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About kishmull

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  1. kishmull

    ArmA is just ... awesome!

    many thanks to all at BIS for this software. from multiplayer co-op to mission and addon making i have had so far probably a few hundred hours of fun with this software. by far the biggest improvement to my mind is the netcode at last we can do the things that we could only dream about in OFP. looking forward to the release of the tools so the addon community can get to the serious work and start producing those gems we saw in OFP. all in all arma can only keep getting better. money well spent!
  2. kishmull

    1.05. Be happy you have it.

    show me a game or application that doesnt have problems of one sort or another? dont think i can think of any. in this case i`m prepared to exercise a little patience. most of us have seen all this before. and from what i have seen of BIS and thier previous game OFP they will sort the problems out even if it takes a while.
  3. kishmull

    securom of my ass ...

    i have the same problem tho it is intermitant. error code 1000 reboot machine and arma works fine. i put it down to the fact i use a USB dvd drive. obviously not that judging by sheer volume of complaints.
  4. kishmull

    The jets

    well in my experience the harrier is a lot easier to fly than the su33 - i find i really have to struggle with it in flight but its weapons payload more than makes up for any difficulties i have keeping it airborne. (maybe some of that is just down to the fact i have less time in the air in the SU33.) i seem to remember back in the days of OFP people complaining that flying was too easy. i for one like its quirkyness - strap on a harrier then jump to an su33 it definately feels like your flying a different machine. i think the difficulties in flying the aircraft adds an element of skill and realism that wasnt present in ofp. i like the fact not everyone can jump into the cockpit and bring death from the sky. right now i`m just enjoying the learning curve.