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About hbjonsson

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  1. hbjonsson

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    Somone suggested that when you bring up your iron sights/scope, the view should snap to wherever the weapon was pointed. I think this would feel very un-natural, it would make more sense to have your weapon snap to wherever you happend to be looking when you bring up your sights. Just think about it... 1. You storm a room and as you move your head you see an enemy to the left...press a button, oops view goes straight front (because thats where your weapon was pointing), now you have to move the view back to the le...bang your dead. 2. You storm a room and as you move your head see an enemy to the left...press a button that brings the weapon up and pointing where you were looking, bang...your dead (because you should´ve just thrown in a grenade, but you get my point)