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About kylroy

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Interests
    military sims and the last frontier...
  1. I just played the original mission. Although I just got one kill, it went all well. the Jackal survived as well as most of my squad. I had to fire suppress a lot, but that was my job, I guess. I cannot really understand the bad remarks about the original Morning Dew mission. :confused:
  2. I'm a big STALKER-fan and your campaigns look very interesting to me. one question: is it possible to play any of it in MP, just like Harvest Red?
  3. kylroy

    can the enemy see through smoke?

    oh, this is a bit disappointing, indeed. but I surely will try out those smoke mods. thanx, guys!
  4. as my search did not turn up anything, please tell me. I tried to find it out by making a special mission, but I got mixed results. so I'm pretty much lost at this one, now.
  5. kylroy

    Queen's Gambit Mission

    yes indeed. wouldn't it be hilarious, if you could find those keys in one of the buildings.
  6. exactly. if you order him next to you, you need a 2nd command to return him into formation. it should work with one single command.
  7. kylroy

    ArmA is just ... awesome!

    wow! could you send me the mission-file? I could make some fun coop mission out of it in no time. perhaps a special merc unit can make the difference... kylroy at gmx.de
  8. kylroy

    Your Feedback on Queen's Gambit

    you also should have gotten a new desktop icon, which starts QG.
  9. kylroy

    Have bought ArmA and QG, some help needed

    2. I finished the ArmA campaign yesterday. I liked it and had no problems whatsoever. it wasn't too hard, but fun and I don't understand all the fuzz about it.
  10. kylroy

    Flare gun in Arma?

    btw. am I wrong or do 203 smoke grenades not work?
  11. kylroy

    Bullets do richochet off of water :)

    I'm impressed. is there any tactical value in this effect?
  12. kylroy

    Your Feedback on Queen's Gambit

    I usually don't do it, and out of reason. you are right.
  13. kylroy

    Your Feedback on Queen's Gambit

    wasn't this picture posted in context of mercs? so I assumed he was one.
  14. kylroy

    Queen's Gambit owner statistics

    got it yesterday. I just adore merc stuff...
  15. kylroy

    Your Feedback on Queen's Gambit

    I guess you havent worked with any mercs IRL? [im]http://www.dissidentvoice.org/Articles/Herold_SpecialForces_files/image005.jpg[/img] If these are paid by the US goverment, I wouldnt want to speculate how the ones employed by the RACS would have looked like But I am still annoyed over the main characters "helmetcap"... as said before, his only intrests must have been Vietnam and Baseball. Its however great to see this addon dwarfed by that all the community addons allready released. I belive this comittment and hard work by some are making us a bit spoiled concerning new content. QG sure could have had more addons, but in my world it added enough. A great campaign and a beautiful new island. RL mostly seems to own the virtual, lately. this merc really couldn't be invented in a more cliche way.