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Everything posted by hazend

  1. hazend

    Welcome Back Placebo!

    Welcome back Placebo
  2. hazend

    US Soldiers thread

    Excellent Bio Clav, It definitely does the Division justice!
  3. hazend

    3rd Infantry Division DCU

    Many thanks.
  4. hazend

    3rd Infantry Division DCU

    LMAO and if I remember correctly the "patch" of grass on Reilly Road could qualify as a forest! Ahh the memories.
  5. hazend

    3rd Infantry Division DCU

    lol, understood. I miss those days of CQ duty and Staff Duty... NOT!
  6. hazend

    3rd Infantry Division DCU

    Shoot me a PM when you're ready.
  7. hazend

    3rd Infantry Division DCU

    Considering I was in the task force assigned with the French 6th Light (I was in D. Co. 1/325th)I would say it is an accurate statement. All The Way Airborne!
  8. hazend

    3rd Infantry Division DCU

    Can do. I'll have it to you first of next week... Would that be alright?
  9. hazend

    3rd Infantry Division DCU

    I can certainly give you the space. Â When you're ready just let me know. By all means. Â It'll take me some time due to work but anything you need I'll be more than happy to give you. Understood
  10. hazend

    3rd Infantry Division DCU

    Hey Clavicula, Any chance I can get a copy of your 82nd units? I was in 2nd Brigade a long time ago (going on 16 years now) and it would be great to have them. Thanks
  11. hazend

    Armed Assault videos

    Very cool Sharpshooter, very cool.
  12. hazend

    Multiplayer Woes

    I am having a rather interesting, and extremely frustrating, issue with my system at the current time and I am hoping someone out there can point me in the right direction. Recently I completely updated my system to a higher end.  I have an Intel Duo Core processor (2.61 GHz), 2 GB of DDR2 Ram (PNY), an Asus P5B mainboard (Wi Fi Edition), an NVIDIA 8800 GTC video card (BFG Tech), and a 500GB SATA Hard Drive (Maxtor). I am using the onboard sound as well as the onboard gigabit Ethernet card. I can play single player with no problems whatsoever, even at high settings.  In addition I can also go to the armory and play there as well.  The problem is when I attempt to play in multiplayer.  I can pull up the screen and go as far as seeing the individual servers.  When I attempt to join a server the game freezes and I crash to a reboot with the dreaded BSoD (All of this happens within a few seconds).  I have tried several different servers and the same thing happens. I have tried to remedy this by changing my video options (resolution) and even checked the status of my Internet connection.  All works fine.  I have tested other programs (Joint Operations is one) and I do not have this problem with any of them.  I am able to go out to the Internet so I know it isn’t a connection problem. Has anyone seen this or may have an explanation as to why this is happening? I would appreciate any help I can get. Regards Haz **Edit** I failed to mention I am running XP Home with the latest updates. In adition the ArmA is the Atari Download with the new 1.08 patch. Thanks
  13. hazend

    Multiplayer Woes

    Okay, I took Binkster's advice and It worked. Setting the textures to low allowed me to play without any problems. Try that and it might work for you. Thanks Binkster!
  14. hazend

    Multiplayer Woes

    Many thanks Binkster. I'll try that.
  15. hazend

    Multiplayer Woes

    Well, I checked and adjusted the firewall access points as necessary and it did help some. I am able to enter games for the most part however there are a few where I get the BSoD and reboot automatically just as before. In addition I am able to play for a bit however I ultimately crash to the desktop.
  16. hazend

    Multiplayer Woes

    It wasn't a problem until 1.08 however, I updated my PC between 1.06 and 1.08 as well. I'll check the firewall setup as well as soon as I get home. Thanks. Haz
  17. hazend


    I can't get the link to work...
  18. hazend

    Armed Assault videos

    I can Falken, I have quite a bit of space and a decent amount of monthly bandwidth.
  19. hazend

    Armed Assault videos

    Amazing Trini, simply amazing. I've lurked for quite a while but I simply had to post after watching all of the videos here. I am impressed by them all. Thanks.