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Everything posted by killbox90

  1. killbox90

    Voting system

    what is needed is a way to recall a voted admin, i have seen to many noob admins and either afk or just don't know what to do. only problem is that a group of ppl (example: a clan) could come in and vote one of them admin. dunno, i been playing on my clan server for teh most part and have not had the need for voted admin (#login )... but its a pain when i go to join another server and we got a noob admin....
  2. killbox90

    Weapon animations

    it also be nice to reload and still keep moving... nothing worse than running from the enemy and bumping the reload key and giving him a free kill... not that it happens that much, but it would be nice to have that option  and i would like to see the weapons action animated
  3. killbox90

    About the animation

    yes, they give us the crappy version in hopes to stop ppl from showing them up with better addons....(truthfully don't know)
  4. killbox90

    Addons making trouble

    n/m found my problem
  5. killbox90

    Cti 2003

    the problem i see with that is you would have to make some kind of script that would if one side spawns one of a set of points (ones close to gether on a sertain part of the map) if would force the opposing team to spawn on another part of the map....with this you may get ppl who play to much or pull apart the missions to see where the enemy could spawn so they could find them easier in the game...(yes as we all know, there are ppl who have this much time on their hands... ) [Edited because i can't spell]
  6. killbox90

    Cti 2003

    You could also, trying to stay with generals, make areas located all over the map that would have to collect supplies from....some like a independent salvager running back and forth to the supplies and back to a supply center at the base... not to sure how well that would work in a CTI.
  7. killbox90

    More cheats

    no cheats
  8. killbox90

    All men are not created equal!

    hey, stop picking on the fat guys...lol
  9. killbox90

    Company-platoon-squad hierarchy

    cool....have a working chain of command in an MP game...only problem you get someone who doesn't care and screws up the whole game...
  10. i have been playing OFP for a good while and just got into addon making with the help of some very good tutorials...anyway, i need something to convert my .jpg's into .paa and/or .pac so i can texture..... anyone know any programs i can use that are free being the cheap bum i am  Â
  11. killbox90

    Woodland hummers

  12. Does anyone have a script for airlifting vehicles... ex: Taking a Chinook and picking up a hummer with it. My friend had one, but he couldn't get it to work.
  13. I need to know if you can make it so only Players can respawn and not the Ai. If this is possible, plz tell me how. Also: If this can be done, is there a way to make it so when a persons squad is completely destroyed that he cannot respwn after that and loses the game. (Making mission for MP)
  14. how do i make it so when you take over an area/fort (what ever you want to call it), that you get reinforcements for the side (east or west) that conquered it?
  15. killbox90


    forget what i said.
  16. killbox90

    Air lifting a vehicles?

    Your link didn't work, but i got to the site anyway. Thanks for the info.