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About luke56ker

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  1. luke56ker

    Win xp + sound blaster live + resistance crashes

    I Have about 20 games and all of them work perfectly with my sounblaster live value. So I beleive it is the game that causes the problem. I have had this card for 2 years nearly and it has always been a great sound card. So I am excited and go and buy ofp resistance cause i wanted to see the new graphics and enhanced online play. I can't even start the campaign 90 percent of the time cause the game crashes within seconds of the codemasters presents appearing or sometimes i'm lucky and make it a couple minutes in. I can play for a couple minutes sometimes but it will always crash every single time. The game hard locks my system and this system is a fresh install of last week. I have the latest video card drivers I have the latest sound card drivers and I spent 30 dollars on a game and all it does is hard lock my system. I love bis and there awesome games but i wish they whould address this issue because for all those who have xp+sound blaster live+ resistance they are screwed. Not only did they spend 30 dollars on a game they can't play if they want to play it they have to spend another 70 bucks for a nice sound card and who knows if that one will work. I have windows xp pro corp, gainward geforce4 4400, kta raid motherboard and a 1200 mhz athlon. I spent alot of money on this machine and the new addtion to what i think is one of the greatest and innovative games I can't play:(