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Everything posted by kuwahara<ANZAC>

  1. can someone help me with a script that alows the player to set there waypoint from (onmapsingleclick _shift). doesnt bother me if its an []exec script or on an init of a unit/veh/object. any help would be great..8)
  2. kuwahara<ANZAC>

    Setpos Getpos on objects help!!

    SOLVED this is setup as a respawn point mover that takes an object with it. as its set right now it will move 3 markers and 2 objects. 1 marker and 1 object are part of the script so it really moves 2 markers and 1 object to the location clicked on the map. MARKERS> setfireA = marker for script,moves out of way after map click medic_base1 = marker, used for map marking of spawn for players to see on map in mission.(editable) respawn_west = marker, respawn point for players.(editable) OBJECTS> BTarget = object for script, this must be a game logic!! medictent1 = object, this object can be anything you want at the respawn point.. mine is a field hospital with an ammo cache inside it. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _x = (_pos select 0) _y = (_pos select 1) _z = (_pos select 2) setfireA=true titletext ["Click on the map to set position.","plain down"] onMapSingleClick "BTarget setpos _pos;setfireA=false" @!setfireA "setfireA" setmarkerpos getpos BTarget "medic_base1" setmarkerpos getpos BTarget "respawn_west" setmarkerpos getpos BTarget medictent1 setpos [ getPos BTarget select 0, getPos BTarget select 1, 0] hint "Respawn Point Set" ~0.5 playsound "RADIOCRACK" ~1 "setfireA" setmarkerpos [0,0,0] onMapSingleClick "" titletext ["","plain down"] exit
  3. ok the problem i have is when i setpos getpos for an object.. the icon moves on the map and acts like the object is moved but it is invisable.. the 3dmodel is missing.. this is no problem for OBJECT1 as it is an invisable H.. but object 2 is a tent and the map says it there but i dont see it?? can someone help me with making OBJECT2 move so i can see its model. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> MARKER1=true titletext ["Click on the map to set position.","plain down"] onMapSingleClick "OBJECT1 setpos _pos;MARKER1=false" @!MARKER1 "MARKER1" setmarkerpos getpos OBJECT1 "Marker2" setmarkerpos getpos OBJECT1 "Marker3" setmarkerpos getpos OBJECT1 OBJECT2 SetPos GetPos OBJECT1 ~0.5 playsound "SOUND1" ~1 "MARKER1" setmarkerpos [0,0] onMapSingleClick "" titletext ["","plain down"] exit
  4. kuwahara<ANZAC>

    Setpos Getpos on objects help!!

    this is awsome and worksvery well, but has a static hight on the object. ATM it sets the object to 12.6 meters high on any terrain. so if place it on a beach it is 12m off the ground and if i try place it 30m up a mountain it is underground.. is there a way to get the ground hight from the map click and pass it onto the object placment hieght??
  5. kuwahara<ANZAC>

    Setpos Getpos on objects help!!

    /bump cos i really need help with this.
  6. kuwahara<ANZAC>

    Encripting \Locking missions

    i seriously cant see why the hell you need your E-name posted in someone elses readme.. is it not enough that the hard work you have done is appreciated??. Im sure the people who copy/paste/edit other people scripts are very appreciative to the script writers and hopfully they study these scripts and learn something from them so one day they to may be able to write usefull scripts and help others, if you start encripting missions you will just hurt the quality of all missions being released. im sure even the best scripter out there have got ideas off un-pboing missions for good ideas.. /rant off
  7. kuwahara<ANZAC>

    Setpos Getpos on objects help!!

    ok the script is working fine and i can see the tent is moved on the map and if i move something to the objects position IT IS THERE. but the game isnt rendering theobject visable to see in game.. look at the map and the icon for the object is there just not visable in game!! is there a way for me to send the x,y,z of the click to the script and use it to set the position of the object?? it is to use in a MP mission but the exact same problem is there in preview from editor. iv found some info on modelInWorld but i think thats an OFP command.
  8. does anyone know the class names for the vulcan gun and ammo?? the gun is called a M61 and it hold 2100 rounds.
  9. ok this sounds simple but has me stumped..plz help. what im trying to do is>> move 2 markers and an object with a onmapsingleclick marker1= T3_3 marker2= T3_4 object= medic_base1 if anyone can compile something quickly for me i would be a very happy camper.
  10. ok iv got this script below that is working all fine, the problem i am getting is with the rearming of the hummerMK. i can get it to reload just 1 set of 48 mk rounds. can someone help me with filling it with the 4 sets of 48 not just the 1?? <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _player = _this; if (not local (_player)) exitWith {}; for [{_loop=0}, {_loop<1}, {_loop=_loop}] do { _rounds = "nil"; _rockets = "nil"; _missiles = "nil"; _vec = (vehicle player); _type = typeOf vehicle player; if(getDammage _vec > 0 or fuel _vec < 0.98 and not (_vec isKindOf "Man") and (local _vec)) then { if({_vec == _x} count list AirportIn > 0 and _vec != player and speed _vec > -2 and speed _vec < 2 and position _vec select 2 < 2.0 and (local _vec)) then { switch (_type) do { case "AH6": { _rounds = "4000Rnd_762x51_M134"; _rockets = "14Rnd_FFAR"; _missiles = "nil"; }; case "HMMWVMK": { _rounds = "48Rnd_40mm_MK19"; _rockets = "nil"; _missiles = "nil"; }; }; titleText ["Servicing", "PLAIN DOWN",0.3]; for [{_loop2=0}, {_loop2<1}, {_loop2=_loop2}] do { sleep 0.200; if (getDammage _vec > 0) then {_vec setDammage ((getDammage _vec)-0.0125);}; if (Fuel _vec < 1) then {_vec setFuel ((Fuel _vec)+0.0125);}; if (getDammage _vec == 0 and Fuel _vec == 1) then {_loop2=1;}; if(_vec != vehicle player or speed _vec < -2 or speed _vec > 2 or position _vec select 2 > 2.0) then {_loop2=1;_rounds = "nil";_rockets = "nil";_missiles = "nil";titleText ["Service Aborted", "PLAIN DOWN",0.3];}; }; If (_rounds != "nil") then {_vec removeMagazines _rounds;}; If (_rockets != "nil") then {_vec removeMagazines _rockets;}; If (_missiles != "nil") then {_vec removeMagazines _missiles;}; If (_rounds != "nil") then {_vec addMagazine _rounds;titleText ["Rearming", "PLAIN DOWN",0.3];}; sleep 3.000; If (_rockets != "nil") then {_vec addMagazine _rockets;titleText ["Rearming", "PLAIN DOWN",0.3];}; sleep 3.000; If (_missiles != "nil") then {_vec addMagazine _missiles;titleText ["Rearming", "PLAIN DOWN",0.3];}; sleep 3.000; titleText ["Good to go", "PLAIN DOWN",0.3]; }; }; sleep 1.000; };
  11. kuwahara<ANZAC>

    Recruiting Soldiers

    put this on the init line of an object like a table> <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> [this] exec "set_able_atank.sqs"; then you need to make 2 .sqs set_able_atank.sqs <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _sniper = _this select 0 _sniper addAction ["Recruit AT Gunner", "set_join_atank.sqs"] set_join_atank.sqs <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _player = player _sniper = _this select 0 ?!(alive _sniper):exit ?!(alive _player):exit "SoldierWAT" createUnit [position player, group player] that should work.
  12. kuwahara<ANZAC>

    scripting help adding magazines

    armatechs script is very nice but can some please help me set it so it works off more than 1 (repair pad)// ?((_load distance repstationheli)>15) :player sidechat "TO FAR AWAY TEXT";exit i would like to to check repstationheli and if not close to it then check for repstationheli_1 and exit if not close to either or continue if close to either. anyone know how i do this?
  13. kuwahara<ANZAC>

    help finding

    after much seaching i thought id just ask the people that might know>> Is there a script out there that will repair,refuel and re-arm a vehcile from a trigger or addaction on a third party object? i need it to work on MP so any player can drive any vehcile to a certain spot and have the vehcile completly serviced. any help would be a good thing..8)
  14. kuwahara<ANZAC>

    onMapSingleClick help!

    awsome brakedown. i should be able to work this this now.. very steep learning curve when you know nothing about scripting besides what iv picked up in games like this.
  15. kuwahara<ANZAC>

    onMapSingleClick help!

    ok ill try and explain better. what im afetr is> at any time the player can open there map and hold the shift button down and single click the map and have there squads (move) waypoint moved to the spot clicked on the map. the MP mission "EVOLUTION" has this feature in it but when iv pulled it down i cant convert it to my own use cos the script is way beond my capabilities.. ok this is what im working with. in the editor i create a unit and give it a (move) waypoint. and call this script> <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">onMapSingleClick "if (_alt and debug) then {vehicle player setpos _pos}; if ((local player) and player == leader player and _shift and onmission) then {hint localize ""EVO_004""}; if ((local player) and player == leader player and _shift and not onmission) then { [group player, 1] setWaypointStatements [""never"",""never""]; [group player, 1] setWaypointDescription ""MOVE""; _base = ""HeliHEmpty"" createVehicleLocal _pos; [group player, 1] setWaypointPosition [position _base, 0]; deleteVehicle _base;group player setCurrentWaypoint [group player, 1]; hint localize ""EVO_005""; } "; i know there is stuff in there i dont need like the hint line and the alt debug mode and the if onmission.. but i think there is something that im missing like what is "HeliHEmpty"?.. is that a marker that i dont have yet?? so basicly i need help with cleaning this .sqf up, and help with what im missing to get this working.
  16. I am atempting to make 2 scripts that can add a "Treat Wounds" menu to any object/veh/unit. ok im callin on objects init. -------- [this] exec "set_medic.sqs"; -------- then the set medic script looks like this. -------- _medic = _this select 0 _medic setCaptive true _medic addAction ["Treat Wounds", "Treatwounds.sqs"] -------- ok thats where the problem begins, i have no idea how to do the things i need to do in the Treatwounds.sqs if one of the guru scripters out there can help me i would apreciate it LOTS! these are the results i need. 1. player crouches down. 2. 2-3 second delay. 3. players health retured to full. as i said, any help would be apreciated alot.
  17. im a script noob and have VERY limited knolage on scripting. can someone please help me add a condition to this script if its possible? what i am hoping to do is: run this on init> <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _injured = _this select 0 _injured setCaptive true _injured switchMove "AdthPknlMstpSrasWlnrDnon_1" _injured DisableAI "move" _injured SetDammage 0.8 removeAllWeapons _injured _injured addAction ["ACTIONTEXT", "scriptname.sqs"] the condition i want is> i dont want the 'add action' visable untill a trigger sets T1=true im not even sure if its posable.. plz help me..
  18. kuwahara<ANZAC>

    script help please!

    im a script noob and have VERY limited knolage on scripting. can someone please help me add a condition to this script if its possible? what i am hoping to do is: run this on init> <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _injured = _this select 0 _injured setCaptive true _injured switchMove "AdthPknlMstpSrasWlnrDnon_1" _injured DisableAI "move" _injured SetDammage 0.8 removeAllWeapons _injured _injured addAction ["ACTIONTEXT", "scriptname.sqs"] the condition i want is> i dont want the 'add action' visable untill a trigger sets T1=true im not even sure if its posable.. plz help me..
  19. is there a way to get a solder to lay down on there back and not move like they injured and awaiting medic attention? on a trigger would probly be the best use as i could get it to toggle on and off.
  20. ok iv searched all over and cant get a working way to get the doors in buildings to open and close.. im not even 100% sure all doors on houses can be opened. can someone plz confirm that the doors can be oped and plz give me a set by step way to open the buildings doors via a trigger if posable?
  21. kuwahara<ANZAC>

    trigger a set position into gunner???

    thanks alot, thats done the trick.
  22. im sure this is simple but im stil learning> how can we set "troop1" into a static gun "gun1" from a trigger?? basicly i want "troop1" to be stored safely with a disable ai move on him and when i set on a trigger i want him to jump from there to the static gun. plz help.. iv seached and all i can find is set pos to markers and move in cargo on INT.