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Posts posted by johnbeyer

  1. ye miles thats a reaction i like, we should look open to this and ofp is just perfect to mod right now because everyone has to admit arma is a bit buggy. and from what we already saw from Acacyn is so nice that everytime they look to their work makes them get even more MOTIVATION.

    i agree fully with Miles Teg thumbs-up.gif

  2. hello. i really feel bad about the situation around operation flashpoint 1 right now. thats why i made a movie about how i think the consicuences will go. comments are very welcome.

    i hope it will make people a bit awake about what can happen

    ps. i would apreacciate it very much if this would be posted on ofp.info headlines

  3. hello. i really feel bad about the situation around operation flashpoint 1 right now. thats why i made a movie about how i think the consicuences will go. comments are very welcome.

    i hope it will make people a bit awake about what can happen

    ps. i would apreacciate it very much if this would be posted on ofp.info headlines

  4. здравствуйте!! [hello],listen all. i make these videos .. because i am so intrested in chernoby, and i know there arent zombies. i did not add them..i dont care what u all think about this, and i do have contact with elena filatova [www.elenafilatova.com] or [www.kiddofspeed.com] regarding that she is going to ghost town alot. i am just so into chernobyl... i will go there when i am older. i will make a movie again. with elenas soundtrack.

    so. just tell me what u think and please stay ontopic..

    bye [ o and nephelim if u look better u should see that it are chernobyl crew running away, and there are no AKs in my movie.. banghead.gif

  5. hellow, here i drop some Chernobyl pics by me often, the addons are from russian addon maker ACES.

    enjoy, john. wink_o.gif  NOTE, i have a problem, i cant do maths so i dont know how big i can make pictures.. sorry, that is my problem, its called discalculation. sorry..


    Pripyat patrol


    Pripyat sunrise


    more soon cya
