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james (J)

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Everything posted by james (J)

  1. james (J)

    the ArmA title music

    hi i cant find the music.pbo and how do I extract things? thanks james
  2. better situational awareness for the AI so that frendly and hostile AI can deal with urban environments better.
  3. james (J)


    can i have this and thr uk forces pak installed at the same time? uk forces pack: http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=70850 EDIT: any news on the helmet update?
  4. james (J)

    Project: UK Forces

    if i install this pack will it over-rite any of the defaulf arma infantry skins?
  5. i know that the campain will be us vs rusher but ith would be nice if when you opend the mishon editer you had a lot of nations to chose from. that is to say you could set up battles between 3 or 4 nations from around the world and play as any one of them. good idear? (im sorry about the spelling)
  6. james (J)


    im having truble locking on to targits in this mishon. im frantically clicking on the enamy contacts in the radar at the top of the screen but it never locks on. is the an easy way lock-on? what wher ur stratages for this mishon?
  7. hi im trying to find the ofp islands (including the island that came with resistance) for arma i alredy have everon butcant find any others if you can hellp me find them i would be relly grate full
  8. james (J)

    ofp islands for arma

    ^ thank you. dus anyone know about the island that came with resistance?
  9. james (J)

    Oil Rig for ArmA

    can you climb ladders on it?
  10. james (J)

    placebul bildings?

    ^ sorry the link dus not work
  11. is the a mod that allows you to place bildings like you would sand bag bunkers and if so do the ai interact propaly with it?
  12. james (J)

    placebul bildings?

    dus sumthing like this also exsist for OFP?
  13. james (J)

    placebul bildings?

    *hug* thank you
  14. james (J)

    What's the best ArmA site?

    this one rocks pritty hard (lol) www.flashpoint1985.com
  15. james (J)


    thanks for that it was all veary usefull
  16. james (J)

    Just starting...

    thanks veary much
  17. james (J)

    Just starting...

    yo i too am a noob to this scripting stuff. so i was just wandaring wher do we put the scripting?
  18. james (J)

    OFPN Tutorials

    Pleas help on the page linked to bellow ther is a tutareal about respawn (it is about harf the way down) and i am confused as to what file type i should save my respawn text as because the tutareal says to save it as an ".ext" and as far as i know this file type dose not exsist http://www.3dactionplanet.com/flashpoint/Tutor_10.html pleze help J
  19. hi can anyone help me iv only just got ArmA so i dont know much. my problam is that when i press "n" for nite vishon nothink hapons and NV gogles are in my "gear" list please help sorry about the spelling J
  20. james (J)

    i cant get the nite vishon to work

    you wher rite i just needed to whate. thank you