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Everything posted by j-man

  1. SWEET! the screens look great! D/l now
  2. j-man

    Script files

    Just copy the stuff from one init file into the other.
  3. j-man

    Unit on building

    Place a unit over the building in the editor and in the units init field, type <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this setpos [(getpos this select 0), (getpos this select 1), xxx] And replace xxx with any number to specify the height EDIT corrected spelling mistakes
  4. j-man

    New campaign: swat

    Here's my first attempt at a campaign. The story lind is kind of wierd as it changes from SWAT to military. Anyway, you can get it here. This link also includes a full list of required addons. The dialog is sometimes spelled wrong and some of it is long and dull. But other than that, I thinks it a good first attempt. This campaign includes 6 missions (7 in total). I'll be releasing another version during the new year. Please post lots of comments so i can improve on it. ENJOY
  5. j-man

    New campaign: swat

    Trinity  Its suppose to be on Skye island. Could you give me more detail about whats going wrong? Does the mission end 10 seconds after it starts? Have you tried using cheats to see if it happens with the other missions? etc... Anway, this was one of the first missions I ever made, so don't ecpect it to be all that great.
  6. j-man

    New campaign: swat

    No, i'm dead  I'm not sure why the booklet keeps showing up It seems to work fine for me. But i'll look into it for you.
  7. j-man

    Object id

    John_Q is right, vehicles dont have IDs  and neither do buildings placed in the editor. Only building that came with the island do. ***EDIT*** Fixed a small mistake
  8. j-man

    Object id

    I'm not sure if you can get the id number for a vehicle. But to show the id number for a building, just click the "Show ID" button in the mission editor
  9. I have a script that creates a random number. The problem is that it creates numbers like 12.5334, 53.242, etc... Is it possible to have those numbers rounded to the nearest whole number thanks
  10. j-man

    Safezones deathzones

    There is a trigger at Montignac that is suppost to show a message when someone leaves, right? Just put in the "Condition" box <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">player in thislist ***EDIT*** But keep the message in the "Deactivation" box
  11. j-man

    Safezones deathzones

    I dont really understand you prodlem But if you want a message to appear when someone has left the trigger then just put either one of these lines into the "On Deactivation" box of the triger. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">hint "INSERT TEXT HERE" OR <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">TitleText ["INSERT TEXT HERE","Plain"] Hope this help
  12. j-man

    Concurrent mods

    I don't think FDF, CSLA or ECP will work together since the menus come into conflict with each other. But I suppose you could take all the units from FDF, CSLA, etc... and just put them into your addon folder.
  13. j-man

    Concurrent mods

    I don't think FDF, CSLA or ECP will work together since the menus come into conflict with each other. But I suppose you could take all the units from FDF, CSLA, etc... and just put them into your addon folder.
  14. Taken from the unofficial command reference Just save a variable indicating if a team mate is dead or not. Some with the weapon thing.
  15. j-man


    Most likely, you edited only one frame in the animation, the rest of the frames are still the originals. If you are creating a static anim. just select the frame you edited and press the "insert after" button twice. Then just delete all the other frames that you dont need. If your creating a moving anim. then select your edited frame, press the "insert after" button and edit the newly created frame. Then repeat until yoor anim is finished. Then just delete the frames you dont need. Â
  16. This tutorial goes into a bit more detail about how to create animations aswell as how to get them in game. It's not a visual as I had hoped but still..... Anyway, enjoy OFP anim tutorial
  17. j-man

    Anim pack

    Just some animations. You can get it here (105 kb).
  18. j-man


    In the list of component you should see things with a small "A" beside them. These are the things that you can move. In the list you should see these things Rohr = rocket launcher Waffe = Gun Just move them around like you would move round a body part
  19. Just a simple situp animation. A small project I did to try out OFP-anim. Get it here
  20. j-man

    New anim pack

    @hunt666 great tutorial, nice and simple Are you going to create a more advanced one? Mabey showing how you can move the weapon around?
  21. I have a trigger that detects if all west units are not present. What I need is for the trigger to exclude the player and someone else. Would something like this work? <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this && (!player present) && (!guy present) || this && player present && guy present Thanks is advance
  22. j-man

    Akf kuh  released!! :p

    Holy s***, its gona be so much fun shooting people with those things! Next should come horese with rocket launchers!
  23. j-man


    They are in AJ-30. They are really well hidden, just look like a small hill. Just walk around it until you find the entrance.