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Everything posted by jyelka_baron_de_la_biere

  1. jyelka_baron_de_la_biere

    BATTLEFIELD 1939-1945 CORE

    Campagin finished, just the 2nd mission which is a bit hard, because the sniper rifl is not easy to use and ennemies quickly advance on your position waiting for others stuffs if you don't have any mission ideas, have a look on hiden and dangerous
  2. jyelka_baron_de_la_biere

    BATTLEFIELD 1939-1945 CORE

    performances are alright : no lag graphism are not merely beautiful but i don't care about it, I really appreciated the village ; house, towers... wallpapers in house is really auwful as probably could have been in reality in normandy 60 years ago  so environments are good enought my only critic will be about the grass, in fact it is good to have it. Nevertheless sometime it is weird because you can't see an hidden ennemy on the ground at 125 meter whereas you can see due to lack of distance a man also crouched at 250 meters... I made a screenshot Due to the absence of grass in the background, this is easy to see the ennemies in the background... than in the first line
  3. jyelka_baron_de_la_biere

    BATTLEFIELD 1939-1945 CORE

    The GUI is nice, i like the black 1 white in the game menu second mission is realy harder, I can't stop this incoming german from the north , I took position in the tower with the nsiper but I'm not good at al with this weapon, apparently otehr come also from the east... I will try again
  4. jyelka_baron_de_la_biere

    Conspiracies: Deluxe

    Not yet I need to sleep, I sqtoped playing arround 2:30 I was encountering the spesnatz near the chopper and hospital for the moment it reminads me conspiracies part 1, I'm really impatient to be in industrial sector. Another point everytime Iarrive in a new sector, of course I keep all my weapons but I always start with my secondary weapon the gun... sometimes I ve missing add on or stuff error but I can still play so I don't mind
  5. jyelka_baron_de_la_biere

    BATTLEFIELD 1939-1945 CORE

    I just played the first mission, not hard at al after I went to bed and I have to leave tomorrow without any cpu or laptop so I won't finish it before a while... But I really liked the first mission cause like in lots of WWII stuff you are close to the ennemy often less then 150 meters
  6. jyelka_baron_de_la_biere

    BATTLEFIELD 1939-1945 CORE

    a screen from 1st mission this 2 hours later, you have to pick up a sniper rifle to defnd the village
  7. jyelka_baron_de_la_biere

    Conspiracies: Deluxe

    OK Just to report that in 2nd sectors the subtitles are in german new graph 1 FX change the game I ve a more critical look on the story and some details dissapointed me
  8. jyelka_baron_de_la_biere

    BATTLEFIELD 1939-1945 CORE

    ok i guess this is also required to play conspiraices deluxe, doesn't it? does the edito must be placed on res/add on or directly in add on folder?
  9. jyelka_baron_de_la_biere

    BATTLEFIELD 1939-1945 CORE

    What is the utility of this add on? I ve never heard about it and I ve just set up again op f on my cpu yesterday
  10. jyelka_baron_de_la_biere

    BATTLEFIELD 1939-1945 CORE

    I ve got an error message, missing element editorupdate102 when I wanna start the campaign and see the intro
  11. jyelka_baron_de_la_biere

    Conspiracies: Deluxe

    not yet 759 MB
  12. jyelka_baron_de_la_biere

    Little request

    They are not merely mechas but you can also have alook on W40K mod and theirs spacemariens and other stuffs in combat armor
  13. jyelka_baron_de_la_biere

    Conspiracies: Deluxe

    so it will be 23: soon
  14. jyelka_baron_de_la_biere

    Conspiracies: Deluxe

    Ok I cancelled it jsut tell us when it is ready
  15. jyelka_baron_de_la_biere

    Conspiracies: Deluxe

    I'm dwnlding it from ofp.4players.de is it in English because you have spoken of a german version or patch?
  16. jyelka_baron_de_la_biere

    BATTLEFIELD 1939-1945 CORE

    I wanna believe you, I'm still waiting to play deluxe conspiracies then I will have a look on your BF 39-45
  17. jyelka_baron_de_la_biere

    Conspiracies: Deluxe

    I don't have any dwnld manager moreover everytime I'm on this website my cpu is under virus atack and it creates lag and other trouble sdue to antivirus I can't work at the same time. that sucks i will wait a new link to dwnld ConDEL in 1 time.
  18. jyelka_baron_de_la_biere

    Conspiracies: Deluxe

    Don't worry @ sled I ve started this week the short story based upon stalker conspiraices atmosphere, dunno if i will be able to finish it one day... I really except to play conspiracies again in order to be inspired Dwnld definitively does not work at al can we expect a new mirro or a new source?
  19. jyelka_baron_de_la_biere

    Conspiracies: Deluxe

    yeah like 456820 I can't dwnld it I will wait, I'm used to wait last months for everything, I ve learnt to wait
  20. jyelka_baron_de_la_biere

    Conspiracies: Deluxe

    Ok to bad for the MP 10 min left hum in my memory original part 1 1 2 were in english, or just the subtitles?
  21. jyelka_baron_de_la_biere

    Conspiracies: Deluxe

    2 hours later... does this deluxe pack include the mp of original conspiracies?
  22. jyelka_baron_de_la_biere

    Little request

    Ok I guess you mean little individual exo armor for infantry never heard about it mech are generally big robots
  23. jyelka_baron_de_la_biere

    Little request

    look for wanzers ----> http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?oblast=news&search=wanzer and I ve heard that they are mech in battle over okaido
  24. jyelka_baron_de_la_biere

    Conspiracies: Deluxe

    really good new
  25. jyelka_baron_de_la_biere

    William Porter's Blog

    Yeah I know I was just kidding