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Everything posted by jefim

  1. jefim

    The Iraq Thread

    It's not the question of Iraq, It's the question the USA. They are so fat (about 70% of them) that they can't provide themselfs with enough food and all the other luxuries that an American fat ass requires for a happy life in their fantasy world. So since hard work is not an options they are using million times tested method - robing (oil in Iraq case). So until the US people are not prepared to share the stolen wealth with the rest of the globe there shall not be peace. This my seem cruel but the sad thing about it is that is mos likely true.
  2. jefim

    Is artificial intelligence possible ?

    I dont want to be offensive but I noticed that most people think that there are no limits to the human brain. I'm sorry to let you know that they are. For example: Evrybody thinks that weather is predictable. It is not! To predict it you would need a super computer (like the one I mentioned in one of my previous posts). One American scientist who worked on a weather study for the US Army (all the the scientists in the USA that worked appart from military have probably died from hunger) said that a wind from a butterfly wing in California could cause a tornado in Florida. His weather model was consisted of 3 linear equations, it is very unlikely that our brain (mathematical) model is made from less than 3.
  3. jefim

    Is artificial intelligence possible ?

    Don't be so optimistic. One thing is to make an atom bomb the other is to make the thing that made an atom bomb. By the "kvantum" theory (Einstein, Hawkins, ...) evrything in this universe has a certain probability to happen but it is far more less likely that it will happen in the lifetime of our universe. So - anything is possible but it will probably never happen!
  4. jefim

    Is artificial intelligence possible ?

    It is most likely that AI is not possible becouse our brain is probably a caotic mathematical sistem. That means that a small change in one variable results as a great change in the result. To calculate a caotic mathematical system you would need a super computer wich is able to calculate numbers infinite in length. As you all know our computers have difficlutys moving a few soldires around Nogova in OPF, so the AI will stay like the brave AI soldiers in OPF - predictable and stupid.