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About hardybastard

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  1. hardybastard


    I have to say that when on the verge of completing a mission, with the one and only save used about 15 minutes back, it gets scary then. Ur seconds away from completion when out of nowhere your getting shot at, some muda fu*ker with a machine gun has u pinned down. 1)Make a dash for it and hope u make it to completion Or 2) kill him,HOPE that's he a lone solider and not just part of a platoon. Usually i ran but got shot in the back & had to replay from a while back. Scary sh*t doe.
  2. hardybastard


    I think that the more realistic ofp2 will be, the better it will be. If ofp2 was arcady i wouldn't be botherd to play it honestly. I find you get more out of a game when its more realistic than arcade. Its more intense and i think the player needs to get more "down and dirty" in the game. BUT everyone is different, some people might not enjoy ofp2 if its very realistic. But me for 1 wants it to be 100% realistic. Â Â
  3. hardybastard


    True but i'm not talkin bout being miles away and having a military satellite zap them in half with millimeter accuarcy using magnified light with a touch of quaser magnetism on the side to ensure the target is poisned to death if cuting him in half don't kill em  . Just a simple implemented lean left/right programme. It works effectivly in other war sim games. Ur point about damage and avionics is true and i feel the same.Me myself, iwould love to be able to shoot down the barrel of a T-80 with a .50 caliber and boom, 1 hell of an internal exlosion rippin the top of the tank in. to be able to eh Helltoupee!! or is that just me?
  4. hardybastard


    I think it would be brill to able to lean left/right & able to shoot while leaning which is exactly how marines/delta/who ever do it is in real life. It would make for some savage urban fightin instead of having to have practically half ur body stickin around the corner to kill some1 like in ofp1. As well as this, trees should be much better implemented in ofp2. Example: A person could advance from tree to tree,leaning left/right,fire off a few rounds(cover fire)make a run to the next tree,etc. It would add much more playability to the game. Player's could essentially take proper cover. I found in ofp1 that when especially in urban or wooded surroundings, that when turning a corner/tree to attack an enemy position, its was just about impossible to turn the corner and get the first shot in if they new you were about. If leaning left/right was an option, being able to get a chance to take out the enemy would be much more real lfe, YES NO?