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Everything posted by kilerbee

  1. kilerbee

    Plz bis why do ai soldiers still move faster

    I know about the strafing ofcourse so let them straf too, but when running forward they just leave u in their dust.
  2. never managed to get back to menu, always restarting, already reintalled a couple of times.
  3. never managed to get back to menu, always restarting, already reintalled a couple of times.
  4. kilerbee

    Dedicated severs in the uk

    Then if u can give the address to me plz? i dont know whats ASE but i have never played OPF through gamespy, the game always freezs when creating the client. never mind, found it
  5. kilerbee

    Ofp madness

    i wonder how r the sells going, OPF is not in the top charts for the last months.
  6. kilerbee

    Super ai

    BIS tweaked the ai accuracy (sorry for spelling mistakes) al ot since the 1.2. they used to hit from miles through every object. if u install 1.2 and play' you will see that its safer out there on version 1.3+. plus u can c how dumb they have become in that menu scane of the little battle on malden (the 1 from the demo). they used to engage and much larger ranges, now the m113 start shooting when its almost on top of the gaurds.
  7. not fixed. already reinstalled couple of times.
  8. kilerbee

    To bis and ofp fans

    there r a lot of RAMBO missions in red hammer, they r passble because of the tweaking of the AI wich BIS has done after the 1.30 patch which turned the AI into 6 old babys who cant see above 100 M and stop for 5 sec before they start too shoot. in the older versions, they kicked ass now they r a bit hard sometimes but dumb most of the time.
  9. kilerbee

    Poor me

    Are u sure its ment to be installed on 1.42? from what i understand u need to intall 1.45 only on version 1.30...welcome to the world of reinstalling opf (i stoped counting the times i have already done that).
  10. kilerbee

    What exactly does super ai enable?

    from what i have seen so far, it doesnt add tactics to AI soldiers making them more clever. it just increases their detecting rang and their sniping skill. version 1.42 has made the AI a bit stupid in some cases, it now hold its reactions until the player can put a bullet in its head, it will detect the player ,lie prone and wait and wait...plus they miss a lot now. SUPER AI just turnes them back into killing machines sniping from miles through entire forrests, im not even trying to enable this... too unrealistic (quit suicidble with it). the missing feature is good, the turtle speed reactions r dumb.
  11. kilerbee

    Operation flashpoint vs half life

    how can u even compare the two? they r so different... those r the top 2 in the best games ever made list (in my opinion at least) . each one is a ground breaking in its genere: hl - redifined the FPS. opf - the combat sim. but still, beside the first person view...they r totaly aiming and different direction. u wanna compare something to hl, take MOH or shitty RTCW not ofp. sorry for spelling mistakes...english is not my mother tangue.
  12. i'm not talking about those which r being added at some stages according to the script, just read... found it in the mission where u defend the town from scouting troops (the 1 with the chinoks). as u probably noticed there is a truck coming from the hills with resistance guys, if u folow their origin (the castle of course) ull come across a small resistance camp, and ull receive a bonus stars and the new objectives will be added to the book. nice touch...
  13. kilerbee

    I dont know if u already talked about it...

    this y im getting only 1 star on thet mission...10x man that 1 star score is what led me to discover the secret camp. well from now on getting a high score with only few stars probably means thet there are hidden objectives . btw where did u get mines from?
  14. beside the spelling mistakes of course i took the beach killing lots of enemy soldiers, drove to the town and took down the AA guns, and i only got 1 star, y?
  15. kilerbee

    Stealing the ruskie\'s general\'s SCUD papers

    I took the mp5 and law, went to the right side of the road, took out 1 patrol, waited behind a bush for the bmp which was very kind and knocked down the fence after which he was blown up by my law, t-80 came too and waited near the fence...crawled to it and saw thet he had a problem...he was short it sachal chrges so i took care of its problem then i went to the back side of the front base, took down the soldiers patroling the back wall...now its the tricky part...posittioned myself close to the shilka behind the wall, blown the wall with the last law round, run as hell to shilka and managed to take the gunner seat while an enemy crew member has taken the driver seat...because of him they didnttry to shoot the shilka with rpgs so i wasted them all plus all the vehicles around, this crew member took me for a little ride in the base and then left the shilka , all i had to do is drive slowly to the house, take the papers and drive out...
  16. kilerbee

    Red Hammer was Great

    this flying bmp thing, happened to me too, it was the first mission in some 3rd party campaigne (dont remmber the exact name, something with "everon", nice 1, havent finished it yet. i think it was thet 1.02 editor bug. i erazed the addon, and everything returnedto normal.
  17. kilerbee

    OFP doesnt have to be war

    Where did u get a ramp to the editor?
  18. kilerbee

    Redhammer - protect angelina

    The voice overs in red hammer are horrible (the original flashpoint voice-overs r a bit better but still bad), the russians sounds so evil and slicky, only the CO which gives u orders in the triggers sounds good (and for some reason he doesnt have russian exent at all ). but its quite funny listenning to the human voices, its like a Z-grade action movie with no budget and actors given thier first chance to play after running from 1 edition to another while waitressing in some bar to earn a living
  19. kilerbee

    Red Hammer was Great

    I agree, red hammer is great so far , bought it a few days ago(at last its in the stores in my country). u r not the only 1 who favours the single player option i dont know about secret vehicles, but i see many civilen cars and ppl in the different mission (so many unlocked militery and civ vehicles), which is great since in the original campagine there were almost no civs at all. i hope to see more official single player missions, maby even a twicked 1985.pbo with all the new addons. it will sure make the original game much fun to replay again.
  20. kilerbee

    What to fix in the next patch

    AI soldiers moving uphills much faster then the player can, they do not sidestep and still leave the human player far behind them. the detection range of AI is sometimes too short (im talking about sight, not sound detection of foot steps), u can see it in the menu scane similar to thet in the demo version, russian soldiers ignore the m113 even when its in a very close range. the SUPER AI feature is not good, the ability to kill from miles in 1 shot (super aim) wont make this game more fun, its just suicide. maby creat some mid skill levels for AI. some has already said thet Ai should react better to shots fired near them, they should prepare their guns faster. sometimes they ingnore shots hitting the ground when fired from great distance. the command "use m16/ak47" for AT soldiers doesnt work (even in 1.42). there r cases when fellow soldiers (ai) wont climb captured enemy vehicles driven by the player, they climb in and jump out. implant kneel for ai please. please implant the ability to change distanceview within the game, and not just through the editor. lots of freezing when connection to server has been lost, many times when the player wants to quit, it wont go back to the main menu. its a great game BIS (the disk almost hasnt moved from my drive since the end of september), big thanks for your support.
  21. kilerbee

    Location of third team member in "Hind Attack"?

    U bastard!!! they came down on my team when i replayed this missions last night
  22. kilerbee

    What I want in next patch!

    and back to the subject. i would like to c some AI changes: -in the current version ai can run up hills in any angle while us players can only walk when we arrive to great angles. - AI kneeling for shooting guns and not only for personal missiles. -the ability to configure the distanceview within game manues for yourself. right now u can only edit the init field with your prefered distanceview. -small changes to the 1985.pbo which adds the new guns and vehicls (new guns more important), so at least u can choose to use them in the commanding missions.
  23. kilerbee

    Smart or stupid?

    they said thet AI has been changed in 1.40 because ppl were compalining thet the game is too hard. i dont like this change, and i dont want any "uber soldat" which they offer in the new "SUPER AI" option in manue.