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Everything posted by kala

  1. kala

    EAF Mod

    Patch isn't working, gives an error
  2. kala

    EAF Mod

    defence forces uses as an assault rife GALIL, defence league uses as an assault rifle swedish AK4
  3. kala

    EAF Mod

    What you mean with removing the needed addons list ------------ And it looks like some ppl think that Baltic countrys are all one and same?
  4. kala

    EAF Mod

    Tested it: 1.Gear doesn't have textures.?Maybe because i dont have HYK's stuff? 2.this version of G3 sucks 3.it's name is Scoutspatajon, it's not translated to English (because it's name!!! PS!Don't have the patch yet.
  5. kala

    EAF Mod

    Wohoo. Why didn't u use "old" G3 model?
  6. kala

    Estonian soldier

    well, the problem is that many people in Army use allkinds of personal things because our country dont have most of the things, eaven our uniforms are uncomfortable!!!
  7. kala

    Estonian soldier

    yes it is. I now go to bed, good luck eestikas and to all others.
  8. kala

    Estonian soldier

    nice, very nice, but we dont have vest's, well not officaly,we have harness thingys
  9. kala

    Estonian soldier

    like what??
  10. kala

    Estonian soldier

    dont know about beta release idea, but if you want then it's OK. first post a nice and cool pic about it!
  11. kala

    Estonian soldier

  12. kala

    Estonian soldier

    What do you mean with that?
  13. kala

    Estonian soldier

    You got pretty much stuff d00d. Wanna post here too?
  14. kala

    Estonian soldier

    llauma's head pack is nice but llauma's faces dont fit to Estonian soldier, don't they?
  15. kala

    Estonian soldier

    erm don't tell me nothing PS! I KNOW WHAT I TALK
  16. kala

    Estonian soldier

    Christ, we all start to talk about different SOGs, i think.
  17. kala

    Estonian soldier

    Well, if you wanna replace AK4 with G3 then you need to use some "old" HK G3 version. And again about this SOG, there were a unit in 90s but yea, most of the things on that http://www.polinsignia.com/estonia.htm site are old and dont exist.
  18. kala

    Estonian soldier

    about standard weapons: Defence force uses Galil and MG3, Defence League uses AK4 and KSP58 plus Carl-Gustav AT recoilless rifle. ----------- About ASOG website then this is like "training thingy", as you can see, it eaven offers some type of training to civilians!
  19. kala

    Estonian soldier

    Well, i think they are our Recon unit officers. There is no offical SF! There are lot's of stuff that might tell that we have SF, but not in year 2006.
  20. kala

    Estonian soldier

    1st K-komando is police special unit. 2nd wtf? how the hell helping_hand knows this?
  21. kala

    Estonian soldier

    well, we dont officaly have SF units, but we do have a recon center, as its now called (was beforce recon battalion)
  22. kala

    Estonian soldier

    Nice to see and hear, but before going to make new camo's, get finished with first main things.
  23. kala

    Estonian soldier

    It does look better with that another model, add an kevlar helmet too.
  24. kala

    EDF Pack V2.1

    Hi May i ask about mod's status? And maybe few teaser pics? Thanks
  25. kala

    Estonian soldier

    Good, but camo is too bright. (Kamo on praegu nagu suht ära "kantud")