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Everything posted by ixnay

  1. ixnay

    New VBS1 videos

    Here's a mirror of those videos. Enhanced Ground Vehicles Part 1 Enhanced Ground Vehicles Part 2 Enhanced Air Transport
  2. ixnay

    Game physics

    While I will agree that such a toggle would allow "attractions" of a wider populace, why would you personally want to use arcade physics? The reason that I ask, is that the OFP community stands out as a sim-lovin crowd, down to the last red blood cell. If one wanted arcade physics/options, wouldn't one simply fire up Battlefield and derivatives? Not trying to fire upon your comment... simply trying to understand the reasons for your feature wish, as I might be misunderstanding.
  3. ixnay

    Game physics

    But that's the point of this PPU; All physics properties and handling are deferred to the seperate processor. With this kind of hardware, you could literally have everything in the game down to the branches on the trees.... be deformable/modifiable. Your CPU/RAM/Graphics card wouldn't be a large factor (with regards to physics) anymore. My hope is that BIS isn't too far along in their development to give this product and its physics engine, a realistic consideration.
  4. I wonder if DXDLL could be capable of performing "Geometry Instancing" that was recently made available for nVidia and ATi users via latest drivers. I realize this is something that would be more appropriate for the game engine itself to support, but curious as to how far DXDLL could go to improve performance via this rendering benefit (or rather lack of rendering <grin>) Probably a bit of a stretch for this marvel of a proggy as Geometry Instancing is DX9 Hardware specific, but the performance improvent that this capability could bring to OFP might be staggering. (for those interested in a demo of this tech: http://esprit.campus.luth.se/~humus/ .... Here's some discussion on the topic: http://www.driverheaven.net/showthread.php?s=&threadid=51500 )
  5. Go here for "Game of the Year" Edition ($20). GoGamer.com comes highly recommended as well. They're fast and super inexpensive. GOTY Edition is easy to install and you've got 1.85 right out of the gate. Update to 1.96 (small patch) and it's all good. Hope this helps. .:iX
  6. ixnay


    Do you guys need any pics of the S&W revolver for this project? I have my Taurus .44 Magnum that would certainly pass for the .357 magnum in the game (looking down the sights anyhow) Let me know and I'll post up some pics of it (hammer forward...hammer back). Thanks, .:iX
  7. EECP works fine. <shrug>
  8. double the pipelines + double the memory bandwidth = Roughly double the performance If you can afford the ~$200 (and power supply requirements) for a 9800 pro, go for it.
  9. Some Cheap cards (that will run this and other DX8/9 stuff) Radeon 9600 Pro 256MB -- $123.99 GeForce FX 5700 128MB -- $99 GeForce4 Ti 4200 128MB -- $71 Any of these cards would be more than sufficient. And none of them break the bank (relatively speaking). I'm afraid your upgrade time has come. .:iX
  10. You might have these confused. There was a GeForce 2 MX and a GeForce 4 MX..A GeForce4MX = GeForce2 on Steroids. That's it. Anything in the GeForce 3 (there was no MX) series supports full DX8 functionality. BTW, kudos to Nvidia for the stellar naming convention and making things "easy to understand". <drip sarcasm>
  11. Gordy, do you have the latest drivers (4.7 Catalyst's) installed? Radeon 8500's support rudimentary DX8 features and should, in theory, be able to handle it.
  12. Feer and Kegetys, Thank you. Quite possibly the most amazing addon EVER to OFP. I can't believe I'm playing the same game. Ultra Supreme Kudos. Question for you good folks. I notice that there is an entry in the config for "Enhanced Tracers". It seems it isn't working yet (might be why it isn't mentioned in the configurator), but I'd love to know what sort of effects are planned for tracers as I have a love/hate relationship with them in OFP. (too 'laserlike' and need to be every 5 rounds or so... not every). Thanks in advance for any info provided on this subject!! For those who are wondering whether their video cards support Pixel Shader 1.1, DX8, etc.... here we go: -- These DO NOT support DX8 (e.g. Pixel Shader 1.1) features-- GeForce 1 series (256, DDR) GeForce 2 series (MX, GTS, Pro, Ultra) GeForce 4 MX series Radeon (anything less than 8500) Great stuff fellas. <tip hat> .:iX
  13. ixnay

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    Confirmed... Wow. Suprised I never caught that during the hours and hours of missions my crew played where we had mortars. Funny the things you don't even see during the heat of battle
  14. ixnay

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    Zayfod has promised "The New and Completely ReWritten version of ECP" is coming soon. I'm hoping that it will fix many of the annoying but not so terribly devastating errata in ECP. One of the more relevant bugs with ECP (I believe) is it's inability to handle cubic buttloads of units/vehicles/scripts in a mission. Once you go past a certain ambiguous amount, the game just CTD's upon death. I, for one, am waiting with baited breath for new and snazzy goodies in the "New and Improved" ECP forthcoming. I believe that Kurayami has also stated that this will likely be the last version of EECP based upon the 1.071 core of ECP due to the inherent elbow grease involved with retooling. Hope this helps. Kurayami, please feel free to correct if I've misstated. .:iX
  15. ixnay


    Fair enough. I've only seen A10 videos from afar... assumed it's gorilla stature and ferocity went hand in hand with flight sounds... Guess not. Learn something new everyday ;) Thanks Bobcat666
  16. ixnay


    Some thoughts on these: - Love the Avenger's sound on the A10 (Maverick), but it appears to be different from the (Green) and (Grey) version? Are these supposed to be different or am I missing something. The BRAAAAAPPPP!! Sound of the (Maverick) version is farrr superior. However it needs to be much louder while in cockpit. Additionally, although I don't know if it's because of the volume, but when on the ground, you don't hear the avenger fire too well. - It looks as though the avenger cannon 3d Model on the front is different for some of the versions as well? Is this intentional? The Grey/Green versions are superior, but the Maverick version looks like the old variant. (But the sounds are superior?) - The sound of the A10 flying by aren't very pronounced. They might need to be turned up a and given more of the sound of something large and menacing within proximity. Thanks for this Oyman! Some of our pilots have been clamouring for a new A10. Looks like this could be the ticket they're looking for. .:iXnay
  17. ixnay

    Homers-engagement-pack released

    Great job on the pack Homer! I especially love the 1911 model and proper reload. (lots of 1911's and other pistols in games don't get this right). May I offer up some 44khz sounds of one of my friends and I recording while shooting our 1911's (Colt Series 80 and Kimber Cutom II)? I paid special attention to microphone placement while shooting and for reload sounds. There are many examples of each incorporated into the 5 sound files, which are raw unedited WAV's. Please feel free to use and spruce up any of my sounds for this addon. I hope that they can help out. 1911 Sounds 44khz
  18. ixnay

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    After playing a number of coop maps tonight with my crew using EECP .4 (and all of our add'l addons), I've found a few things that may deserve a look. These may be related to EECP, but some can just be "changed" by EECP for the better. - AA launchers are just horribly ineffective. The only aircraft they can take down are the light choppers. Everything else just shrugs it off. Considering the power of the munitions used in those launchers, they should be a more viable weapon than they currently are. - There appears to be some sort of "light twitching bug" that may be related to EECP. I don't recall it doing this with normal ECP. This bug presents itself, at least for me and my comrades, on headlights and taillights of trucks and cars (choppers too..at night). They rapidly move up and down, making for some rather odd visuals. Could someone else double check me on this? - I mentioned this before, but it's become very noticeable as of late. There's a sound of all tanks "reloading" (clunk noise of a shell being readied?) that is very very loud. Could it be toned down a bit? IMHO, one shouldn't be able to hear a tank reloading from 20-30 meters away from it. Again, tank sounds in general could use a bit of retooling as far as volume and presence. The FX themselves are fine. That's it for now. I just wanted to post these up while my crew was here and I had the chance to confirm these on multiple machines. If anybody can explain or rebuke the above claims, please do so, as there may be easily explainable solutions that I'm missing. Thanks! and keep up the Great Work, Kurayami! .:iXnay
  19. ixnay

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    My LAN crew runs cooperative MP all the time. We incorporate quite a number of different addons with EECP .4 Server and clients all run exactly the same configuration. We have no issues, whatsoever. I've been doing alot of testing with this and I'm very happy with (E)ECP's multiplayer stability. Hope this helps!
  20. ixnay

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    After checking this out on other islands (other than Desert island), it appears that vektorbosen's helidust (an option from within ECP) and the "DKM helidust" that I was ranting and raving about might actually be the same thing. After switching between the Mi28 from DKM and a regular BIS chopper with ECP's vektorbosen helidust, they're starting to look remarkably similar. Can anyone else confirm this? If it's true, please retract my horribly retarded statement seen above. I was obviously smoking crack and suffering from placebo effect. Let me know .:iXnay
  21. I'm absolutely baffled as to why there isn't already some script/addon (in OFP1) that would allow you to have fecal matter ejection abilities as your newly-spawned seagull. Comon you talented addon makers.... can't anyone do this? (or is this absolutely impossible?)
  22. ixnay

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    <rubs hands together> eeeeexxcellent... Thank you graciously for your personal reply, RED. It was delightfully unexpected! .:iXnay
  23. ixnay

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    And for that.... we are ever grateful! <humble bow> Do you know, perchance, what is happening from within ECP? I realize that RL presides over all else, but I've only ever heard from General Barron lately and I was curious if you had any insight as to their progress with the latest ECP version? If you'd rather not speak on their behalf or put yourself in such a spotlight, I would certainly understand. Thanks again in advance, .:iXnay
  24. ixnay

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    One more question for Kurayami: This might have come up before in another thread (or earlier) in this thread, but I didn't see it. Is there a reason, other than different goals or personal tweaks that you and Pappy Boyington and his "Y2K3" mod haven't joined forces? I've noticed that both of you have strikingly similar overhauls to OFP by using ECP and the communities addons (Pappy using the GMR explosion mod w/ ECP). Have you two chaps had any dealings with one another regarding this? Please forgive if this has been brought up before or if I'm unnecessarily stirring the pot...so to speak. Thanks in advance, as always. .:iXnay
  25. ixnay

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    Fantastic!!! Your enthusiasm helps drive the OFP community. I can't possibly post without suggestions for your great project, however. These might be more appropriate for the ECP team (I've mentioned these to them before), but I wanted to get your opinion on whether they would be possible/appropriate in your enhancement. - The Marine Assault Pack features a script enhancement which gives a realistic depiction of auditory and visual anomolies when a soldier gets shot. These are represented in fading sounds, overwhelming heartbeat, blackouts, etc. They're fantastic and I'd love to see those "effects" present on ALL default BIS units. (in multiplayer, especially!) - The chopper "helidust" effects by vektorbosen and BAS are great, but the ones used by the DKM crew (Decisive Killing Machines) on their Mi28 for example are far superior. This might be an example of something the ECP crew should handle, but it'd probably carry more weight coming from you as well. If you haven't seen the effect mentioned, do yourself a favor Thanks Kurayami!! Keep up your unwavering support!! .:iXnay