdm in the hanger,all full of goodies back to the base,the mission will end as soon as u get back,it considers captured units as yer own.
  7. liquidsteel


    actually it was the russians [guba] that gave the fia  resistance there name  Fuc-in Independant A$$holes   Â
  8. liquidsteel

    Killing ******'s character didnt make any sense

    the ending sucked,i wasnt even close to where the cutscene started ,i popped the last jet standing close to water,i easily could have made it to safety,just hug the shorline ,i find it totally unforgivable that the makers didnt take into consideration the experienced player could do this mission without dying.and what a moron running into a deadend.
  9. liquidsteel

    Us release

    mmm my US copy came in a standard cd jewel case,and the standard small box,and its in most stores now in US,has been for a while now.
  10. liquidsteel

    Can't finish mission....

    more info on the mission
  11. liquidsteel

    Just wondering?

    well if there is a limit mine dont know it,my addon folder is over 1000 megs and ofp ,red hammer and resistance all run fine.
  12. liquidsteel

    Resistance - secret meeting...

    from where u start at just head straight for the house,be careful as u get close,watch for 2 guards coming around from left of house ,hit the dirt and start crawling watch the 2 gaurds as soon as they go back to left side of house crawl up and thru the opening in the wall,slowly crawl to the left once thru it,then turn around and a cutscene will play,after it ends slowly crawl back to opening,hold alt button and look outside of opening in wall for the 2 gaurds,as soon as they gou around side of house crawl out and move same way u came in,once u get to the first bunch of bushes u should be able to stand up and run the the waiting car.
  13. liquidsteel

    Resistance - secret meeting...

    from where u start at just head straight for the house,be careful as u get close,watch for 2 guards coming around from left of house ,hit the dirt and start crawling watch the 2 gaurds as soon as they go back to left side of house crawl up and thru the opening in the wall,slowly crawl to the left once thru it,then turn around and a cutscene will play,after it ends slowly crawl back to opening,hold alt button and look outside of opening in wall for the 2 gaurds,as soon as they gou around side of house crawl out and move same way u came in,once u get to the first bunch of bushes u should be able to stand up and run the the waiting car.
  14. liquidsteel

    Performance questions

    ide be willing to bet you wont be running on "very high" for "very long".
  15. liquidsteel

    Cheat codes

  16. liquidsteel

    Miss:the pass (after fireworks) help ! - spoiler

    there are a dozen ways to complete this mission,i prefered to capture most of it,if yer interested read my post in this thread. http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=17264
  17. liquidsteel

    Fun resistance stories

    hahaha smarter ai yea right, two stories first was mission,,where u defend the enemy base in the ruins.i had cleared out all the tanks and foot soldiers after several hours crawling and sneaking around,finally the 3 choppers showed up and victor said "gunships we cant fight gunships" not 5 seconds later they all three collided in midair just south of the base,i have a screenshot of them all mangled on the ground but nowhere to post it, second was where you destroy the convoy coming up the mountain pass,i had first shot the driver of the uaz took it up to the ammo stash and loaded it up with mines rpgs [i filled my men up with xtra rpgs] and satchels,then drove down to where the pass is real narrow hid the uaz, laid 2 mines across and and ran up the cliff and waited,i had the sniper rifle,when the first two tanks came by they somehow managed to slip by the mines and continued up the pass then the front bmp came and hit the mine kablooy right into the lake .the 5 trucks then panicked and froze just long enuff for me to kill the 5 drivers.the troops jumped out of the 2 urals and i managed to kill them all,i then rpged the rear bmp .while figuring out what to do the first 2 tanks came back,i put 2 rpgs into there barrels making them useless i knew from previous tries there would be more so i laid a line of satchels further down the pass,then the t72 t80 and shilka start coming up the pass .they musta seen all the empty trucks dead bodies 2 tanks that werent firing,and panicked as all 3 drove over the cliff,more smart ai , the shilka couldnt stop ,hit the water and blew up,i now had a t72 a t80 stuck over the hill,a t72 and a t80 with broken guns,i proceded to drive the 5 trucks to a safe place away from the cliff[so the tanks with good guns wouldnt shoot at them when i was close]i then loaded up with "hand grenades" and proceded to nade the tanks on top till the crew jumped out,i had my men way off with sniper rifles and they quickly dispatched the crew,i then jumpen in the t80 and repaired it with the repair truck,one down 4 to go,i did the same with the other tank on top,i now had the original res bmp and res t80 i started with plus 5 trucks 2 ammo 1 repair and 2 urals an extra t80 and t72,and still 2 tanks stuck on the hill,i grabbed 4 rpgs and went aways away and disabled there main guns as before,i loaded up on nades again and started lobbing them over the side,as soon as the first nade hit the tank flew into the water and blew up,so i got an idea,i reloaded a save ,i ran and got the 2 urals and parked them by the waters edge to stop the tanks from sliding into the lake,it worked .as the crew jumped out my men nailed them,the tanks had severe track damage and were undrivable,no problemo,i went and got the repair truck repaired both tanks,and the 2 urals from the damage they took when the tanks hit them and happily drove them up the hill,i now had 3 t80s 2 t72s a bmp 2 ammo trucks 2 urals full of goodies from the dead crews and troops and the ammo stash and a repair truck,i had no problem getting my men to drive the trucks to the retreat base but they went the opposite direction with the tanks[smart ai here ]i had to drive all 6 tanks my self.you just have to keep a man away from base so mission wont end before you get all yer goodies back,and no none of the extra tanks or trucks were carried over to future missions but i like to play to do the most damage and highest score,even if it did take 5 hours,
  18. liquidsteel

    Your campagin stats

    aaa i see it 26 hours 46 min infantry 17(621) soft 2(16) armor 0(57) air 0(3) freindly 0(1) had to shoot one of my men for desertion final score 219820 im assuming this is the total for all missions not just the last one total kills 19(697)
  19. liquidsteel

    The tasmanian devil is...

    The Door Gunner . listen again  troska is correcting him,not admitting its tom tasmanian,this topic has been discussed over and on diff boards quote When Victor says Tasmanian, Tom, Tasmanain, he is correcting Tom who said he was called TASDANIAN Devil...
  20. liquidsteel

    Losing tem members in singleplayer

    you can do it 3 ways.meaning ive played thru ofpcwc,red hammer and resistance 3 diff ways. 1 protect my men but still some die and still win.2 let all my men die and still win[this obviously takes a lot longer to finish the game].and 3 tell all yer men to go hide someplace safe while i do the mission myself [again this obviously takes a lot longer to finish the game]some of missions have lasted going well on 5 hours.
  21. liquidsteel

    Losing tem members in singleplayer

    you got it,you have to protect them,the only way to prevent this is at the beginning of every mission send them to some nice safe cozy spot and do the mission yerself.
  22. liquidsteel

    Cant start resistance!

    simply start a single player mission then exit and start camp,it should work then
  23. liquidsteel

    Cant start resistance!

    simply start a single player mission then exit and start camp,it should work then
  24. liquidsteel

    Can you kill any reds the first mission?

    um yea i jumped in a car and ran over 15 or more troops then grabbed guns rpg ectthe troops never started shooting at me untill i shot at one of them,anyways i took out the tank and 2 bmps,and all the troops only bummer was the little car dont hold many weapons,it took about 2 hours to kill everything with out getting killed,well i did get killed several times but just kept saving the game everytime i killed a few,eventually i got out of town with 3 rpg launchers and ak74su,s and when at home the next mission my shotgun was still there,even tho i didnt use it,i ran to the shed and grapped the resistance guys weapon.
  25. liquidsteel

    Is it possible to save the hiding resistance guy?

    after playing this mission and seeing where i get picked up after it s over i replayed it and this time i drove the ural full of weapons to the pickup point instead then jumped out and walked- ran to the resistance camp,lo and behold after the mission was over and i and my men went to get picked up my ural was still there ,i transfered my weapons and had them all in the next mission.