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Everything posted by jeppelykke

  1. Hey Hey (: I trying to work with thise so called: variables my question why dont this work: I have a trigger to activate on my person, it do work as i also set it to play music to hear it activate, now in my triggers activation field i enter: jlhstatus=1 and i have following script runing: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> #start ? (jlhstatus==1) : goto "West" goto "end" #West titleText ["It works Damm \n Am Good", "PLAIN"] goto "end" #end goto "start" For some strange reason this is not working, any know how i can get a trigger to set "global" var i think its called, from what i search in forums but not found any exsamples that use this!
  2. Hey Hey all, How do one delete a var again so i can use the same name exsample of my script: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> #tank3 deleteVehicle tank3 tank3 = nil ~5 tank3 = "M1Abrams" createVehicle getmarkerpos "tank3" Reason i have tank3 = nil is that in the "comref" it says that would: Description: Nil value. This value can be used to undefine existing variable. Example: variableToDestroy = nil But when i try to create the same tank it says that the name/var is still in use, anyone have and idea how i can fix that. AND Yes that tank has to be same name! ;)
  3. ok diden know about this init.sqs thingy but thanx mate! Well better add a delay then Thanx Best Regards Jeppe Lykke, Denmark
  4. Hey Hey How would one go about setting up some triggers or something to update a map who is incontrol of a city, like if only WEST in the city i want a marker to be changed to under NATO control. if only EAST is in, then i want it to say Under Russia control. and if both is in, then i want it to state: Battle has begon, if noone then i want it to state: under Resistance control.
  5. jeppelykke

    See whos in control of city?

    no ide what C&H is but i check it out thanx mate
  6. Hey, I can't seem to understand this respawning stuff, as i can't get it to work, this is what i done: in ediotor i made marker: Name = respawn_west Type = Rectangle Fill = Solid Axis a = 20 Axis B = 20 In my decription.ext i have following 2 lines: respawn=base respawndelay=5 But when i "kill my self to test it" i don't respawn i just turn into that segaul! Could anyone tell me what am doing wrong? Best Regards Jeppe Lykke, Denmark
  7. jeppelykke

    My repawn dont work

    WOHOOOOO It works, thanx man it seemed to be the marker, I change it to empty marker type and it work! Thank you so much!
  8. jeppelykke

    My repawn dont work

    Yep its named: description.ext  Anyone have a "description.ext" i can dl try replace with mine see if thats the problem or its a "marker" problem, i can't seem to see where the "error" is! :I
  9. jeppelykke

    My repawn dont work

    I know, thats what i did export it to multiplayer But i dont respawn
  10. jeppelykke

    My repawn dont work

    Nope still no go Do i have to have somone connected, I should be able just to export it to mplayer then host a lan game and test it right?
  11. Hey Hey, Anyone able to tell me what command i can use to order a AI to put his hands behind his back or over his head or what ever is need to make it look like we capture that person.
  12. jeppelykke

    Capture a person

    Cool, Thanx Guys Your life saver well special the hostage Best Regards Jeppe Lykke, Denmark
  13. jeppelykke

    Multiplayer pool empty?

    Hey Hey (: Am writteing for a friend, he can't player Multiplayer for some strange reason, when he hosts a game and comes to the POOL area where you select what person/soldier you want to be, his name is not there. Anyone else connecting is there but him, and he is then not able to hit OK as he can't move himself onto a soldier. If i host, and he connects then when he connects his name is not in the pool but he comes to the same screen as server is. Do anyone know what happend, and how to fix this ?
  14. jeppelykke

    Multiplayer pool empty?

    Hey Hey, I like to thank you all, but i found the answer and it seems to be related to Directx how/why no idea, i found this topic under: Multiplayer forum: http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=24579 He tryed that and it worked! I don't know why directx just would start blocking he not modifyed it since last we played it worked perfectly, so strange.... Anyway it all works now for some strange reason after changeing the port to: 2302 Like to thank you all for the time and help you given Best Regards, Jeppe Lykke
  15. jeppelykke

    Multiplayer pool empty?

    Its local Network, And he should still be able to see his own game nickname when he host a game ?
  16. Hey Hey! I problems with my respawn in MP. This is what i made: 1 marker named 'respawn" made it 20 * 20 my decription.ext file says following: respawn=3 respawndelay=10 onLoadMission="Map By Jeppe Lykke, Denmark" When i die i turn into the seagal, but do not respawn! :\ so what am doing wrong?
  17. jeppelykke

    Help with respawn

    nope don't work Named the marker: "respawn_west" nothing happends
  18. jeppelykke

    Add action command

    Cool, Thanx mate!
  19. Hey, Am haveing problems adding a "addaction" to my man when he is in a chopper. When i use ADDaction the command is only there when he is not in a chopper. How do i add a action command so it only works when he is in a chopper?
  20. Hey Hey (: Where in regedit do i enter my serial key again, I just formated my pc. and the game is installed on another drive, all my other games works but this one. How do i reenter my serial Number! Best Regards Jeppe Lykke,
  21. jeppelykke

    Bad serial number given in setup

    I was hopeing there was a easier way :\
  22. Hey Hey Anyone able to write me a random calulation script! It quite simple: I need a script that randoms pick a number from 1-10 and set it to a _mission I need for if _mission = 1 : goto "mission1" #mission1 Am trying to work out a random "action" map, so that each time you play it, it randoms picks 1 out of 10 ways for enermy to complete it's mission!
  23. jeppelykke

    Random calulation script

    Yep it helps Cool thanx!
  24. Hey Hey (: How do you make pbo files, what do you use to make them. What can i use to modify a pbo file ?
  25. jeppelykke

    Need help/suggestion

    Cool, even easyier then I thought Thanx Harnu