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Everything posted by krillin18maron

  1. krillin18maron

    Good beginner mission?

    I am trying to get a friend into OPFlashpoint Co-OP, I am wondering if anybody could supply a link to a good intro map. It should preferably be easy, have some vehicles to play with, and show off what OFP Co-Op is all about (need for teamwork, ambushing, combined arms, etc.) If possible, it should be meant for 2 players, but if not I am sure we can find some extras. Thanks in advance!
  2. krillin18maron

    Win a game of your choice!

    Though I have never once before pimped my own website on a forum I have little posts on, I believe I can be forgiven for this. A website some friends and I run http://ungaming.com/home/news.php is having it's very first contest! The prize is a free game of your choice, bought and sent to you on our dollar! A quick summary of the rules is that you need to write a review of a fairly recently released game and send it into our website. Whoever writes the best review will be sent a game of their choice! Please read the more detailed rules on our forums (link can be found on main page of http://ungaming.com/home/news.php ) Thanks for your time, and good luck! Â (P.S. I checked forum rules about advertising other sites before I did this, I do not wish to break any forum code)
  3. krillin18maron

    State of multiplayer?

    It has been a good while since I last played OPFlashpoint, and I have the sudden urge to play again. Before I go spend my time digging up my CDs, I have a few quick questions. Do a lot of people still play? If I decide to go on now, will I actually find a reasonable amount of servers. Also, what game type is played the most? I used to love co-op, how common is that now-days? Lastly, does anyone play Resistance?! When I first got it years back, no one was ever on (which was a shame, because I liked the pistols, blood effects, and other new stuff). Thanks in advance, and I can't wait to start playing again!
  4. krillin18maron

    Win a game of your choice!

    -drools- Believe me, if I could get that, I certainly wouldn't give it away in a contest. btw, a little bit offtopic, but I have been getting lots of enjoyment out of your FFUR Asian Crisis mod. Japanese and Chinese armies are refreshing change to the western themed OFP. Thanks!
  5. krillin18maron

    State of multiplayer?

    Yeah, I have FDF (Awesome mod, btw) It's wednesday today, I will be playing some CoOp tonight too, I hope to see you on. BTW, my OpFlashpoint name is AliceInChains.
  6. krillin18maron

    State of multiplayer?

    I am in Eastern Time (GMT-5:00)
  7. krillin18maron

    State of multiplayer?

    Well, I played a bit and was dissapointed with what I found. I tried to use Gamespy (which I used years back) and found almost no one on (more on OFP than Resistance). No one wanted to play co-op, and it seemed like no one likes to work in teams. Even in the server waiting room, no one hardly says anything. Frustrated with this, I used the ingame server browser. There were a lot of games, but all the co-op ones had passwords. When I try to start one, no one joins Maybe I am missing something, could someone please tell me how to find and enjoy a successful co-op game, I miss it so much
  8. krillin18maron

    Multiplayer freezes?

    I have tried fixing the text like that a while back, it fixed the in-game text but not the menu text. As for the 2nd part I will try that ASAP. Thanks!
  9. krillin18maron

    Multiplayer freezes?

    Whenever I am in the Operation Flashpoint Resistance multiplayer menu, a few annoying things can happen. Wheneve I try to change how I look for servers (i.e. DirectPlay, Socket), it freezes. Another time it freezes is when I try to get out of multiplayer, when the laptop closes the game freezes. Lastly, If I DO manage to get into a multiplayer game, when I leave it, the game freezes! If anyone knows anything I can do to fix this, Please help! Thanks in advance Edit: Thought you may need to know this... I am using GOTY OFP, and have version 1.96 (I could not find A GOTY update for 1.96, do I used the standard) 2.0 ghz p4 512 mb RAM 64meg GForce 2 Windows XP This problem did not happen with OFP, just Resistance, also, the text in the menus of resistance is blurry, they look like low resolution images.