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Everything posted by kendell

  1. kendell

    Alien Versus Predator Mod

    @nephilim hey yes these models arent mine i did in deed get them for free but i need help getting them into ofp i am sorry if i affended you and i am greatful for the work that you do ie: uscm i do understand the strain mod making does to a person. but i cant wait to get hold of a working uscm mod. when i heard about the uscm mod i was like HOLY DOGSHIT!!!!!!! beacuse i am a major fan of anything to do with aliens. if u need any help or anythink on the mod please pm me.
  2. kendell

    ArmA Progress Updates

    sorry to be a dumb ass but what is out after 12
  3. kendell

    Alien Versus Predator Mod

    no i have a friend who did em i need help getting them in game i have the models. and sorry i didnt know about the 100 kb limit. and i am not trying to step on anyones toes by trying to recruit people to make this mod. my offer still stands i will pay people to make this mod happen. it would be easy if nephilim released hers i will be happy to donate a reasonal amount of pounds for her work.
  4. kendell

    Alien Versus Predator Mod

    i also have this
  5. kendell

    Alien Versus Predator Mod

    hey guys check this out i am working on them and would like some help i have the models. the reason why i have done this is beacuse i cant wait any longer for the other uscm mod and i will pay somone to do the rest i will pay Å100
  6. kendell


    hey does anyone know of a working aliens, uscm with the apc mod
  7. kendell


    hey does anyone know of a working aliens, uscm with the apc mod
  8. kendell

    tex view help

    hey can anyone help me i cant seem to convert an jpg file to paa. tex view just seems to shut down can anyone help me
  9. kendell

    Removing all HUD to use flashpoint for movie

    hey can someone help i am trying to use a jpg file as a blueprint in o2 but tex view wont convert it
  10. kendell

    Camp Craft

    hey sorry i know this isnt a help forum but i have heard your name before and need help. i am trying to use o2 but tex view wont let me convert jpg to paa i have tried another way but when i try and open the file in o2 as a blueprint it wont work