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Everything posted by hottex

  1. holy shit... thx kegetys , thats amazing... ah and BIS...forget about OpFl 2....take your time and begin to do OpFl 3
  2. hottex

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    hey pappy what do u think about sth. like this http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=40889 or maybe this: http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=40912 i think sth. like this would be cool...just a bit more realism for showing the helicopter where to fetch the squad ;)
  3. hottex

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    btw. does the raft boat have no model ? Or why does my player just cruise over the sea without anything under the ass after bailing out ??
  4. hottex

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    hi, very cool mod u made there  unfortunatly i get an error: No Entry 'OFPY2K3NxB.bin/CfgWeapons.SigP90' anyone an idea ? i dont know much about this modding stuff etc.  EDIT: Btw. i cant find the OFPY2K3NxB.bin anywhere...so why does ofp tell me about an error in it ?!