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Everything posted by kerosene

  1. kerosene

    The Iraq thread 4

    Well, its a staged photo, these guys would probably have shot the guy with the camera if they'd burst through the door , and he was directly in front of them. I wonder how Iraqi cops and civilians feel about the weapons for cash thing, there on like $50 a month, and the guys that were making there lives hell can now kick back with a couple of grand in their pocket for doing it. "The Iraqis like wearing balaclavas," says Douglas. "It makes them look fearless, and terrifies the enemy." It probably hinders people trying to murder them and there families too.
  2. kerosene

    War against terror

    Somebody mentioned in the thread that this came from before "The last thing they want is a Russian-American alliance in the war on terror, as Washington would look the other way and let Moscow do what they wanted in Chechnya. " Thats what already happens, even if the rest of the world actually spoke out about what was happening there, the russians arent shy about telling people to mind their own business. The chechen conflict took on a more religous dimension as the conflict became more vicous and civilian casualties piled up. Now you have Chechen militants operating all over the place, these guys could be more general Islamic militants, rather than it being related directly to Chechnya. I think killing the first guy (Dudayev?) was a mistake, the replacements seem to have gotten progressivley worse.
  3. kerosene

    Us presidential election 2004

    This is a pretty interesting article http://www.dailykos.com/story/2004/10/13/32821/029 Its about a guy who runs a voter registration program.
  4. kerosene

    If Then staements

    Thanks guys, it works now.
  5. Im trying to make a radio message get broadcast when a certain unit named rdr is dead. I tried the following in a script that otherwise works: If (rdr This && !(alive rdr)) then ([Resistance,"HQ"] sideChat " blah, blah.") But I got an error message What needs to go in the OF section to make it happen?
  6. kerosene

    CV-22 Osprey

    Hopefully when the USMC harrier comes out it'll give someone an idea how to implement this more fully
  7. kerosene

    CV-22 Osprey

    Sweet I've wanted one of these for so long
  8. kerosene

    Us presidential election 2004

    You cant really be critical of him wearing a wire at the D-day address, it was a dignified event. I think it was best for everyone involved. I dont think it was a wire becuase someone would've said "George we can see the thing stuck to your back, it wont work." Like Bernadotte said, they've got much more advanced shit than that.
  9. kerosene

    Mapfact discussion thread

    Any you going to add to any of the towns? I always thought there should be a small town near the airport, since it'd be one of the biggest employers on the island.
  10. kerosene

    Us presidential election 2004

    Its funny, cause Bush said a few months ago and said it again recently, why bother taxing the rich, they just hire lawyers and accountants to get out of it, so it turns out he was speaking from experience. Â I reckon Kerry didnt follow up on the timber company thing because Bush seemed so sure he didnt have anything to do with it. Â I wonder how thry'll spin this? Â Mabye say Bushs accountant did it without his knowledge? The media better go for this, because Kerry would be getting torn apart already if it was the other way around. Â It really takes some balls to lie about something that verifiable, on T.V, being broadcast across the world. Although in fairness i suppose its hard for a millonaire to keep track of small change, that he used to dodge some taxes.
  11. kerosene

    Us presidential election 2004

    All Walker did was offer his opinion on something thats totally subjective, how can you prove who won a debate? There was nothing there thats really gonna change anyone who already made up their mind i dont think, I dont really understand the undeicedied voters, Its seems like people generally have pretty strong opinions on the candidates, what are people waiting to hear from one or other that hasnt already been said? Bushes performance was a lot better, im guessing his people must have made him watch the last debate and told him he was fucked if he keeps going that way. No suspicous bulges coming out his back either. Isnt that exprssion "all cock and no balls"?
  12. kerosene

    Us presidential election 2004

    I think both candidates need to be patted down before the next debate "O.K mr. president sir, spread 'em" Bush probably knows the drill better than Kerry
  13. kerosene

    Project: UK Forces Land Rover Pack

    Yeah, same problem
  14. kerosene

    Us presidential election 2004

    Mabye he has a cheat sheet under the desk, or writes stuff on his hand? He got nervous, started sweating and blurred it all. Mabye its some kind of secret service presidential thing? Hes speech might seem like it dosent fit a logical pattern, but his brains probably all messed up from years of drug and alchohol abuse. Personally I think it would be too much of a risk to bother cheating, also, if someone was helping him he should have done better. He just drives home the same message again and again because he cant argue his position on its actual merits (if any). There was one part near the end of the debate, he was just completley disengaged - the question was about N.Korea and as soon as Kerry stop talking he launched into his usual speech aabout Saddam Hussein, and then... He.. gradually.. slowed down as he realised he was rambling incoherently. P.S: I dont what America Coming Together is, but sign me up!
  15. kerosene

    The Middle East part 2

    It bears pointing out though, that if Israel kills Palestenian cops in retaliation for failures to prevent terrorism, and if their own, highly regarded armed forces are unable to stop the attacks, how will the palestenians do this fully? If the Israeli retaliation and targeted assasinations make minimal effort to avoid civilian casualties they'll always be a fresh supply of enraged palestenians anyway.
  16. kerosene

    Iran is threatening Greece, Turkey, and the EU

    You know, its not said out loud, but what I think a lot of people on the right would like to say is: Â "people in that part of the world are uh, less stable than oh, say, white people." Its the same reason people flipped when India and Pakistan got nukes, yeah its bad, no question, but very few people regard their nation being obliterated in a nuclear holocaust as an acceptable cost of victory. Â Even nutjobs like Osama Bin Laden have some insticnt for self-preservation or he would have put his money where his mouth is (was?) and been on one of those planes. Â Or blown himself up years ago. ShinRaiden, you quoted me completley out of context, that quote fully was: Why is it so hard for some people to understand that democratic governments should be held to a higher standard of morality than terrorists or dictators. What would the U.S say if britain sent the S.A.S into the republic of Ireland to conduct assassinations, or had responded to a bombing in London by attacking catholic coucil estates with helicopters and tanks? and it regarded Israel. You wont spread peace in the middle east by invading it anymore than islamic fundamentalists attacking the U.S will encourage americans to convert to Islam.
  17. kerosene

    The Middle East part 2

    Billybob, any right leaning news network would fail the test you hold al-jezera up to, certainly any that has editorals. If the U.S wants a palestenian state at this point, they look like they want a pretty crappy, emaciated version of what was until fairly recently envisoned. Has Bush pressed the Israelis in any meaningful way, other than saying that the Palestenians should no longer have any say in what constitutes that state.
  18. kerosene

    Us presidential election 2004

    Wasnt international opinion against fully kicking him out at the time?
  19. kerosene

    Us presidential election 2004

    The South Koreans never even wanted Bush's tough guy policy in the first place, it went against their sunshine policy, i dont really see how anyone can call the situation now an improvement over when clinton handled it. I wish Kerry could have asked why the group talks are preferable, If its in everyones interests to see nukes removed from Korea, why would the Chinese drop all diplomatic efforts and not take any initiative independantly of the U.S?
  20. kerosene

    The Middle East part 2

    I could only find links in blogs and journals (ill post em if you want) I also found this: Bill O' Reilly, leading news commentator on Fox TV stated: "I don't have any respect by and large for the Iraqi people at all. I have no respect for them. I think that they're a prehistoric group that is - yeah, there's excuses. Sure, they're terrorized, they've never known freedom, all of that. There's excuses. I understand.But I don't have to respect them because you know when you have Americans dying trying to, you know institute some kind of democracy there, and two percent of the people appreciate it, you know, it's time to - time to wise up. The big lesson is that we cannot intervene using ground troops in the Muslim world ever again. What we can do, is bomb the living daylights out of them, just like we did in the Balkans. Bomb the living daylights out of them. But no more ground troops, no more hearts and minds; ain't going to work They're just people who are primitive." http://www.axisoflogic.com/artman/publish/article_11439.shtml O'Reilly commented: "Problems continue for the U.S. Military in Fallujah. Why doesn't the U.S. Military just go ahead and level it?" He made it clear he doesn't "care about the people of Fallujah" and that "we know what the final solution should be." - does he understand the significance of those words? http://www.onlinejournal.com/Media/062204Wheeler/062204wheeler.html Unfortunatley Fox dont amke transcripts freely available..
  21. kerosene

    OFP2 interview

    Thats a good idea, there were a few questions that bugged me, like what kind of internet connection will you need for MP? Well, broadband obviously, its not going to be 56 f**king K is it? Why not ask, roughly how many players are you aiming for in online games? (hope its at least 64 comfortably, then you could rely start to have good versus games.) And the Join in progress question - been answered already.
  22. kerosene

    The Middle East part 2

    "al-piece of crap" also call arab governments on human rights violations, a free press that can say what it wants is a part of democracy and necessary for reform in the middle east. Are they any more nationalistic than a right wing tabloid from any where else in the world? Are they really any worse than Fox news? When Bill O'reilly states that people in Afghanistan are collectivley responsible and that there infrastructure should be destryoed and their people starved in retaliation for 9-11 since the people choose their government (convientently ignoring years of bloody civil-war by people trying to do just that.) If an Al-jezerra journalist made a comprable statement about Americans or Israelis, the uproar would be deafening.
  23. kerosene

    Iran is threatening Greece, Turkey, and the EU

    3) Why would people in England feel threatened, unless you live in Iceland or Ireland you cant get any further from Iran and still be in Europe? 4) I dont really understand this, third world countries have standing armies with their own special ops units and air assault divisons. Terrorist cells are just that, not commando outfits. The rebels in Sudan would be a good example of paramilitaries, as would some of the groups that work with the columbian army, these arent those nations spec ops though. Good call on Iran and how they became as militant as they are. Did Britain have sole control over the protectorate of Palestine? I thought the U.N/leauge of nations were involved too - i might be wrong there.
  24. kerosene

    Iran is threatening Greece, Turkey, and the EU

    Why is it so hard for some people to understand that democratic governments should be held to a higher standard of morality than terrorists or dictators. What would the U.S say if britain sent the S.A.S into the republic of Ireland to conduct assassinations, or had responded to a bombing in London by attacking catholic coucil estates with helicopters and tanks? A hellfire missile is not a tool for crowd control, does it concern you at all, the number of palestenian children shot by Israeli snipers, in their living rooms, etc? Why is necessary to tear there infrastructure apart? How are people in the middle east supposed to feel when the worlds collective response is furrowed brows and mild concern? If Israel cant stop the attacks how are the Palestenian authorites supposed to do it? Sein Fein generated plenty of money from U.S donors pre 9-11 and i dont believe some of that money didnt go to the IRA. If americans clinging onto tenous links a "homeland" they've probably never visted can support the IRA, why is it a suprise that muslims collectivley are concerned about Palestenians. Most of the concern about Zimbabwe's government has cracked down on democracy and instituted questionable land reform, even tabloids in britain have picked up on it - why? not because they care about the majority African population, but because a tiny, white minority from britain are losing thier land. In a democracy with a free press, this is the only thing most people understand about that problem, because of thier own bias and that of thier media. The Iranians or muslims in general dont have a god-injected rage propelling them, they live in a part of the world where they have little access to free information. Didnt Iran fund the Northern Alliance against the Taliban? Saudi Arabia, a nation the U.S wont hear any criticism of, exports a far more xenophobic, hateful version of Islam than Iran and there attitudes to foreigners, even non-arab muslims are often horrific, is the U.S pressuring them not to distrubute school books advising children not to befriend foreigners? No. Britain was even willing to look the other way when they falseley arrested and tortured its citizens. Anyone can see the Palestenians are getting shafted and there is no real end in sight. P.S ShinRaiden, do you think Israel kept a man in soliatary for the best part of life because he revealed a nuclear secret that didnt exist. ( I never really understood the point of a nuclear arsenal that no one knows about, not much of a deterant, but whatever)
  25. kerosene

    Us presidential election 2004

    Guess you missed out on kerry quoting Bush. snr - "no viable exit strategy in a hostile country" was the gist of it. If youre gonna start using hindsight you might as well say the U.S should never have propped up mental dictators and religous fanatics for their own convience.