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Everything posted by jolulure

  1. jolulure

    AI = joke

    ok, there is no point in extending this thread . I would just be satisfied if you guaranteed me the AI is good, i mean, they take cover appropiately, and dont stand up in the midle of a firefight, and dont run alone towards outnumbering enemies. With those requirements, i would be very optimistic, and would buy a nice PC with a 8600GT for playing the game! thanks ArmA community
  2. jolulure

    AI = joke

    Why dont they take cover behind cars, instead of staying in the middle of nowhere? and why do they run alone against the enemies? i hope the AI gets improved
  3. jolulure

    AI = joke

    thanks mr_tea is there any one in there from the Single Player mode? because all i could find was mods and MP. Thanks for the support
  4. jolulure

    AI = joke

    THANK YOU VERY MUCH actually, the video you just posted seems more like a commercial video doesnt it? If you could please post a link to any video in which the AI was shown, i would be very grateful. BTW, my city soccer team is playing the UEFA final right now
  5. jolulure

    AI = joke

    ok, but they know how to flank, and get away from firepower. In these videos, it seems that they dont know how to keep themselves alive! im not critisicing! just giving my IMHO
  6. jolulure

    AI = joke

    ok. Thanks, pleayse dont be so pesimistic. i repeat i have no STABLE INTERNET CONNECTION. no way to make it stable because i live in the countryside (spain) then here is the conclusion: WOULD YOU BUY THE GAME IF IT DIDNT HAVE MULTIPLAYER MODE?
  7. jolulure

    AI = joke

    but is it acceptable or just better? It is comparable to Brothers in arms IA?
  8. jolulure

    AI = joke

    wow, that was quite a quick reply! actually, i dont have a PC powerful enough to run the game, so im just watching on youtube. anyway, there will have to be a huuuuuuuuge improve in AI in order to get it to the Standard Level. its so stupid!
  9. jolulure

    How is ArmA?

    HI! Ive seen this game and thought it to be a miracle!!! but first i would like to know if soldiers perform realistic movements and tactics or just run around the battlefield. Please watch this video, I know its funny, but its the best example I found to show you what im asking Do they cover themselves, and perform those movements?? thanks a lot
  10. jolulure

    How is ArmA?

    thanks. i think you convinced me! Im definately gonna buy a nice pc soon for playing ArmA so, to sum up, do you consider the AI to be the best you have ever seen in any other games?
  11. jolulure

    How is ArmA?

    not so good.. is it?
  12. jolulure

    How is ArmA?

    thanks a lot! actually, im a pilot at Falcon 4, Pacific Fighters and Lock on. So when i buy a decent pc, i will especialise in aircraft... And do AI cover themselves and get up attacking in group? I mean, is it something like Brothers In Arms system or CoD? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHtrKmikJJo Or they just act individually and stand wherever they want and shoot, something like in MoHAA or Hidden and Dangerous 2. thanks.