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About jarhead67

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  1. jarhead67

    ArmA Addon request thread

    how about gunner shields for hummvees? and is it possible too give the hummvees more armor? one rpg round and they are dead... not very realistic
  2. jarhead67


    Maybe someone has already said this.. but i would love to see some gunner shields on the hummvees
  3. jarhead67

    ArmA Addon request thread

    I would like to se this: BLUEFOR: Desert hummvee with protection for the gunner Swedish troops (both in desert and wood camo) Weapons for the swedish troops Swedish vehicles (SISU and others) OPFOR: Terrorist dressed like the insurgents in iraq Thats all i can think of right now EDIT: I would like some desert marpat and SMAW's too