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About jkandjdk

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. thanks for your help rumsfield. i just bought the game and am new to the editor. it looks kind of like the OFP editor.
  2. jkandjdk

    I need help with a mission I'm creating

    thanks for your help rumsfield. i just bought the game and am new to the editor. it looks kind of like the OFP editor.
  3. I'm creating a mission that an individual soldier is eliminated, the mission will be over or a vehicle is destroyed. I think in operation flashpoint you just created a trigger saying something like (west not present..then end)..then draw a synchronize line to the soldier or vehicle. I've tried that same way with AA, but it won't go. the blue sync line won't stay there. am i missing anything or is it done another way. I want to make a mission where the civilian scientist has to die for the mission to end. I appreciate any help.
  4. I'm creating a mission that an individual soldier is eliminated, the mission will be over or a vehicle is destroyed. I think in operation flashpoint you just created a trigger saying something like (west not present..then end)..then draw a synchronize line to the soldier or vehicle. I've tried that same way with AA, but it won't go. the blue sync line won't stay there. am i missing anything or is it done another way. I want to make a mission where the civilian scientist has to die for the mission to end. I appreciate any help.
  5. jkandjdk

    ArmA Addon request thread

    I would like to request a TOW like vehicle called EFOGM. that stands for enhanced fiber optic guided missile. it was a new weapon that my unit was involved with during the early field testing of about 10 years ago. I have complete info on the weapon including photos, stats on everything. Would anybody be willing to attempt to mod this weapon. I can e-mail you the photos and everything about it if anybody wants me to.
  6. jkandjdk


    this may be a little premature, seeing that Armed Assault hasn't been out very long in the US, but does anyone know if there's any plans for an expansion to armed assault like OFP has red hammer and resistance. I'd like an island like vietnam with huts and little villages, but jungle fighting. or is this the only game lanned for armed assault.
  7. jkandjdk

    Making Videos?

    I use Uleads videostudio 10 plus
  8. I'm doing a mission and I want to set up a trigger that when my forces get down to 40%, they call for air support and planes will come. I figured out the radio calls, but can figure out how to get them to call when forces are low. for exampple..say I have 10 troops and i lose 7 of them. a trigger would call for reinforcements, but how do i set up the trigger for a certain amount. also, how can i keep reinforcements away until they're called..then have them roll in. Hope i made a little sense.
  9. jkandjdk

    armed assualt weapons

    second wrote... The real life TOW is hard to operate, not the game TOW. that's why we spend such a long time training with them.
  10. jkandjdk

    armed assualt weapons

    TOW's aren't steerable to certain degrees. you have to keep the site on your target until the missile hits it, and if you think it's easy..join the Army and try the real one. it doesn't shoot over water and if the tank or target goes behind a tree or other object..it's hard to tell where it will come out as.
  11. jkandjdk

    armed assualt weapons

    Is it really difficult for BIS to study what each weapon does and don't do to add to the realism. I spent 10 years in the Army as a TOW gunner. I'll still have fun playing the game, but it's the attention to detail that will set this game apart. This and OFP would be the standards for which all military games are judged if the pay a little more attention on accurate weapons.
  12. jkandjdk

    armed assualt weapons

    does armed assualt have a TOW missile launcher for the HMMWV. I downloaded an add-on for OFP, but it wasn't realistic. The tube was good and the set up was good, but the firing wasn't good at all. With a TOW, you can track a vehicle moving left to right or whatever until the wires extend. a TOW is a tracking weapon, not like the LAW rocket.
  13. jkandjdk

    ofp question

    i have 2 questions to ask...1) with Armed Assault coming out in the US in May and already out in the rest of the world...how many still play operation Flashpoint now after 5 years. I still do.. And 2) I heard rumors that there will be an Operation Flashpoint 2 game due out in 1998.. Is this true or not.
  14. jkandjdk

    armed assault demo

    i played AA demo and the game doesn't stutter much considering my video card isn't great. The demo was multiplayer. most games i have that are multiplayer, it states that the game will perform differently. i'm assuming because of more people playing. is the single player in AA smoother than playing online with a dozen or more people. And is there a single player demo to try out.
  15. jkandjdk

    system requirement question

    my next question would be, if the demo works good, will the full game be the same. i'm almost finished downloading the demo now.