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Everything posted by hedcrusha

  1. hedcrusha

    New 3rd person camera view

    Whats the error say and what patch do you have?
  2. hedcrusha

    New 3rd person camera view

    Sorry Karazy i forgot to tell you were to find the values! Ive tried a few things to try and enable leaning in 3rd person but to no avail at the mo! But i will keep trying.
  3. hedcrusha

    New 3rd person camera view

    Thanks! I prefere 3rd person too thats why i made this to give me that up close and personal feeling. I never use the floating zone im afraid so i do appoligise to all who do that it does go over the head and obstructs the aiming. But i wish there was a way of making it so that i could add leaning to my view. Maybe by scripting?
  4. hedcrusha

    New 3rd person camera view

    Ok move to the left slightly and i think its dam accurate for targeting and seems better then the 1st version. Get v0.3 from here: http://rapidshare.com/files/23367894/NewView_v0.3.rar.html ftp://www.armedassault.info/armad/addons/NewView_v0.3.rar and can find link also on 1st post.
  5. hedcrusha

    New 3rd person camera view

    Ok pulled the view back just a little as Timblesink said just to the waist. Check it out and let me know! http://rapidshare.com/files/23200050/NewView_v0.2.rar.html http://ofp.4players.de/sys....ateg=22 As of 1.04 patch i only have 1.05 so i would say that its a patch incompatability issue.
  6. hedcrusha

    New 3rd person camera view

    jees thanks for the good replys and general interest on my mod! As its my first im supprised i havent been flamed about it yet! But as im back from work now ill move it back for you guys!
  7. hedcrusha

    New 3rd person camera view

    Ok ill move it back a little bit and then you can try that but not tonight as im not at home but will do tommorrow when ive finished work
  8. hedcrusha

    New 3rd person camera view

    well ive been looking through the .hpp files and i think the camera is bound to the head bone but not sure how to get the cam to be bound to the 3rd pv head bone!
  9. hedcrusha

    New 3rd person camera view

    Nice one Karazy good video! Just wondering if its possible to make the camera move as you peak like in 1st person view? Not sure if it possible!
  10. hedcrusha

    New 3rd person camera view

    Ok update 1st post. You can download using rapidshare at the momoent untill i get it hosted on other sites. Thanks again for the interest.
  11. hedcrusha

    New 3rd person camera view

    Ahh Got ya! i was putting addons in the dir instead of dta! Im not at home at the min so will try when i get back from work tomoz. Thanks for the help Sled88. I will upload tommorrow and you all can check it out and see what you think!
  12. hedcrusha

    New 3rd person camera view

    Thanks Sled88! Ive tried as a new pbo in a dir but no avail. the only way i can get it to work is if i replace the orig pbo file!! But i want to do it so that ppl dont have to overight anything.
  13. hedcrusha

    New 3rd person camera view

    Thanks for the reply this is my first mod for arma and liking it! I dont know how to make a pbo work as ive just tried. So if anyone knows how to make a pbo work with my settings let me know and ill upload instead of just upoloading the file out of the config.bin file. Thanks for your interest.
  14. Hi just wondereing what config file i have to edit to change the postion of the 3rd person camera as i want to view more closer and over the sholder. Some one did this but didnt say what file to edit!!.
  15. hedcrusha


    Ok found it it was in vehicles.hpp under man(land) Thanks for the help guys! Just another question x,y and z what is what? like left,right up down and foward and back? in that order?
  16. hedcrusha


    Ive unpbo'ed all of the .pbo files there is and unbin'ed all of the config.bin files but still cant find 'extcamerapositions'. If any one could tell me what pbo file the config.bin is that i have to unbin is please help me. @ dob: thanks for the help but im unclear of what you mean by "no name change" Thanks in advance.
  17. hedcrusha


    Thanks i know you have to open a pbo but witch one?
  18. Hi just wondering if theres a script to enable me to add my own music to play through a whole mission changing the track once ones done?
  19. hedcrusha

    Alpha9 UK Swat

    nice!! i did a bit of texturing my self with uk flags all over it. But i cant seem to get them to work in game!! so i cant post any screenies! I replaced the orig textures with us_soldieracu_co.paa but it doesnt seem to work for me. Have i done the right file?
  20. hedcrusha

    Alpha9 UK Swat

    very nice work!! Dont suppose you could do a uk camo too! The usual green stuff??
  21. I thank you once again iLL. Ill read through www.ofpec.com tommorrow as im quite busy tonight. But the script your friend made would realy help me as a refrence to mission building as to a TDM map. Realy appritiate it.
  22. Hi sorry for asking but ive read through the biki and searched this site to no avail. So i thought i would post to see if someone could answer or tell me how to do what i want. Well what i want to do is create a team death match mission (pretty simple eh) But i cant seem to find what makes a spawn point and how to respawn on both teams. I would also like bots to play on this too as of when im waiting for my friends to join. Ive read a thread about random spawn points and that i would like to use within a set area for both teams but dont know how to do that. Im a noob to this mission making btw. Thanks in advance.
  23. hedcrusha


    Thanks again iLL. Just an idea not sure if it would work or not but could i depbo a mission wether mp or sp and add the health bar script into the description.ext file or any other file that needs to be told to run the script then repbo it? If so what would i add to these files in order for me to excecute the script?
  24. hedcrusha


    Hi was just wondering if theres any way of making a health bar for you and the enemy? I know its cool to try and determine your health on the way your soldier looks as to blood and wounds. But also i would like to know how many hit points i have left and also the enemy.
  25. hedcrusha


    Thats great thanks iLL just what i was after. Just out of curiosity will i have to creat a mission in order for this to work or could i use it online or in single player? Also sorry but im noobish when it comes to arma butr were would i have to put this dir with scripts in? Would it be other profiles in my docs then username missions?