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Everything posted by jamesg

  1. jamesg

    High Detail Texture Project

    Really, really nice work. We now have a map with some decent believable terrain on it worth fighting for.
  2. Hi, I've been playing Arma (SP and MP) fine for months now without any serious hitches, but in the last week Arma has gone to hell in a handbasket since adding an X-Fi Xtreme Music sound card. What happens is that after a few mins of playing (seems to be after a random amount of time) Arma crashes bringing up a Windows error message box "arma.exe has failed to respond". Weirdly, once its crashed Windows looks like it has dropped down into some super low-res mode and a low number of colours (16 colours at a guess, not 32-bit). At that point the only option is to click on close this app down at which point the graphics card stops sending a signal to the monitor. However, I know that Windows itself has not crashed as even though I can't see anything using the keyboard and mouse I can still run apps, shutdown Windows etc etc The only way to get anything on screen is to shutdown Windows (alt F4, or soft power) and reboot the PC at which point everything returns to normal. I've tried the WHQL and latest BETA X-Fi drivers from Creative and the WHQL and latest BETA Nvidia drivers (for my 8800 GTX), but these haven't solved the problems. This in Windows XP SP2, and once again Arma has been running happily for months now without ever encountering this problem. Other games appear to be perfectly happy with the system at the mo, I played Supreme Commander for several nights over the last few days while waiting for Queens Gambit. Has anybody else experienced anything like this?
  3. jamesg

    Weird new crashing problem

    Yes, I've set the X-Fi to 'gaming mode', although I have also tried the other two modes in desperation. Re 'hardware accelerated audio' and 'EAX' within Arma I've tried every combination. i.e. one off, the other on, both off, both on.
  4. jamesg

    Weird new crashing problem

    Thanks for the suggestions guys, but been there, done that, got the T-shirt. I even used DriverCleaner between reboots to flush out any last remants of the old drivers.
  5. jamesg

    Weird new crashing problem

    Right, I tried going back to the motherboards onboard sound (ADI Soundmax) after uninstalling the X-Fi but the same crash now occurs there too (crash to desktop in VGA mode, then switch off signal to monitor). Next, uninstalled the onboard sound, put the X-Fi back in, uninstalled Arma + QC = still crashing as before. The weirdest thing is that Arma has been working fine for nearly 6 months without any having this problem before. I'm beginning to suspect something some dodgy hotfix from MS has borked Windows itself. Still, other games work perfectly stably, and Arma was working.
  6. jamesg

    Weird new crashing problem

    Thanks Warwolf, unfortunately that hasn't stopped the crashing. It's getting really annoying now having to reboot my PC every time I want to play Arma and it crashes I see somebody on the Nvidia forums is experiencing a similar issue (Arma crashing to desktop into crappy resolution and low colour depth), so its not something unique to my setup. In the meantime, I've tried several maxmem settings and updated DX9, but still no joy.
  7. Tons of really cool objects, but none of them are destructible. They simply catch on fire (which after about 30 secs or so goes out) and stay standing
  8. Very promising, but would it be possible to fix the bug where you can't hit people sitting in the cars when shooting at them? At the mo the damage is applied to the car, not the passengers.
  9. jamesg

    ArmA Rated one of the HARDEST GAMES OF ALL TIME

    Guys, many of you seemed to have missed the point that its a list of the 10 hardest PC games, not from all platforms. That is why none of the console games you've suggested are on there.
  10. jamesg

    ArmA Rated one of the HARDEST GAMES OF ALL TIME

    Guys, many of you seemed to have missed the point that its a list of the 10 hardest PC games, not from all platforms. That is why none of the console games you've suggested are on there.
  11. Now that multiple gun turrets are much easier in Arma (compared to OFP) do you think it be possible to make an ACAV for VTE? With an ACAV, we could make some pretty good convoy missions
  12. Hi all I'm planning an MP mission where the humans play as civilians (armed) acting as insurgents. The problem is that even if civilians are armed and have shot up some soldiers the AI soldiers (East/West) won't fire on them, although civilian AIs have no problem firing at East/West soldiers (depending on how you have configured the allegiance of the Resistance). I've tried adding 'this setcaptive false" in the init line of the civilians but this has no effect so it seems like 'AI won't engage civilians' is hardcoded into Arma. Does anybody know a way around this?
  13. I've designed a lot of SP missions for OFP/Arma but have recently come across a weird issue in MP missions for Arma. This is that when using the "This SetPos [GetPos This Select 0, GetPos This Select 1, 6]" command in the init line to raise objects off the ground (for example, to place sand bags on the roof of a building), they appear as wanted in the editor and when exported as a MP mission on my PC; but when played on a dedicated server they don't appear at the correct altitude, they are stuck on the ground. Has anybody else encountered this and if so found a workaround?
  14. Thanks for the help guys, I've settled on using the civies as members of a resistance squad as suggested for this particular mission.
  15. Yeah, its weird that some objects work and others don't. I've also noted that M2s will position ok, while sandbags for example don't.
  16. Oh monkey nuts, I guess that means you can't build any decent fortifications in MP missions then
  17. Hold down shift then double left click on the unit.
  18. jamesg

    FDF sound pack v1.0

    Excellent work guys, it now no longer sounds like you're fighting a sound studio, but outside, as it should do
  19. jamesg

    UK Weapons

    Nice work, they look even better with Boss and Dammed UK DPM troops. Its great to see we won't have to play as Yanks for much longer
  20. jamesg

    IDEA Games at E3

    I forgot to say this in my 'initial findings' post: Thank you BIS
  21. jamesg

    IDEA Games at E3

    OOO, its lovely, all in game footage, not pre-rendered nonsense as most of the E3 trailers have been this year. The last ten second flyby looks great, plus there are a lot of big panning shots across the landscape. The viewdistance and terrain detail also look very impressive, plus the animations look a lot more lifelike than OFP.
  22. jamesg

    IDEA Games at E3

    No worries, it can be found here: http://www.fileplanet.com/163427/download/ArmedAssault-E3-2006-Trailer
  23. jamesg

    IDEA Games at E3

    Guys, there is a E3 trailer now on Fileplanet, it appears to have been uploaded sometime during the night. D/Ling now
  24. jamesg

    WWIIEC releases a SP missionpack for LIB41

    Well done guys, a very atmospheric set of missions. Its a shame there aren't more Lib41-45 missions out there, the locational damage system makes tank warfare much more tactical and tense.
  25. jamesg

    OFP Navy

    Very nice looking units. I know this is the most common question, but what's the ETA on those ships? Also, any chance of not putting flags on them, so us cunning mission designers can use them for different countries?