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About kamikaze-ass-asin

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  1. kamikaze-ass-asin

    Texture program

    does anyone know a good (free) texture program becose I've goth a problem to texture with the o2 light program or you could give me an tut. with an explenation how to instal the texture thingy in O2 light
  2. kamikaze-ass-asin

    Photographer / journolist

    yeah, you can set the script that when it fires it makes an real screenshot(like oxpecker said)but you've goth to put an screeshot-teek-thingy-program in the map of the addon.
  3. kamikaze-ass-asin

    M109 paladin help!

    I've just downloaded the M109 paladin from operation flashpoint cz and when i tryd to use the map artillerie thingy they said something in an strange language (not french ) so euh... could someone translate that or just give an manual or sort of..
  4. I've been thinking of an rebel army (only thinking becose i'm just started to practice with O2 light) and I taughd on Ché and Fidel and so euh ... could anyone make those guerillas if he's interested ?  (sorry for my bad inglish )
  5. kamikaze-ass-asin

    Radar units

    in the pack pack of Remo's coming north korean army is an EWR dome radar
  6. kamikaze-ass-asin

    Radar units

    i tryd to add martins radar on the m113 but it dusent work becose when i get the radar scb in the game the radar scb elevates to a few meters does anyone haves a selution for that becos i'm not so good with o2 light ... this is the site of the belgian army with the rasar scb radar scb
  7. kamikaze-ass-asin

    Radar units

    i have a p3d file of an radar scb thats an m113 with an radar dish its 80 % ready but i cant skin or script so ... and i'm not so good in working with o2 light becose i'm only 14
  8. kamikaze-ass-asin

    Damed kamikazi ai pilots

    why are you al doing so negative about kamikaze pilots you can make awesome WW 2 missions with it
  9. kamikaze-ass-asin

    Radar scb 2130a

    I just saw an awesom picture of an sort of M113 with an radar: the SCB 2130A  you just have to take the "body" of the M113 and put an radar pole on it give it an "radar" ccp and done !!    see at the following site for the vehicle    picture   sorry for my bad english