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About jdarbyshire

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. jdarbyshire

    Falklands Mod 1.0 Released

    Lets just be glad it never happened.
  2. jdarbyshire

    Falklands Mod 1.0 Released

    time to get OFP installed then eh neph?
  3. jdarbyshire

    Falklands Mod 1.0 Released

    Yes, you have installed the Falklands bit corerctly. That should just be a folder in the OFP base directory. Now you must install the required addon pack as well which is available from the site. When you have installed all of the required addons, it will create a folder called @COC. You need to append this to you OFP loadup line so it reads: -mod=@COC;Falklands
  4. jdarbyshire

    Falklands Mod 1.0 Released

    Looks like a pilot cpp error. We will look into it.
  5. jdarbyshire

    Falklands Mod 1.0 Released

    means a LOT to us all... hope you all enjoy!
  6. no, not if you aren't going to do a simple search... also you have hijacked this thread which is not on either! so go and find out yourself.
  7. jdarbyshire

    RAF Puma

    Messy, that aint HMS Ocean buddy... Look at the ski ramp at the front! More likely to be Invincible or Illustrious. Ocean doesn't have the ski ramp (Or at least didnt last time I was on her!. Tankieboy is right, AAC and FAA don't fly Puma's usually although there have been a few Puma's which have been flown by FAA over the years. AAC do usually wear totally green flight suits, but can sometimes also wear DPM. It all depends upon what they are flying, what kind of mission etc.
  8. jdarbyshire

    OFP and two monitors?

    There was a program for FS that allowed you to have 3 monitors set up like a cockpit so that you looked at the monitor to your left instead of looking with the buttons. I'm not sure if this could be done but someone could try... It would be nice with those 3D glasses! Has anyone got those 3D glasses?
  9. jdarbyshire

    Ziro's british trek

    Be careful mate...
  10. jdarbyshire

    Water and waves

    I have a suggestion for OFP2... Proper waves and (I have an inkling that this next one has been mentioned before) the ability to have streams and lakes above 0m. Just a few suggestions. Gast
  11. jdarbyshire

    New mod--

    LMAO!!! Check this! Smell fish? Check teh folder name ;)
  12. jdarbyshire

    New mod--

    And this is the guy that asked me for hosting... Check whose work you are stealing before posting - does it not occur to you that the very people that are part of the mod making that sea king check the official flashpoint board from time to time. Some people have some cheek! And you reckon you could get people to join your "great" mod by doing that? You must be joking!
  13. jdarbyshire

    I'm not a boy!

    It's cool that this game is not just blokes... Avon aint on here own no more ;) Howd u make em think u were a girl SpecOp9? I spose I just assumed that u were a bloke, lol. BTW. What u on about with your font? Tis still black matey
  14. jdarbyshire

    Sad news

    Very well said there Swatdog, I share your sorrow. Butr we must move on... Remember Lawrie from the good times, not dwell on the fact that he's gone.
  15. jdarbyshire

    Falklands mod recruitment

    DN: Do you have any examples of your work Dark knight? Havoc: Thanks for the offer, we may be getting back to you on the subject