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Everything posted by khewett

  1. khewett

    Y2K3 Version 7.3

    I'm up for the patch, this is my favorite conversion mod so far (just pips FFUR). If only that old hunk of a motorbike could be replaced too, that would be ace!! Keep up the good work Y2K3 is a great conversion mod and I think highly polished and proffesional.
  2. Hi all, Still a bit new to these mod's so dont' laugh, much! Currently running OFP GOTY 1.96 and have installed and working Y2K3 mod and dxdll (sweet effects), and Hires versions of the offical 3 islands. Also have added some extra SP missions. Downloaded FDFMOD at the weekend, can I install this alos or should I remove Y2K3 mod 1st to avoid clashs. I think form reading on here you can run several total conversion mods alongside each other but would be grateful if someone would confirm... Thanks Kieran
  3. Sorry Ben just to clarify; I could have Y2K3 and Finish Defence Forces MOD installed at the same time (they would have diffrent shortcuts)? And play each one independently of the other (like 2 games)? But not run them togther - cant think why anyone would do that!! Cheers
  4. Thanks thunderbird your a gent, answered the question nicely.
  5. Hi all, Still a bit new to these mod's so dont' laugh, much! Currently running OFP GOTY 1.96 and have installed and working Y2K3 mod and dxdll (sweet effects), and Hires versions of the offical 3 islands. Also have added some extra SP missions. Downloaded FDFMOD at the weekend, can I install this alos or should I remove Y2K3 mod 1st to avoid clashs. I think form reading on here you can run several total conversion mods alongside each other but would be grateful if someone would confirm... Thanks Kieran
  6. khewett

    Y2K3 Version 7.3

    Pappy is the motorbike in resistance been replaced in your addon? Have it installed at the mo but cant remember what the orginal one looked like, I think its the same one.... If its not changed do you know of a motorbike addon that would work and how I would add it in, assume its a case of swapping a pbo file in your addon. Thanks
  7. My OFP has started out of the blue playing up: Game plays fine but if you alt+tab out to switch programs it will no longer restore but just keep dropping back to being minamised!! Any ideas? Have tried a re-install but still the same, have Y2K3, dxdll and some missions installed - but was working and tabing in and out yesterday!
  8. khewett

    OFP not tabing in and out anymore

    Have not changed my drivers, bur my in game resoultion and desktop are diffrent so will tinker with those tonight and report back!
  9. Be Thanks for your replys mate. Used rich_x installer on thread page 24 and it worked am now up and running!!!! Looks great - great mod!!!!! Must have been doing something slightly wrong before.......doh! Many thanks all.
  10. Thanks for your reply Ben, i have the dxdll file (with the for sub folders - sreenshots, configure, texture, etc) in my OFP file - c/programfiles/codemasters/opertaionflashpoint. Am guessing where you say it should be in the root ,this file needs to be extracted to one of the other sub files within OFP?? Thanks Kieran
  11. Sorry forgot to add no reflections - the main thing I'm after! Game plays fine otherwise does not CTD or anything odd.. Thanks
  12. Hi all, Bit new to modding on OFP (but have been playing it for years). Have installed Pappy's excellent Y2K3 mod and have spent many happy hours with the improved models, etc. My next move was it install dxdll for those great water reflections. It has been extraced and installed fine but does not seem to work... no screenshots, FPS rate, etc Wondered if you guys could help answer a couple of points; Anyone tested this before on a Nvidia Geo-force Go 5700 128mb card on my HP laptop 1GB ram?? Does it work with Y2K3 mod? Nor sure if this add on contains a custon water that stops dxdll working? Is Dx v9 a problem? can revert to v8 if so... Thanks all, have read all 74 pages but am still unsure. Cheers Kieran