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Everything posted by joelz

  1. joelz

    Facestex2.pbo update

    Does anyone know how to fix the problem in mp where the nose is on the back of the head, and the mouth is on the forehead etc etc?
  2. joelz

    EWE WGL Server

    When a few friends and I attempt to play on this server, it just hangs at at "waiting for server".
  3. joelz

    Vietnam: The Experience v0.4

    Awesome! Thanks for all the hard work snake man. Any servers running this?
  4. joelz

    Vietnam: The Experience v0.3

    I don't think the vte boxes have weapons in them do they? regardless thanks for the quick reply snake and for this wonderful mod. It's the only thing I've played for quite some time.
  5. joelz

    Vietnam: The Experience v0.3

    Could someone please make an ammo box with the wests' weapons?
  6. joelz

    EBUD's SF Reskins

    I keep getting some kind of error about missing female something rather. It won't let me load any other western units while I have your pbo installed . I'll try to post the exact error tomorrow.
  7. joelz

    Emergency Response Team Mod

    Do we have an eta yet?
  8. You might have already seen all of these, but here's some pictures of American contractors over in Iraq. http://media.militaryphotos.net/photos/Close_Protection If you can I'd like to see some us guys with 511 tactical vests etc...Again great work though thanks a ton for the good units!
  9. Great work. I've been waiting for units like these for awhile! A+++
  10. joelz

    Emergency Response Team Mod

    Nice work! I've been waiting for units like these for years.
  11. Shouldn't the Marines have acogs on the m16s? Other than that awesome work!
  12. joelz

    Saria Island

    I thought this was being realeased yesterday?
  13. joelz


    Very nice island! Don't let them discourage you.
  14. joelz

    weapons pack

    Are there any m4 weapon packs that have the optics mounted on the foregrip rail?
  15. joelz

    weapons pack

    Aww that's to bad that's an awesome looking gun! Helping hand i'll be looking forward to that pack.
  16. joelz

    weapons pack

    Thanks for the quick response! I have both of those packs and they're both amazing! I just kinda like my optics on the foregrip instead where they normally are.
  17. joelz

    Jonny´s ACU SF´s

    Great work. Your units are amazing keep it up.
  18. Where can i find the secret service guys behind bush.