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About killerbee

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Interests
    computer games, sci-fi, movies, books
  1. killerbee

    Cant finish "escape from prision" mission

    u dont have to wait thet long, near the prison area there r 2 bulidings with a centeral hall (the only entrance), inside thet hall there r ammo crates, from there u can pick an ak-47 or a pk. u can follow the officer who takes u to prison and then break right to the hall, grab the ak-47, kill those in your way, run to the mi24 and take off, or u can try the Bmp. (Edited by killerbee at 1:39 am on Dec. 15, 2001)
  2. killerbee

    Hi all, can any 1 give me names of missions with...

    LOL vitoal, something is wrong with the parachute script, me and my buddys dont have parachutes so u can infer thet the mission ends within 6 sec ) fix it and post it again please.
  3. killerbee

    question to US players:

    sorry for the  *bump* guys but i have 2 more days till my sister comes back, is the boxed upgrade in stores yet? please answer as fast as u can...10x. (Edited by killerbee at 8:51 pm on Dec. 11, 2001)
  4. killerbee

    Hi all, can any 1 give me names of missions with...

    10x vitoal, ill try your mission on this weekend. and yes i presume thet "red hammer" uses the new weapons, but until the DL version will be up, i cant put my hands on a copy (infograms is not importing the gold upgrade to my country...). still, if any1 here knows about a 3RD party missions with those guns please inform me (plus missions in editor mode and not .pbo of course)
  5. killerbee

    MP Score Keeping Errors

    did u notice the fact thet in games without ai soldiers the "infantry" and "players" columns are not identical.
  6. killerbee

    stuck at the airport, too many tanks

    U can shoot the shilka from the church hill too. walk to the bushes behind the church (on the right from your starting position), it may require some practice, try your optics a few times, and in some positions near the bushes u can c the shilka's dish above the hill-sky line right of the large tree in the small valley between the church and the airport. point your law a abit above the dish and try...i tried it many times and almost every time hit it.
  7. not the missions themselfs but the numbers and locations of some of the enemy units, or adding some of those new vehicls from the later addons and the ability to arm yourself with the new guns... i think its will be a nice project ,and 1 that wont consume a large portion of their time since its not making a campagine from scratch. and it sure will make playing the 1985 again a real fun. plus adding the new guns to the current MP missions.
  8. killerbee

    .can\'t see where I am on the map

    and dont forget to look at your compass every fes sec on those frantic runs (so u can still know your general postion after u stoped running and looked in the map again).
  9. killerbee

    Burn..burn you evil Guba and your scud!

    yeah this mission is ####... im still trying to finish it. how did u make guba get in the hind? after i talk to him, suddenly my number 8 soldier is not on the chopper and when i press F8 it shows his signal over guba's marker. and i here the dialog between james and the colonel about the scud.
  10. killerbee

    Where is the Hind in"RED DAWN"?

    there r 2 HI-24 in this mission. from your starting place go through the south exit from the base, take a the right turn on your next cross roads and u arrive to the ruined setlment which u started on on your first scud mission, take the right turn here too, and in the next base there chopper outside the base, take the fuel truck parking inside, fill it and refuel the chopper... the next hi-24 is inside the enemy territory near 1 of the shilkas, but u probably wont get there alive, better take the first hind above the sea around all the enemy forces and take out the scud from the north.
  11. killerbee

    question to US players:

    Im not from the US and i heard in what can be called - my country's single OFP site, thet the gold upgraid wont be brought, only a few coppies of the full gold addition. my sister is in the US now and i want her to buy me a copy (dont want DL copy with PDF guide). please answer fast.
  12. killerbee

    The AT-6 sure is an Air-To-Ground missile...

    ok, i found the way. its good for long ranges (i took down 3 shilkas from about 1400-1800 m), first i fly a bit close to the target in order to aquire it, then i fly to a hover postion at the range i mentioned and shoot. short ranges launches usually fail to hit (even in hover with dot on diamond).
  13. killerbee

    Hi all, can any 1 give me names of missions with...

    what! is the lack of answers means thet no 3rd party missons were made with the new guns? or u just want to keep it a secret?