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About i_need_help

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. i_need_help

    How do u make a trigger follow a unit

    where do u put the exec line uaz or trigger
  2. i_need_help

    How do u make a trigger follow a unit

    its not working tell me the script again without the other stuff in it
  3. I need a trigger to stay on the uaz while it moves
  4. i_need_help

    Help with custom sounds

    well never mind i got it working thx anyway
  5. i_need_help

    Help with custom sounds

    Can someone give me a detailed solution: i have my ogg files in my players sound directory and there is no custom option in mp.
  6. i_need_help

    I need a landing script post link plz

    whoops maybe not need it for a chopper i want him to land and wait for a few moments
  7. i think thatw as pretty clear i want them to respawn at base = the marker and they wont and i want to know the problem is that to ahrd to udnerstand?
  8. why wont u answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. i want them to respawn at the marker andit worked on ealier missions why not now
  10. // *********************************************************************** // **** Description file for Operation Flashpoint // **** Generated by Chris's OFP Script Editor // **** Create Description Wizard // *********************************************************************** Respawn = "BASE"; RespawnDelay = 15;
  11. i made my pow mission but i cant figure out how to make the pow's get in the chopper only when it arrives. snc doesnt work with the trigger or the waypoint any suggestions?
  12. i_need_help

    Help with music in my mission

    now it wont work in mp