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Posts posted by hanzerik

  1. I don't think you can with the Demo. All three map modes are are combined into one MPMissions.pbo . Where in the full game ( I'm guessing and going off what OFP was like) hosted maps are in a folder called MPMissions, and you could specify which map the server should run by default. I UnPbo'd them and recreated seperate pbos for each map mode, but still had no luck. I just think its hard coded into the demo to select the mode from this MPMissions.pbo and nothing else.

  2. So, can anyone shed light on the new Demo server producing the :- 2Cannot Create 3d device " error huh.gif? Really bugging me.

    You are using the -server option?

    "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA Demo\ArmADemo.exe" -server -config=server.cfg

    I would think that since the -server option makes in not start up into a game GUI, that it wouldn't need a high power graphics card. The only thing it creates is a small dialog box.

    Here is my servers Specs:

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

    System Information


    Time of this report: 12/29/2006, 15:27:37

    Machine name: WIN2K-BOX

    Operating System: Windows 2000 Professional (5.0, Build 2195) Service Pack 4

    Language: English (Regional Setting: English)

    System Manufacturer: GBT___

    System Model: AWRDACPI

    BIOS: Default System BIOS

    Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) XP 1800+, ~1.5GHz

    Memory: 512MB RAM

    Page File: 320MB used, 927MB available

    Windows Dir: C:\WINNT

    DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)

    DX Setup Parameters: Not found

    DxDiag Version: 5.03.0001.0904 32bit Unicode


    Display Devices


    Card name: NVIDIA GeForce3 Ti 200

    Manufacturer: NVIDIA

    Chip type: GeForce3 Ti 200

    DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC

    Display Memory: 64.0 MB

    Current Mode: 1280 x 1024 (32 bit) (60Hz)

    Monitor: Default Monitor

    So far it seems to run COOP pretty good, but my limiting factor is upstream bandwidth.

  3. Can't seem to run a CTI server with that new binary. Server crashes on game start.

    Please could any of you provide us with crash dumps?

    Files arma.bidmp, arma.mdmp and arma.RPT are created in place like this:

    C:\Documents and Settings\*_yourusername_*\Local Settings\Application Data\ArmA Demo

    Only two files are created:


    Deleted the two that were in there, started the server and selected CTI to crash the server. The files were pretty big before, so these are from a single crash by selecting CTI mode.. Let me know if you need anything else...CTI is the mode I like the best and would like to see it fixed. Heck, I got to have something to do while waiting on the US release :-)

  4. server.cfg<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

    passwordAdmin = "********";

    password = "";

    hostname="Hanzeriks-ArmA-Dedicated Demo Server";



    "Welcome to Hanzerik's ArmA Demo Server",


    "Have fun and play fair",








    This is mine and it works fine except for CTI mode.

    Create a shortcut to ArmADemo.exe and edit the Target line to read something like this.

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

    "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA Demo\ArmADemo.exe" -server -config=server.cfg

  5. As my company give me a new PC every 3 years in a leasing mode I was thinking in upgrade as Im near to comply that time.

    What do you think about this PC...it till works with ArmA?

    * Procesador Intel® Core™ Duo T2250 (1.73 GHz / 533 MHz FSB), Ing (ZDA17HL) / Esp (ZDA17HS)

    * Windows® XP Professional Original, Califica a Windows Vista Business - Ing (WPXP) / Esp (WPXPSP)

    * 2GB, DDR2, 667MHZ, 2 DIMM

    * 256MB NVIDA GeForce Go 7900GS

    * Software de Audio Integrado Sound Blaster Audigy HD

    Its a DELL Inspiron 9400. If you know a best laptop please let me know,


    I play on a Dell Inspiron similar to that and it plays nicely.

    Inspiron E1705;Intel® CoreTM Duo Proc T2500 (2GHz/667MHz/2 X 1MB L2 Cache)

    Operating System: Genuine Windows® XP Professional

    LCD Panel: 17 inch UltraSharpTM Wide Screen UXGA Display with TrueLifeTM

    Memory: 2GB Shared Dual Channel DDR2 SDRAM at 667MHz

    Video Card: 256MB NVIDIA® GeForceTM Go 7900 GS

    Hard Drive: 80GB 7200RPM SATA Hard Drive

  6. I had this issue with wgl and coc. here is what I had to change my ofpserver start line with(the wgl and the coc_arty mods are in the root ofp directory.

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/erik/ofp/libs

    ${SERVER} >>${LOGFILE} 2>&1 -server -mod=wgl -mod=coc_arty -config=${CONFIG} -port=${PORT} -pid=${PIDFILE}

    Note: the Libs folder holds the 8.0 suse libs, The server binary does not like the Libs that come with Slackware 10.1.

  7. You shouldnt need anyone else on your lan to start a server. You can play by yourself if you want to. Are you having any other kind of network problems? Are you using a software firewall? Shut down any un-needed proccess that are running BEFORE you start the game.

  8. Pisses me off when your in the lobby waiting peacefully and you get other guys poping in a telling them to restart, and calling them A$$holes because they wont. And same guys disconnect and reconnect continually then when they do restart and they have to #vote a map The same guys dont know what to do and disconnect while evry1 else is voting and then reconnect messing up your vote. This makes starting a new game a drawn out procces, I agree with the guys above, if you want a good game just stay in the lobby and wait quietly like every1 else does. And ask nicely if you dont know what to or how to #vote missions. And play till the end.

  9. Can you be a little more specific on the type of router and firewall? Is it a combined firewall/router? or 2 separate pieces of hardware? And your saying you have a range of external IP addys, I'm taking that as routeable IP's not private. And you are also using internal IP's I take that as Private range using NAT? Have you tried to ping it from home? If your company has a RAS bank, try to dial-up and see if you can connect, that can tell you if your server is actually working. If you can connect to the server from a RAS connection in your company then look at the network diagram to see how yor network is set-up and where the RAS bank is in relation to the firewall and routers. It more then likely that your firewall is stoping traffic.

  10. Yea, I forgot to mention that the files are all in a zip file. I got mine from your website RN, everything you need is in that zip file. I was thinking that he had allready downloaded the files and had trouble getting it to work like i did last nite LOL. I had probs until I put the complete url with /squad.xml


  11. You dont have to be in a "squad" You just have to be able to have access to a webserver. Most ISP's give you a little web space to work with. You need to get the sample Squad.xml files which come with instructions and modify them to show your own info. Once you modify them, you ftp them to your website(all the files need to be in the same directory) The only one you need to edit is the squad.xml file. You can do it in notepad. Make sure your id# is the same as the one that is shown on the player section in the player edit screen in game. And you need to put the full URL to the squad.xml file on your website in the squad url box in the player section in the game ie: <a href="http://members.home.net/hanzfam/squad.xml

    here's" target="_blank">http://members.home.net/hanzfam/squad.xml

    here's</a> what it looks like in notepad:

    <-------------cut here-------------------------->

    #<?xml version="1.0"?>

    #<!DOCTYPE squad SYSTEM "squad.dtd">

    #<?xml-stylesheet href="squad.xsl?" type="text/xsl"?>



    the squad.xsl and squad.dtd should'nt have to be messed with. The logo.jpg is the picture that will be shown on vehicles you mount in the game and will be seen by others when they press 'p' or are sitting waiting for new game to start. mine is 128x128/24bit color. Very simple picture.

    Hope this helps

    (Edited by hanzerik at 6:02 pm on Oct. 28, 2001)

  12. Well OFP_server.exe tried to start when I used instsrv.exe and srvany.exe, but I guess it tried to run OPFLASHPREFERENCES for some reason. I allready had a flashpoint.cfg file so i dont know why it tried to run it again. Maybe becuase there was no desktop for the console to start. I'll keep trying, maybe I can get it to work some how. And I also got the config.bin error when I tried it another way. I think I had the -config= wrong in the win registry, I remember now it was becuase of the \svrany.exe at the end.

    I used: instsrv ofp-server c:\<path>\srvany.exe and got config.bin error

    used instsrv ofp-server c:\<path>\opf_server.exe and prefrences started instead of server

    registry entries: hkey_local_machine\curentcontrolset\services\ofp-server

    add key: parameters

    add value: Application

    add another value: AppParameters

    string: -config=sample.cfg

    I'll keep trying and if I have any success I'll post it here


  13. Anyone know how to run ofp_server.exe as a service on w2k without having to login as a user? i have no problems when i login and start it, Server runs great.

    Only thing is, that i dont have a monitor, keyboard, or mouse plugged into it, just LAN cable and power. I use VNC to remote into it start the server and then close VNC. I want to be able to just have the computer boot and the server start automatically. I've tried putting a line in the autoexec.bat but no joy. Any suggestions?

    I havnt opened my ports on my firewall yet to allow outside players in because I dont think the system is beefy enough to handle any more then 6 players. Maybe when I upgrade I'll open it up.

    sys spec:



    256 mb ram

    no sound

    old 16mb banshee

    running 24/7

    Thx for any help HANZ..

  14. I havnt seen any "real" answers to this: I have 2 store bought copies of game. I want to run a DS on a third spare computer. My question is, will FADE mess up the game that i am playing on if i use the same cd for installing the dedicated server machine that I am connecting to it as a client?

    Now from what i've read you can just copy the entire OFP directory from one machine(game playing machine) to another for use as dedicated server, no registry entries needed, and no CD required if using 1.27 dedicated server .exe.

    My other question is: do you have to "install" the game on dedicated server or am i correct about copying OFP directory?

    I thought I would ask before doing this so my games wont screw up.

    And if your wondering how many comps I have its 6: 2 win98, 1 w2k, 2 DEC/ALPHAS running unix and linux, and a laptop dual boot winme/linux. computers are my life smile.gif

    Thanks for any replies, HANZ..
