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Posts posted by hicapa

  1. I like this mod alot. I played 13 hours straight this weekend; that would've never happened with the original Arma. Anyways I'de like to share some ideas for future releases:

    1-Making blackhawks and littlebirds more resistant by adding "chaff" command, auditory "missile lock" alarm, fire extinguisher command, making it so that the game decides how much or little damage missiles do (could take 1 shot, or 2, or 3etc...to down it) Making the belly extremely resistant while making sides and windshields and exposed personnel alot less forgiving. Add crew cabin smoke if hit (pressing fire extinguisher button would clear fire)

    2.Allowing players boarded on little bird or specially outfitted blackhawks (without rows of seats) to shoot there weapons from the air.That would include stingers and Javelins (but locks would take more time and would often be a "yellow" lock.

    3.Adding water jet propelled patrol boats (with artillery capabilities and other stuff) and adding clusters of islands and wetlands (like in zatar wetlands map in bf2) to the map. Alot of the Arma map is water and is currently not being utilized. Adding boats to one side( the soviet side); and the Americans would have the blackhawks. This combination would result in alot of fun like we once had in Joint Operations where Blackhawks would go around boat hunting.

    4.Also adding the "Dud factor" to ALL rockets and missiles. Meaning the computer would randomly decide when a malfonctioning rocket or missile would be implemented.

    5.Adding more torque to the Shilkas so that it climbs hills more easily.

    Thank you for the mod!


  2. 1-Making blackhawks and littlebirds more resistant by adding "chaff" command, auditory "missile lock" alarm, fire extinguisher command, making it so that the game decides how much or little damage missiles do (could take 1 shot, or 2, or 3etc...to down it) Making the belly extremely resistant while making sides and windshields and exposed personnel alot less forgiving. Add crew cabin smoke if hit (pressing fire extinguisher button would clear fire)

    2.Allowing players boarded on little bird or specially outfitted blackhawks (without rows of seats) to shoot there weapons from the air.That would include stingers and Javelins (but locks would take more time and would often be a "yellow" lock.

    3.Adding water jet propelled patrol boats (with artillery capabilities and other stuff) and adding clusters of islands and wetlands (like in zatar wetlands map in bf2) to the map. Alot of the Arma map is water and is currently not being utilized. Adding boats to one side( the soviet side); and the Americans would have the blackhawks. This combination would result in alot of fun like we once had in Joint Operations where Blackhawks would go around boat hunting.

    4.Also adding the "Dud factor" to ALL rockets and missiles. Meaning the computer would randomly decide when a malfonctioning rocket or missile would be implemented.

    5.Adding more torque to the Shilkas so that it climbs hills more easily.
