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Everything posted by itchy_trigger

  1. itchy_trigger

    Stealing the documents. *spoiler*

    For me the best way was the sneak up way. Head up to the far north end of the map. Then head west through the beach. Climb the hill that Guba's house is through the north. I save the mission then wait for the patrol in prone position and take them all out. Watch the movement of the BMP and position yourself west from the house take out the guards and enter the house. The alarm goes off, kill the guard inside the house and hide on the far east room in prone. Kill any gurad the enters the room. If you can see a tank positions it self just outside the room. I ussualy plant a satchel charge next to it. If you wait long enough the soldiers outside woder off looking for you. Crwal down th hill (west) and blow the charge. Then run back the way you came in. I know it sounds complicated but its rather easy.
  2. itchy_trigger

    New projects

    Hi I've been playing this game for a while and just bought the GOLD Upgrade, really cool. In OFP Network is saw a list of new theatres, Vietnam, Kosovo, Mars??? Are these real projects that are being developed using the game engine. I would really like to see the vietnam theater. Can anybody give some information