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About krillin18maron

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  1. krillin18maron

    Good beginner mission?

    I am trying to get a friend into OPFlashpoint Co-OP, I am wondering if anybody could supply a link to a good intro map. It should preferably be easy, have some vehicles to play with, and show off what OFP Co-Op is all about (need for teamwork, ambushing, combined arms, etc.) If possible, it should be meant for 2 players, but if not I am sure we can find some extras. Thanks in advance!
  2. krillin18maron

    Win a game of your choice!

    -drools- Believe me, if I could get that, I certainly wouldn't give it away in a contest. btw, a little bit offtopic, but I have been getting lots of enjoyment out of your FFUR Asian Crisis mod. Japanese and Chinese armies are refreshing change to the western themed OFP. Thanks!
  3. krillin18maron

    Win a game of your choice!

    Though I have never once before pimped my own website on a forum I have little posts on, I believe I can be forgiven for this. A website some friends and I run http://ungaming.com/home/news.php is having it's very first contest! The prize is a free game of your choice, bought and sent to you on our dollar! A quick summary of the rules is that you need to write a review of a fairly recently released game and send it into our website. Whoever writes the best review will be sent a game of their choice! Please read the more detailed rules on our forums (link can be found on main page of http://ungaming.com/home/news.php ) Thanks for your time, and good luck! Â (P.S. I checked forum rules about advertising other sites before I did this, I do not wish to break any forum code)
  4. krillin18maron

    State of multiplayer?

    Yeah, I have FDF (Awesome mod, btw) It's wednesday today, I will be playing some CoOp tonight too, I hope to see you on. BTW, my OpFlashpoint name is AliceInChains.
  5. krillin18maron

    State of multiplayer?

    I am in Eastern Time (GMT-5:00)
  6. krillin18maron

    State of multiplayer?

    Well, I played a bit and was dissapointed with what I found. I tried to use Gamespy (which I used years back) and found almost no one on (more on OFP than Resistance). No one wanted to play co-op, and it seemed like no one likes to work in teams. Even in the server waiting room, no one hardly says anything. Frustrated with this, I used the ingame server browser. There were a lot of games, but all the co-op ones had passwords. When I try to start one, no one joins Maybe I am missing something, could someone please tell me how to find and enjoy a successful co-op game, I miss it so much
  7. krillin18maron

    State of multiplayer?

    It has been a good while since I last played OPFlashpoint, and I have the sudden urge to play again. Before I go spend my time digging up my CDs, I have a few quick questions. Do a lot of people still play? If I decide to go on now, will I actually find a reasonable amount of servers. Also, what game type is played the most? I used to love co-op, how common is that now-days? Lastly, does anyone play Resistance?! When I first got it years back, no one was ever on (which was a shame, because I liked the pistols, blood effects, and other new stuff). Thanks in advance, and I can't wait to start playing again!
  8. krillin18maron

    Multiplayer freezes?

    I have tried fixing the text like that a while back, it fixed the in-game text but not the menu text. As for the 2nd part I will try that ASAP. Thanks!
  9. krillin18maron

    Multiplayer freezes?

    Whenever I am in the Operation Flashpoint Resistance multiplayer menu, a few annoying things can happen. Wheneve I try to change how I look for servers (i.e. DirectPlay, Socket), it freezes. Another time it freezes is when I try to get out of multiplayer, when the laptop closes the game freezes. Lastly, If I DO manage to get into a multiplayer game, when I leave it, the game freezes! If anyone knows anything I can do to fix this, Please help! Thanks in advance Edit: Thought you may need to know this... I am using GOTY OFP, and have version 1.96 (I could not find A GOTY update for 1.96, do I used the standard) 2.0 ghz p4 512 mb RAM 64meg GForce 2 Windows XP This problem did not happen with OFP, just Resistance, also, the text in the menus of resistance is blurry, they look like low resolution images.