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Everything posted by hobobo

  1. hobobo

    No sound!

    i recently reinstalled ofp res and installed 1.92. before i reinstalled it the sound worked fine. now it doesent play at all. i tried to turn on EAX and hardware acceleration and no matter how many times i click it it still says Disabled. what do i do? how do i get my sound back? please help
  2. hobobo

    Background texture probs

    thanks alot now it works
  3. i copied one background texture off the internet put it in paa. and loaded it. it worked fine and now im looking for another one. every time i try to copy a background texture i turn it into a paa. then i try to open it and it flickers real quick then it just becomes transparent like nothing is there. also ive noticed something when checking the file folders. the one that worked had was 39kb while the ones that didnt were only 1kb. i dont know if this will help but i couldnt hurt. please try and help, Zach
  4. hobobo

    Background texture probs

    here is what im talking about. you know when you get a pic off the web and u load it into o2 to make like the outline of a gun. thats what im talking about most of them dont work.
  5. copied one background texture off the internet put it in paa. and loaded it. it worked fine and now im looking for another one. every time i try to copy a background texture i turn it into a paa. then i try to open it and it flickers real quick then it just becomes transparent like nothing is there. also ive noticed something when checking the file folders. the one that worked had was 39kb while the ones that didnt were only 1kb. i dont know if this will help but i couldnt hurt. please try and help, Zach
  6. when ever i down load a script it always has a Winzip 32 icon in the middle of it. I cannot open it or use it at all. does anyone know what the problem is???