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Posts posted by kaskad

  1. Nice mod, brings back memories from OFP.

    Got some pointers if you guys want them.

    PEQ15's are mounted on top rail (M4) in most regular Army units (1st Cav including. They could've changed their SOP after AFG deployment, but I'm not tracking that).

    '240s and SAWs, PEQs are left side mounted, that way your AG can use it.

    Ammo loads are higher as well.

  2. The RHS staff forum got hit yesterday, nothing was lost as far as the IT guys can see, should be back up later this evening.  As things are implimented to protect against that incident. Please bear with us.  It actually up and running just a the gateway as were replacing firewalls, dns, webproxies, might even have the RHS/OFP MP server back on again if things work correctly.  =)

    Hey, could you PM me the address of the temp forum/board ?

    unless its for the project leaders only.

  3. Quote[/b] ]Do people actually ride on the BV, though? I've never seen any pictures of that. I don't know how comfortable I'd feel standing near let along sitting on ERA.

    This was discussed earlier. Russian conscript troops, while not retarded, seem to have a penchant for wishing death upon themselves in this fashion.

    I don't think the tankers care, and I know that I've never seen any Spetsnaz or "professional" troops sitting on tanks equipped with ERA plating.

    ERA plates don't cover the entire vehicle, usually just the frontal arc and maybe 75% of the flanks. Also applied to the roof of the vehicle, and perhaps the engine deck. Rarely do I see a Russian MBT that's as well protected with ERA as the crew would prefer, I'm sure.

    The smarter conscripts probably decide to stand or crouch where there's no ERA plating - typically this is the back of the turret, some spots on the roof of the turret (Tank crewmen probably don't want ERA near the hatches they've got to scramble in and out of), and the rear roof of the hull.

    In any case, it's already on, I don't think anybody wants to go about trying to remove it, and if it really bothers you - just don't put troops on it.


    KingHomer - Nice signature image. I like it.

    Have you ever heard a PG-7VL (RPG-7 grenade) explode ?

    If it hits an armor that your sitting on (no ERA), you will go deaf for a long time, if your lucky.

    So really, it doesn't make that much of a difference, if a tank gets hit by an ATGM or some other type of an AT weapon, the infantry is gonna be dead with or without ERA....

    and also, you'll be surprised how much "retarded" conscripts learn while they are in.

    P.S. greetings to all the RHS members.

  4. This is a really nice A-10 addon, there are a couple of problems with it thu.

    The main gun (ammo) is way too powerfull, you could probably destroy a whole tank division with it..

    I'm not really sure what the hit and indirectHit was before I changed it (for my own use), but i think it was somewhere around 180-200, and that is a bit too much, I mean, you could pretty much take out any tank in game with 3-5 shots.

    The way I made/changed it, is I think a bit better, with a hit of 80 an indirectHit of 50 at 3 meters, and an addition of a 30-35 rounds burst plus a GAU-8 firing sound from Inqisator's (sp?) A-10 makes the gun a bit more effective (espesially when the AI uses it) and realistic.

    Would it be possible for you to change the weapon loadouts (armament) to a more realistic ones, in future version/s ?

    I'll give you some examples...

    With 12 Mk82 (500lbs) bombs like the A-10 Mk82 version that you made carries, it (A-10) would only be able to carry 2 AIM-9's, and 1000 30mm rounds for the GAU-8 gun.

    Same with the normal A-10 version (Green/Grey).

    In reality it would not be able to carry AGM-65's, AIM-9's, 2.75 rockets (FFAR), and Mk82's all together, that is too much weight for it.

    The closest loadout it could have, to the one you've made would be something like this:

    6 Mk82 (500lbs), 2 AGM-65, 2 AIM-9, and 1000 30mm rounds for the GAU-8 gun.

    some diffirent loadouts..

    2/4 AGM-65, 14 2.75in rockets, 2 AIM-9, 8 LUU-1 (illumination flares), 8 LUU-2 (illimination flares, 'chute deployed), 1000 30mm rounds.


    2 AGM-65, 4 CBU-87 (CEM), 2 AIM-9, 1000 30mm rounds.


    6 CBU-87 (CEM), 2 AIM-9, 1000 30mm rounds.


    6 CBU-97 (SFW), 2 AIM-9, 1000 30mm rounds.


    2 AGM-65, 4 GBU-12 500lbs (LGB), 2 AIM-9, 1000 30mm rounds.


    2 AGM-65, 2 GBU-10 2000lbs (LGB), 2 AIM-9, 1000 30mm rounds.


    2 AGM-65, 4 Mk20 (cluster bomb), 2 AIM-9, 1000 30mm rounds.


    6 Mk20 (cluster bomb), 2 AIM-9, 1000 30mm rounds.

    that should be enough...

    BTW, I too got a CTD with a Gray version, it've only happened once thu.

    have a good one.

  5. A real ejection seat would be very nice. Does the Ka-50 have such an ejection seat? I know the KA-52 (two seater KA-50) does.

    Yes, it (Ka-50) does have a real ejection seat.

    Quote[/b] ]probably yes (script for shot out blades is implemented) so eject seat is posible to use

    It would be really nice if you'd implement a skript like that (ejection seat).

    BTW, is it possible to retexture the cockpit of the Ka-50 ?

    pretty much all of the new models (after the V-80 model) have a black cockpit (not blue like in OFP).

  6. Hi, I've found some bugs in your Infantry Pack, more precisely, in the Weapons Pack. It is a problem with weapons that use a scope : ValPso, AK74mpso, Vss. -exept the SVD, it is ok.

    When you fire with these weapons, the bullets don't follow the trajectory indicated by the scope. On the Ak-74m, they go a little bellow-left of the summit of the first echelon(bug present in v2.0). As for the Val and the Vss, the bullets go way above the target(bug introduced in v2.5).

    Is there a way to fix this?

    Thank you for your time, and for this great pack, Awesome work guys!

    My guess is that those weapons are zeroed at something like 300-400 meters, and you are firing at targets that are closer than that, hence bullets hitting above the target.

    you could change it in the config, by editing these numbers:



    Right now the scope/weapon is zeroed at 100 meters.

    hope that helps.

    have a good one.

  7. Try these (made the FAMAS and ANF-1 sounds a bit louder, you'll have to put them into OFrP_Armes/sons folder).

    File is corrupt.

    Also try the sounds of the Famas-pack made by Kabal. (Famas pack can be found on Ofp.info). They are great and much louder (actually they are the best Famas sounds I know of)


    I have to agree with the abov post; the chopperdust is the best I've seen. It looks very natural and 'real'.

    Fixed the link/file (had to change the file from .rar to .zip..)

    BTW, the best FAMAS sounds that I've ever heard are in this pack (OFrP_Armes), they are in the .wss format, and aren't used for whatever reason (I think they were recorded on the range), I also included them in the zip.

  8. how the heck do you use the UAV?

    it jsut will nto work. and NOTHING in any of the readmes/..

    You have to paste this into mission.ext file (has to be in your mission's folder).

    #include <OFrP_Objets\resource.cpp>

    Here is  the readme from the previous version of the OFrP object's pack (still works).

    Quote[/b] ]I actually just finished editing all the weapon sounds to make them louder.

    MUCH better.

    French "whisper" ammo

    Can you host the PBO?

    Try these (made the FAMAS and ANF-1 sounds a bit louder, you'll have to put them into OFrP_Armes/sons folder).

  9. Quote[/b] ]Balance them yourself, or dont use em, but dont say they are worthless, maybe there are other reasons why you find them so hard to use

        All I know is the FDF, CSLA ,BAS, BOH, HYK, PUKF, Edge, and MAP units play together well. ORCS doesn't play well with any of them. What are we supposed to use them with? Sure ORCS could make some West troops with the same stats, but I would also like to use them with the rest of the community made troops as well.

       I just think it would be much more easier and logical for ORCS to balance their units than ask FDF,CSLA; MAP, BAS, PUKF, EDGE, BOH, and HYK to rebalance their units to ORCS.

    Quote[/b] ]Balance them yourself

        Ok how? I tried in the past with their beautiful VDV units but could not get them down to mortal standards. What do you change to make the engage at the same range as every single other addon in the community? Becaues seriously I really want to use these units. As it is now though, there is absolutely no way I can use them fairly with any of the addons I have now.

    Just edit their (ORCS) weapons.pbo (whatever it's called), make their weapons use Suchey and Earl's ammo (from their MarineAssaultPack).. works really good.

    could sent you a config.cpp if you want to.

  10. Quote[/b] ]I think it would be in Mr. Blue Beret's best interests to find himself a helmet and a foxhole.

    And what if there's a whole squad of them?

    bye bye Mr. BadAss?

    Quote[/b] ]The VDV has been getting severely punished in that little conflict, and have taken hundreds of casulties.

    What about the thausands of terrorists that got KIAed by them ? like on the hill 776.0 ?

    Quote[/b] ]That must really suck considering they don't get paid very much. Morale can not be good at all. wink_o.gif

    Why don't you visit a home base (located in Pskov) of the 76 gv. VDD, and ask them about their morale ?

  11. Great job mate !

    I got one question though, shouldn't the "Intruder" be called A-6E, or is that a different model/version ?

    BTW, the gun on Su-27 is called GSh-301 (30mm, 150 rounds).

    Also, are there going to be any A2G versions of it (SU-27) ?

    would be nice to see one with OFAB-250/500 and/or KAB-500Kr's.

  12. Yeah the reload time needs to be fixed.

    I can ram a bolt action faster then that.  tounge_o.gif

    Though maybe the 10 seconds is supposed to simulate recentering the cross hairs?  rock.gif

    I know In Tactical Ops when you fire the parker hale 85 you loose your target id because your scope view dissapears,

    the gun moves when you reload, and by then if the other player isn't dead........ You are.  mad_o.gif Which is prety realistic, and it's forced me to take more careful aim.  tounge_o.gif

    It takes that long for it to reload because in real life you don't just ram the bolt as fast as you can (it depends on the type of the mission though)... you supposed to take the empthy shell casing out of the gun with your hand, so the flying shell/brass won't give away your position, put the shell on the ground near you and then put a new round in the chamber, and move the bolt forward.

    Anyway, I triyed doing the same thing with the empthy shell casings (didn't want to shoot a big hole in my wall, by an accident tounge_o.gif ), just to see how long it would take me.. and it took me about 8.5 seconds, so 15 is a bit too much, thats why I changed it to 10 in the config (just for my own use), and also made a sweet firing/reloading sound which is about 8 seconds long..

    BTW, this addon is pretty nice, I like the sniper with the bushes on the back the best, had to make myself a spotter from one of them, with a M16/203 combo, they work pretty good together...
