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Everything posted by kennypooh

  1. kennypooh

    Can't start ArmA

    Hi, I have radeon x1900 series vid card. Meet all specs for Arma. Installed demo. When I try to start the game I get error message: application has failed to start because d3dx9_30.dll was not found. Can someone help with this? Thanks, Ken
  2. You could 'ungroup' all the units, then just have all the units follow one guy around in a formation. Just a thought.
  3. kennypooh

    Move/stop via radio command question

    sorry bout that, i fixed the linked http://f2.pg.briefcase.yahoo.com/
  4. kennypooh

    Move/stop via radio command question

    Ten -- link for example then click on My documents/OFP example missions/ halt_go. It's a zip file. http://f2.pg.briefcase.yahoo.com/ How I do it: In Editor placed a West/jeep, and named it Bob. On initializatio:Bob stop true ( so he dosn't follow waypoint for the test ) Then I gave him a waypoint 'move/limited/safe'. Then I put the first trigger: Activation: Alpha/Repeatedly On Activation:Bob stop false Then I put the second trigger: Activation: Alpha/Repeatedly On Activation:Bob stop true Hope it works for you Ten. Ken
  5. kennypooh

    Move/stop via radio command question

    Ten, i can email example
  6. kennypooh

    Move/stop via radio command question

    Ten Place a guy on map, name him (ex: Bob) To make him go: Put a trigger: Radio - Alpha, Repeatedly On Activation: Bob stop false; To make him stop: Put another trigger: Radio - Bravo, Repeatedly On Activation: Bob stop true; Works with whatever method you use to move Bob. But you have to waypoints or use 'move' command or something to move him. Hope this helps, Ken
  7. kennypooh

    Is their a jump script?

    Spartan, you're welcome. I've been messing with my jump script and now you fall a wee little bit slower and damage is a LOT less. Give it a try , Ken ;jump.sqs jup = 1 jdn = 5 _ux = 0 _xdir = getdir player _xsin = sin (_xdir) * 100 _xcos = cos (_xdir) * 100 _xposX = (getpos player select 0) _xposY = (getpos player select 1) _xposz = (getpos player select 2) _xXpos = (_xposX)+(_xsin) _xYpos = (_xposY)+(_xcos) #loop1 player setpos [_xXpos,_xYpos,_xposz + 75] jup = jup + 1 _dx = _dx + 1 ~0.01 ? (_dx < 75): goto "loop1" _xdir = getdir player _xsin = sin (_xdir) _xcos = cos (_xdir) _xposX = (getpos player select 0) _xposY = (getpos player select 1) _xposz = (getpos player select 2) _xXpos = (_xposX)+(_xsin) _xYpos = (_xposY)+(_xcos) #loop2 player setpos [_xXpos,_xYpos,_xposz - jdn] jdn = jdn + 5 _ux = _ux + 5 ~0.05 ? (_ux < 70): goto "loop2"
  8. kennypooh

    Is their a jump script?

    Spartan, After the 3rd or 4th jump, you get pretty beat up, so here is a script I use (by Gummi) for damage control. ;script by Gummi (Miller) ; ofpgummi@yahoo.com ; to use: [A, B] exec "autofix.sqs" ; A = Vehicle name ; B = Time until repair in seconds ; Example: [car1, 5] exec "autofix.sqs" _vehic = _this select 0 _wait = _this select 1 #check ? (GetDammage _vehic >0.01) : goto "fix" goto "check" #fix ~_wait _vehic setdammage 0 goto "check" In my init: [me,0.01] exec "autofix.sqs"; Thanks Gummi
  9. kennypooh

    Is their a jump script?

    Spartan, try this: jump.sqs jup = 1 jdn = 1 _ux = 0 _xdir = getdir player _xsin = sin (_xdir) *100 _xcos = cos (_xdir) *100 _xposX = (getpos player select 0) _xposY = (getpos player select 1) _xposz = (getpos player select 2) _xXpos = (_xposX)+(_xsin) _xYpos = (_xposY)+(_xcos) #loop1 player setpos [_xXpos,_xYpos,_xposz + 75] jup = jup + 1 _dx = _dx + 1 ~0.01 ? (_dx < 75): goto "loop1" _xdir = getdir player _xsin = sin (_xdir) _xcos = cos (_xdir) _xposX = (getpos player select 0) _xposY = (getpos player select 1) _xposz = (getpos player select 2) _xXpos = (_xposX)+(_xsin) _xYpos = (_xposY)+(_xcos) #loop2 player setpos [_xXpos,_xYpos,_xposz - jdn] jdn = jdn + 1 _ux = _ux + 1 ~0.01 ? (_ux < 74): goto "loop2" addjump.sqs pj = player addaction ["Jump","jump.sqs"] In player's init: [] exec "addjump.sqs" Tested and works. Hope it helps, ken
  10. BIS original selections: Seletct AI, 1 = move, 0 = other, 1 = north, then how many meters to move him. How can I tell AI (not in my squad) how many meters to move with my own action menu? EX: Move -- North -- 50 meters Thanks, Ken BTW I have searched extensively here and at ofpec.
  11. kennypooh

    Action menu to move ai forward

    Thanks for the reply Red, but I didn't make myself clear enough. I know how to do scripts for action menus. I don't know the command for meters: _this guy commandmove __ Fill in the blank to get the guy to move NW for 50 meters. Thanks again. Ken
  12. kennypooh

    Missing addons: voicerh, but it is there

    NM, think I fixed it Thanks anyway for all the help
  13. I downloaded Red Hammer when it first came out and haven't played it for a while. I have all the patches for ofp, resistance and RH. But when I go to play RH: After heli and coming off the big boat 'Arriving at Everon' it says "Cannot load mission, missing addons: VoiceRH I have VoiceRH in the addons folder and also in the same folder with Red Hammer.pbo. Am I missing files or something. Thats the only files I have for Red Hammer are: Red Hammer.pbo and VoiceRH.pbo I'm wondering if maybe I lost a file somewhere. Those are the only files I remember seeing when I downloaded it. Can someone help, please? Thanks, Ken
  14. kennypooh

    Map editor zoom-in feature?

    to put more than one unit in a house, i copy and paste the first unit and waypoint then just edit the position #.
  15. kennypooh

    Radio, start & stop, move & halt ?

    Place your unit on map and name it. I'll use name, unit1 for this. Place MOVE waypoint(s). Make a trigger ( a and b axis = 0). For Activation: Radio Alpha Condition: alive unit1 On Activation: unit1 stop true Make another trigger ( a and b axis = 0). For Activation: Radio Bravo Condition alive unit1 On Activation: unit1 stop false Ingame, hit 0-0-1 to stop the unit / 0-0-2 to move the unit Hope this helps Bad Ass Ken
  16. kennypooh

    Chopper pickup

    Did you try using H ?
  17. kennypooh

    Flag polls

    empty / objects / flagpole place flagpole on map and type in initialization, depending on what flag you want: for u.s. flag, type: this setflagtexture "usa_vlajka.pac" for russian flag, type: this setflagtexture "rus_vlajka.pac"
  18. Ixian, Name your guy (guy1) make a trigger with axis a zero, axis b zero. on trigger condition put: alive guy1 on trigger activation put: guy1 switchmove "FXStandDip";guy1 witchmove "FXStandDip" Put switchmove "fxstanddipt" several times. Make sure (;) between each but none on the end. I put about 8 or 9 times. I've done this with 8 guys, it works perfect. they do a lot of pushups. many as u want. Good Luck, Ken