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About itchy_trigger

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  1. itchy_trigger

    Unit addon question

  2. itchy_trigger

    Unit addon question

    I'm starting to practice making AddOns for the game and have some questions about the config.cpp I took this peace of *.cpp file form "Ghost Recon Units Addon version 1.0" 1. Â In this string class seb_ghost_demo:SoldierWSaboteurDay { displayName="Ghost Demo"; model="\seb_ghost_demo\seb_ghost_demo"; nightVision=1; accuracy=2.5; Â Â Â Â In the model section what directories does the \seb_ghost_demo\seb_ghost_demo"; are refering to. The same goes for the wound section (displayed below) wounds[]={ "\seb_ghost_demo\00005mc_ghost_demo2.paa","\seb_ghost_demo\00007mc_ghost_demo.paa", "\seb_ghost_demo\ghost_demo_hrud_p","\seb_ghost_demo\ghost_demo_hrud_p_d",
  3. itchy_trigger

    Some doubts

    Ok I think I wrote too much for a simple question. In OFP when choppers hit their WP they stop almost to a hover before continuing to their next WP, this happens even if the two WP are aligned. Is there a way I can make them follow each WP continuously.
  4. itchy_trigger

    Some doubts

    I'm building a mission where I have 3 Littlebirds flying together in something that resembles a formation.  But when they hit a WP the formation gets all screwed-up no matter how symmetric I put the WP.  But that’s OK; they end up making crosses in each others path and it look really cool from inside the chopper. But here is where it gets weird.  Usually when I place WP for the choppers they usually slow down a lot at each WP then continue to the next WP.  When I started creating the mission all the 3 choppers did this.  But later I added 4 soldiers on the Cargo spots on two of the Littlebirds and left the third Littlebird with just the pilot and the gunner.  Now when I play the mission the 2 Littlebirds with soldiers make smooth transitions on their WP and the third Littlebird with no passengers still make the stop-go transitions from WP to WP.  What’s going on?  Can I make all 3 choppers fly the same way?
  5. itchy_trigger

    Get coordinates

    Hi I want to move a unit from one place of tne map to another one using SetPos. The thing is that I don't know wich are the X,Y,Z coordinates for the place I want them to be transported. I tried placing a unit in the place I want the to be transported. The look in the mission SQM file and type the coordintes it says there and use them with the Setpos command but it doesent work. Any Ideas
  6. itchy_trigger

    Jackal326 m4a1 carbine pack

    Thanks for the reply Yes Eviscerator, I installed flipers m4a1 pack, and the guns worked perfectly.
  7. itchy_trigger

    Jackal326 m4a1 carbine pack

    Hi I downloaded Jackal326 M4A1 Carbine Pack from http://ofp-zone.gamesurf.tiscali.de/ But whenever I try to use the weapons they have missing textures on the side of the weapon. Â Half the rifle looks white. Do I need another add-on to make this one work? Any help would be apreciated
  8. itchy_trigger

    Cpu or gpu?

    Thanks everybody. This is very helpful. Never thought about that overheating issue. I don't really like notebooks, but I have no choise.
  9. itchy_trigger

    Cpu or gpu?

    Hi I'm thinking about buying a laptop computer, unfortunately I can't buy a desktop since I move around too much. I want it to have enough power to play games in it. But I’m a little confused on what should I buy. I found this site where they are selling a notebook with a 2.0 GHz P4 processor with 512MB RAM and an ATI MOBILITY RADEON 7500 with 64MB memory. On the dell site I can buy one for a similar price, a 1.7 GHz P4 processor with 512MB RAM and an ATI MOBILITY RADEON 9000 or for $40 less with a 64MB DDR 4XAGP NVIDIA GeForce4 440 Go. I want to be able to play most of the recent games especially Battlefield 1942. · Is CPU power is more important that GPU power? · Is the ATI MOBILITY RADEON 7500 a good card or should I go with the more expensive MOBILITY RADEON 9000? · Or maybe I should go for the 64MB DDR 4XAGP NVIDIA GeForce4 440 Go Any comment or advice would be appreciated.
  10. itchy_trigger

    Firewall or something

    First of all I don't know anything about Firewalls or Proxy I got DSL about a month ago. When I open GameSpy It tells me that it detected that I have a different internal and external IP address and that this might have been cause by a firewall. I don't have any firewalls Installed. I get good Download speeds but my ping on Internet games is kinda bad 150 and up on most games and 250 and up on Flashpoint. Could a firewall be causing me to get bad pings? If so what can I do?
  11. itchy_trigger

    Make unit start with trigger

    Thanks I'll give it a try
  12. itchy_trigger

    Make unit start with trigger

    Ok I think you guys do not understand me. I know how to add waypoints and make units mount vehicles etc. This is what I want to do and need help with: I create a "group", give it waypoints and stuff to do, just like any other unit. But I don't want the to appear right when the mission start, but later on the mission. I was thinking about a presence trigger, when certain specific unit enters the area, the trigger goes active and the "group" appears and begins to follow its waypoints. Before the trigger the unit is not on the map, after the trigger the unit appears.
  13. itchy_trigger

    Make unit start with trigger

    Yes out of thin air. I'm having trouble with getting units to disembark boats son I wan to simulate it. When the boat gets close to the shore I want the units to apear. Second I want the units to mout vehicles, patrol, normal things
  14. I did a search but couldn't find what I was looking for I want to make a squad and several separate units appear on the mission by responding to a trigger. I want to give them waypoints like a normal unit but that the start when a trigger is active. I can't do this with CamCreate
  15. itchy_trigger

    Extracting russian boat

    I want to extract the files for the Russian Boat and make a resistance Unit with driver and gunner I don't know wich are the files that make up the boat and to make the add on. If any of you could tell me wich are the files that make this boat and where can I get information on how to make this simple add-on