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Everything posted by jolulure

  1. Hi. I downloaded the demo two weeks ago, and have passed the missions and everything that came with it at medium settings, 800x600 and nice fps (+25). However, now, with the full game up to 1.08, everything runs so slow and laggy and stuttery.... wtf??? !!!! my pc comes with a 8400gs, 2gb RAM and upper class CPU. i have done all tweaks seen in the forum (defrag, pagefile, nvidia control pannel, etc...) what is happening? any ideas??
  2. jolulure

    When things change...

    final words: tried LowPlants, which improved fps in around 5-10. However, i do know the problem. It is all about forests. In missions without dense forests (maybe many trees, but not dense) i get 45fps average (FRAPS). However, with those with forests, i get 17fps average (FRAPS) is there any way to remove Forests, or make them invisible till i reach them?? bear in mind that these tests were made with view distance set to 500. thanks!
  3. jolulure

    When things change...

    no services or applications running in the back.... the weird thing is that the demo runs flawlessly...
  4. jolulure

    When things change...

    I HAVE GOT THE SOLUTION!!!! ITS ALL ABOUT TREEEEESS!!! tried with the editor: no trees (42fps) - 1 tree (15fps) COULD YOU GIVE ME A LINK TO TREES TWEAKS AND MODS? ARE THERE ANY??? THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. jolulure

    When things change...

    i have windows XP thanks for your help.... but the weird thing is that DEMO WORKS GREAT!!! .... however, full game doesnt.
  6. jolulure

    When things change...

    ok, here are the results: Multiplayer demo: cooperative mission (some AI guys) -everthing set to medium, except shadows, AA, AF, after processing, reflections.. set to off. -distance to 700 -resolution to 800x600 32bit -fps never lower than 25 (FRAPS) FULL GAME 1.12 -everything set to lowest or off -distance to minimum -resolution to 600x480 32 bit -fps never lower than 25 when alone without trees, without AI, without cars, without water. -fps lower than 10 with some AI WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE AI?? WHY DOES IT LOWER FPS?? IS THIS NORMAL???!!!
  7. jolulure

    When things change...

    distance set to 700, everything to low, lowest resolution, dont seem to get more than 15 fps.
  8. jolulure

    When things change...

    the -maxmem command didnt solve much. maybe 2 or 3 fps gain, but still too slow. im talking about 14fps average at lowest graphics settings and resolution!!!
  9. jolulure

    When things change...

    no, it was educated in the streets.... its a Core2Duo T7700 (max in laptops till 2 months ago ) didnt try that maxmem.... ill do that asap. Any other tweaks for 8xxx series?? cant find them in "search" function.... thanks mate!
  10. jolulure

    Game Performance

    Hi! I have just bought my new gaming machine!!! it comes with 2gigs of RAM, CORE 2 DUO at 2ghz, and the nVidia 8600GT. To my surprise, the game demo (v1.06) runs at 16-20 fps at low-medium graphics quality, and at 1024x768... Is this normal for such a "breath taking" graphics card?
  11. jolulure

    Game Performance

    ive tried the pagefile, the -maxmem thing, defragging, playing around (almost 1 hour) with the nvidia panel... still no luck, just some 5 fps more at the first mission of the demo level, i get around 20 fps with minimum graphics quality and at 1024x768... is this normal?
  12. jolulure

    Game Performance

    Hi! I have just bought my new gaming machine!!! it comes with 2gigs of RAM, CORE 2 DUO at 2ghz, and the nVidia 8600GT. To my surprise, the game demo (v1.06) runs at 16-20 fps at low-medium graphics quality, and at 1024x768... Is this normal for such a "breath taking" graphics card?
  13. jolulure

    Game Performance

    well, the machine is 45minutes old, so i dont think i have many viruses .... i didnt understand the page file and those... can you repeat? thanks!
  14. jolulure

    Game Performance

    well, the machine is 45minutes old, so i dont think i have many viruses .... i didnt understand the page file and those... can you repeat? thanks!
  15. jolulure

    How to aim with bombs?

    look at this video! http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=a39_1180517338
  16. jolulure

    How to aim with bombs?

    best answer from a doctor!!! man, im sure he was the best from his promotion. lets hope he never gets to operate people
  17. jolulure

    How to aim with bombs?

    as far as I know Ju-88s had bombs with timers so that they would explode 10 seconds after collision. Maybe that can be done with ArmA.
  18. jolulure

    Just a quick Q

    Hi I am just planning on getting a new PC for this game. I was thinking on a 2Gb pc with a 7800GT. How will i be able to run the game? maybe at max ? thanks!
  19. jolulure

    Just a quick Q

    thanks for all your support. Finally, im getting a laptop 8600M GT (hopefully this week ) is there any compatibility issues with ArmA? cos ive heard problems with the 8800GTX. Thanks
  20. jolulure

    Just a quick Q

    well, it is a laptop with a 8600GT wich would be de equivalent of desktop 7800Gt. If this game doesnt support Duo/Quad, I wont be able to run it with a Santa Rosa based chip?
  21. jolulure

    AI = joke

    Hi there! I am waiting to buya new pc prior to buying this game, but today afternoon I have changed my mind. I dont have a stable internet connection, that's why I would buy this game mainly for the SP. This is what ive seen at youtube Is this a joke?? i mean, AI is more stupid than ever!! how come their anormal behaviour?? They dont seem to act as a group, but as individual soldiers, and who are deaf dumb and blind. Hope theres and error
  22. jolulure

    AI = joke

    oops sorry, that question above was referring to a "page 3" post, dindt notice we where already in "page 4" About "4in1", i dont want to waste my time talking to him. Thanks Chris Death. Actually, i have OF Cold war crisis (I bought it the day it came out) but never liked it because the AI (seems like i am a AI maniac:D ), it seemed too Selfish and didnt care about the team. Since i have played OF 1.0 (i suppose) i now imagine there are tons of add-ons and stuff for AI and such. So if you could just post the names of good add-ons i would be very grateful.
  23. jolulure

    AI = joke

    but when you are playing a Official Campaign mission you dont need to edit, do you?
  24. jolulure

    AI = joke

    i dont seem to understand. So you need to download mods, scripts... for playing the game ok? doesnt the official stuff work well? So for example, in any official SP campaign mission, will there be AI problems?
  25. jolulure

    AI = joke

    Ok. 1.- I DONT HAVE A SYSTEM ENOUGH TO EVEN RUN THE DEMO. Thats for those who say why i dont try the demo. 2.- I am not critisicing, insulting, shouting... I am just posting my OBJECTIVE opinion after what i have seen in youtube. Now, you have cleared that it was an old version, ok. 3.- I would like to know if the AI will get better in the near future, or whether it will stay like that Please, answer politely, i am not insulting, shouting or talking heavily to anybody. Understand I am new to this game, and I am not a XPert. And that I am talking a FOREIGN language. Thanks