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Everything posted by jim_booby

  1. jim_booby

    Half body in ground

    Im sorry i have made another topic so close to one where ive asked the same question, but i thought it would be best for other peoples sake who are experiancing the same problem. What i have done is refered to this tutorial and started it small, i used the bisoldier model and followed the steps properly, placed the config in my folder and renamed all essential areas i had to. Now heres what ive done differently though, i have opened up a different model (res_soldier_Sabot) and copied the Backpack and pasted it onto my bisoldier guy and seemed fine, the same skeleton sections of the model on the backpack seemed to cross over from the original one so it seems fine to put into game. Double checking my config to make sure everything is in order i go into game and load him up, low and behold he is our annoying mole who doesnt know how to dig his body all the way out. Not sure what it is i have done but if anyone has any solutions im all ears. For helpful reference this is my config: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgPatches { class BISoldier { units[]={"BISoldier"}; weapons[]={}; requiredVersion = 1.05; requiredAddons[]={}; }; }; class CfgVehicleClasses { class BISoldier { displayName="BISoldier"; }; }; class CfgSkeletons { class Default; class Head { isDiscrete = 0; skeletonInherit = ""; skeletonBones[] ={"neck","","neck1","neck","head","neck1","lBrow","head","mBrow","head","rBrow","head","lMouth","head","mMouth","head","rMouth","head","eyelids","head","LLip","head"}; }; class OFP2_ManSkeleton { isDiscrete = 0; skeletonInherit = "Head"; skeletonBones[] = {"weapon","","launcher","","Camera","","Spine","","Spine1","","Spine2","","Spine3","","Pelvis","","LeftShoulder","","LeftArm","","LeftArmRoll","","LeftForeArm","","LeftForeArmRoll","","LeftHand","", "LeftHandRing","","LeftHandRing1","","LeftHandRing2","","LeftHandRing3","","LeftHandPinky1","","LeftHandPinky2","","LeftHandPinky3","","LeftHandMiddle1","","LeftHandMiddle2","", "LeftHandMiddle3","","LeftHandIndex1","","LeftHandIndex2","","LeftHandIndex3","","LeftHandThumb1","","LeftHandThumb2","","LeftHandThumb3","","RightShoulder","","RightArm","", "RightArmRoll","","RightForeArm","","RightForeArmRoll","","RightHand","","RightHandRing","","RightHandRing1","","RightHandRing2","","RightHandRing3","","RightHandPinky1","", "RightHandPinky2","","RightHandPinky3","","RightHandMiddle1","","RightHandMiddle2","","RightHandMiddle3","","RightHandIndex1","","RightHandIndex2","","RightHandIndex3","", "RightHandThumb1","","RightHandThumb2","","RightHandThumb3","","LeftUpLeg","","LeftUpLegRoll","","LeftLeg","","LeftLegRoll","","LeftFoot","","LeftToeBase","","RightUpLeg","", "RightUpLegRoll","","RightLeg","","RightLegRoll","","RightFoot","","RightToeBase",""}; }; class Flag: Default {}; class FlagCarrier: Default { skeletonInherit = "Default"; skeletonBones[] = {"stozar","","vlajka",""}; }; }; class CfgMovesMaleSdr; class BI_PeopleMoves : CfgMovesMaleSdr { skeletonName = "OFP2_ManSkeleton"; collisionVertexPattern[] = {"1a", "2a", "3a", "4a", "5a", "6a", "7a", "8a", "1c", "2c", "3c", "4c", "5c", "6c", "7c", "8c", "1f", "2f", "3f", "4f", "5f", "6f", "7f", "8f"}; collisionGeomCompPattern[] = {1, 3, 6}; }; class CfgModels { class Default; class flag_vojak : Default { sections[] = {"latka"}; }; class Head: Default { skeletonName = "Head"; sections[] = {"swap_hhl","hide_eyewear"}; sectionsInherit=""; }; class BISoldier: Default { skeletonName = "OFP2_ManSkeleton"; sectionsInherit="Head"; sections[] = {"weapon","","launcher","","Camera","","Spine","","Spine1","","Spine2","","Spine3","","Pelvis","","LeftShoulder","","LeftArm","","LeftArmRoll","","LeftForeArm","","LeftForeArmRoll","","LeftHand","", "LeftHandRing","","LeftHandRing1","","LeftHandRing2","","LeftHandRing3","","LeftHandPinky1","","LeftHandPinky2","","LeftHandPinky3","","LeftHandMiddle1","","LeftHandMiddle2","", "LeftHandMiddle3","","LeftHandIndex1","","LeftHandIndex2","","LeftHandIndex3","","LeftHandThumb1","","LeftHandThumb2","","LeftHandThumb3","","RightShoulder","","RightArm","", "RightArmRoll","","RightForeArm","","RightForeArmRoll","","RightHand","","RightHandRing","","RightHandRing1","","RightHandRing2","","RightHandRing3","","RightHandPinky1","", "RightHandPinky2","","RightHandPinky3","","RightHandMiddle1","","RightHandMiddle2","","RightHandMiddle3","","RightHandIndex1","","RightHandIndex2","","RightHandIndex3","", "RightHandThumb1","","RightHandThumb2","","RightHandThumb3","","LeftUpLeg","","LeftUpLegRoll","","LeftLeg","","LeftLegRoll","","LeftFoot","","LeftToeBase","","RightUpLeg","", "RightUpLegRoll","","RightLeg","","RightLegRoll","","RightFoot","","RightToeBase",""}; }; class OFP2_ManSkeleton: BISoldier{}; }; class CfgVehicles { class Land; class Man: Land { class ViewPilot; }; class CAManBase; class SoldierWB; class BISoldier: SoldierWB { model="\BI_soldier\BISoldier.p3d"; moves="BI_PeopleMoves"; accuracy=5; displayName= "BI Demo Soldier"; nameSound = "specNas"; picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_SF_CA.paa"; Icon = "\Ca\characters\data\map_ico\i_komandos_CA.paa"; weapons[] = {M107,"Throw","Put","Binocular",}; magazines[] = {"10Rnd_127x99_M107", "10Rnd_127x99_M107", "10Rnd_127x99_M107","10Rnd_127x99_M107", "10Rnd_127x99_M107", "10Rnd_127x99_M107","10Rnd_127x99_M107","HandGrenade","HandGrenade","SmokeShellRed","SmokeShellGreen",}; camouflage=0.5; vehicleClass = "BISoldier"; threat[] = {1, 0.1, 0.1}; class Wounds{ tex[]={}; mat[] = {"bisoldier\data\us_molle_webbings.rvmat", "ca\characters\data\np_hhl_wound2.rvmat", "bisoldier\data\us_soldier_body.rvmat", "bisoldier\data\us_soldier_equip.rvmat", "ca\characters\data\np_soldier_b_body_wound2.rvmat","bisoldier\data\us_soldier_equip.rvmat","bisoldier\data\us_hhl.rvmat"}; }; }; };
  2. jim_booby

    BIS logo?

    Yeah Where the clan logo is suppose to be on my Infantry units right arm i have made sits the White BIS logo, which i would like removed, or not have it present there, non-theless i just need it gone can anyone give me details on how to remove this Logo?
  3. jim_booby

    BIS logo?

    Does anyone know why?
  4. jim_booby

    SLX MOD public release

    its something to do with that fire script solus. i dont know what you have done if you may have done anything in the past to fix it but myself and multiple of my clan mates are experiancing problems with it, We did what korax said and made a patch of with removing that fire SLX_Fire.sqf, but now the vehicles have no smoke or fire effects, BUT if its worth not seeing these effects to drag our mates out of tight spots is good enough for me.
  5. jim_booby

    BIS logo?

    whao i got my dude ingame, but he is embedded into the ground......meaning he is moving around with half his body sticking out of the ground...with no animations...
  6. jim_booby

    SLX MOD public release

    When you put *YET* im not sure if you made are typo, your saying the Bug has been Reported and is being looked at to fix?
  7. jim_booby

    SLX MOD public release

    I LOVE SLX GUYS...However! with this new patch it runs fine for a little bit untill this script error occurs: Now heres the story me and my mates use DAC and host it on a non-dedicated server (just run it from NEW in mulitplayer menu) and when and sometimes before this error ever shows up it lags, it causes absolute desync when the Error occurs but lags partially with my mates before sometimes. NOW! we tried this on a dedicated server hosted by my mate and guess what, same things happen. Then we thought maybe the general desync is DAC related, with assumptions being right, we tried running a non-script heavy mission and initial or partial lag was GONE! HOWEVER, Further into game THAT^^^^ error occurs again on all players computers then *BANG!* server begins to desync and was holding like that for..well we quit after 5 minutes. Could you please assist us with this problem or is it SLX related we installed SLX from scratch and also the patch was installed properly we cant do anything about this.
  8. jim_booby

    BIS logo?

    ive got a config.cpp in mine and that loads infantrymen ingame fine, it contails all essential information like skeleton models and important gibberish. does models.cfg do the same thing, further more where can i find a full example of model.cfg and do i require both model.cfg and config.cpp or maybe im not educated enough in the matter.....I DONT KNOW!
  9. jim_booby

    BIS logo?

    I couldnt do it via config, i assumed it was the underlined word: class ArmaMan : Default { sections[] = { "osobnost","Head_Injury","Body_Injury","l_leg_injury&qu ot;,"l_arm_injury","r_arm_injury","r_leg_injury","clan" }; skeletonName = "OFP2_ManSkeleton"; }; And i deleted that, but i tried removing it from the model, and deleted it in both 1.00 and 2.00 LODs and that seemed to work. If someone could explain any other method so clans can use there tags ingame would present a higher quality addon. Thank you for your help bil and oy
  10. jim_booby

    BIS logo?

    huh strange i tried deleting that clan vetice and didnt get rid of it.... ya would think that would if you thought about it logically.
  11. jim_booby

    Linux 1.09

    Sorry for being a bother but whats the ETA on 1.09 for Linux server?
  12. jim_booby

    Gamepad and camera

    Gday all im trying to use the camera in armed assault (this exec "camera.sqs") and controlling it with a gamepad (xbox 360 controller), only the problem is i cannot get it to turn or look up or down using the right thumbstick and also using the left and right triggers for raising and lowering the camera. now dont anyone think im stupid by not assigning the actions to the buttons in options becuase ive tried many ways of doing that and no good, i can only get the camera to move forward, back and sideways in a pressure motion depending on how hard i move the thumbstick. but turning and level aint working. Also ive tried a program called Controller MK which allowed me to assign keyboard buttons to my -/+ axis and what not, but that doesnt move the camera slowerly when i put little pressure on the thumbstick. Im asking here for help if anyone has tried this before and has got a good idea of what im trying to do and please help!!! thank you and sorry if i have posted in the wrong forums.
  13. jim_booby

    Dawn of the Yomies

    Check sleepers web docs, you may find something your looking for there http://5133p39.wz.cz/yomies/?docs If you want the classnames you could Create a mission by placing zombies on the map, saving its name as Test or something, then having alook at the mission.sqm and looking for the classnames.
  14. jim_booby

    Dawn of the Yomies

    ive been using them online and its been working fine, Try and adding a Game logic into the editor and name it "Server", might be the reason why its not working. Ive been looking at the scripts (no chance i understand any .sqf) but i got this message, and im sure this is the reason why Zombie sounds arent working: Thought id add that in, please reply what needs to be changed in the editor so i can do it. Thanks mate keep up the good work!
  15. jim_booby

    Dawn of the Yomies

    Very well done i really appreciate the effort you have shown making this, using and making .FSM's is pretty much the best way to have zombies to dramatically reduce lag, i really do like this addon, alot of potential! Zombies are meant to make sounds right? they are not doing it in multiplayer missions which makes it hard (harder then it allready is ), maybe that should be looked into next. Is there a possibility aswell that you will implement an infection variable to infect ppl who come in contact. This variable could be turned on or off with a true or false but would be awsome. Keep up the good work mate, youll hopefully be seeing some missions released by me with this addon
  16. jim_booby

    Zmod (Crappy Zombie Mod)

    good work on the mod charonos i really appreciate the effort, but in regards to the zombies allways knowing ur location or any friendly location even from miles out, is it possible to make the zombie run off a knowsabout command so for example IF zombie knowsabout Blueforunit then domove getpos blueforunit or something like that doesnt have to be exact but thats the kind of idea i was trying to portray. Other then that mate keep up the good work!
  17. jim_booby

    Multiplayer 'Remote' connection problems

    I would like to know a step by step on how to do that, if ya could give us something like that ill apreciate it
  18. jim_booby

    MP Freezing

    When i play over the internet on a server, i play for a while then the game just freezes and no sound is emitted, but when i push alt-tab only the sound comes back on in a continues loop but still doesnt play the game, at the start of the level, it say im missing an addon, incase thats the problem. but other then that i dont know whats wrong with it, someone plz help.
  19. jim_booby

    ECP 1.075...The countdown begins.

    when ya said that ai will take cover behind sandbags when getting supressed, is that the only thing theyll take cover behind, or will they get behind trees or rocks. And also you said the ai will shoot from the sandbags, im just curious that will the ai all gang up onto the sandbags to shoot from, or will it only be one or two guys shooting from it at a time? p.s. U guys are great p.p.s Screw flanders
  20. jim_booby

    ECP 1.075...The countdown begins.

    when ya said that ai will take cover behind sandbags when getting supressed, is that the only thing theyll take cover behind, or will they get behind trees or rocks. And also you said the ai will shoot from the sandbags, im just curious that will the ai all gang up onto the sandbags to shoot from, or will it only be one or two guys shooting from it at a time? p.s. U guys are great p.p.s Screw flanders
  21. jim_booby

    ECP 1.075...The countdown begins.

  22. jim_booby

    ECP 1.075...The countdown begins.

  23. jim_booby

    Campaign load

    i wanted to enter a campiagn game i left off earlier and then it crashes to desktop saying "Cannot load 'user\defualt\saved\campaigns\ressistance\continue.fps'. Error 'no entry' at '/gamestate/variables/item3/data.value'." thats pretty much all thats screwing me over, please help.
  24. jim_booby

    Campaign load

    yes ECP. dont tell me i have to get rid of it . its fun.
  25. jim_booby

    Fixing blury step by step?

    Everyone has been looking up blury text fixing but there's one problem with me trying to figure it out. I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT EVERYONE IS TALKING ABOUT, I MEAN MIPMAP FIXING, RESETING TEXTURES, ME ALONG WITH MAYBE HUNDREDS OF OTHER PPL THAT ARNT COMPUTER EXPERTS DONT KNOW WTF YOUR TALKING ABOUT.....puff...puff......sorry just very frustrating stuff, i want someone to give step by step DETAIL on how to fix it becuase really, we dumbarses cant figure it out on our own. cheers