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lt poncho

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About lt poncho

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Interests
    Hockey, Airsoft
  • Occupation
    Solution Architect

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  • Biography
    OFP Veteran, going back to Everon one day.
  1. Anything at this point - I don't mind public servers but most don't carry the addon's many enjoy.
  2. I've tried port forwarding to the point of reason - beyond that and I might as well expose my entire home network to the internet; I can't understand how it worked perfectly fine with no changes to ports, network connection, configuration or topology and yet 2 patches later privately hosted Multiplayer games have come to a dead drop. I've searched these and other sources for some clue as to a possible solution. 95% of many of our reasons for loading up this game is to connect with other friends - what planet does it make sense to have to use a 3rd party VPN software in order to use the Multiplayer feature? This thread and others needs to be amalgamated and sticky'd as I am sure this issue must be a critical priority in the queue. It's practically foundational. Is there *any* official word from BIS on this? Or is this simply due to the void left from GameSpy closing and no connectivity via Steam? Great that were all on Steam right now and can see all our friends playing ArmA but unable to join them. I recall all those who were really opposed to the idea way back when. If you shift to an on-demand platform then an organization needs to ensure when product features stop working unexpectedly that fixes are issued in the same timely manner.
  3. Excellent addon, many thanks! Certainly a must for multiplayer situational awareness. Keeps the blue on blue down in built up areas when online comms are not always 100%. Just a question; does anyone know what is the weapon addon for the M4 carbine with the AimPoint Micro in the screenshot? Much appreciated. Thanks
  4. lt poncho

    In Game Multiplayer Missions

    Ah, it allows me to now EDIT the mission, however upon entering the Mission Editor the mission draws a total BLANK. No units, no markers, just the Blank Map as would you would start editing a new mission. Any clues?
  5. lt poncho

    In Game Multiplayer Missions

    Great, thanks a lot PlaneShifter. Much appreciated.
  6. lt poncho

    Chopper rearming

    <a href="http://www.ofpeditingcenter.com/addon_depot/addon_detail.asp?id=36 Dude," target="_blank">http://www.ofpeditingcenter.com/addon_d....p>Dude,</a> your Secret Black Op SAS Special Forces helo rearming depot is there. I should remind you that in the REAL WORLD that would NEVER HAPPEN, since the only loading/unloading/rearming you would do would be carrier based. LST's and such might not be 'Spec Op Glamourous' but then the real deal isn't either.
  7. lt poncho

    In Game Multiplayer Missions

    Come on people out there, I am sure someone has figured out what the procedure is to manipulate the Mulitplayer missions that came with the game/upgrades. Anyone?
  8. There are a number of missions that came with the game, and more added with v1.30, that you can play Multiplayer (ie. 1-8 Desert Ambush, etc). Is there some flag or something in the mission.sqm file that you have to change in order to make it something you can edit? I am sure that everyone would like to edit the parameters slightly for all the Multiplayer Missions that came with the game, like the aformentioned mission (gimme a d*amn Javelin, please!). Any help or hints would be appreciated. Merci!
  9. lt poncho

    Annoying tigger problem

    Woo hoo hoo hoo! Helloooo Tiggers!... ...heh sorry. I find 'Tigger' and 'Triggers' annoying too...
  10. lt poncho

    Vehicle Skins?

    Thank you so VERY much. I thought the site was down or something thru the regular links. I don't want to point too much kudos in one direction, but Tigershark/JellyBelly have got to be the most serious skin makers out there. Their PaveHawk models are incredible. Such attention to detail is certainly a tremendous bonus (#### I don't even think B.I. could have matched them on that!) (Edited by lt poncho at 6:20 am on Dec. 7, 2001)
  11. lt poncho

    Vehicle Skins?

    I really have enjoyed some of the awesome skins in regards to Winter maps, winter troops and different color vehicles such as a Blackhawk thats REALLY BLACK, and other Air units, however,... ...with the advent of Desert maps and such, wouldn't it not be appropriate to have Desert colored vehicles? I especially liked the color of the SuperCobra AH-1's in Desert Storm. I suppose it would be a MOD if you think about it, but Desert/Arctic uniforms/vehicles would certainly accent the corresponding maps. Any information would be appreciated! lt_poncho@yahoo.com