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Everything posted by haXor

  1. HOW DO I GET A RESISTANCE v1.88 DEDICATED SERVER TO REPORT THE WAN IP INSTEAD OF THE NAT IP TO THE MASTER SERVER UNDER DIRECT PLAY ? Here is my command Line Argument and Config: Command Line: "C:\program files\codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\FlashpointServer.exe" -config=server.cfg -dplay config: Server Config Note: I added the .txt extension to the config for viewing purposes .. the actual server config file has the .cfg extension. Sick of seeing this error
  2. Ok .. now how do you join that game from the DirectPlay - Internet "Ingame" browser ? "Connection Failed"
  3. haXor

    Direct play

    Same problem here ... doesnt look like anyone cares ..... Or a solution is posted elsewhere. Ill keep looking.
  4. haXor

    No missions show up on 1.85dedi

    Call this the "#missions Bug" Same thing on my Windows v1.85 server ... appears to be more and more common, looking at other servers. If you leave the class mission statement out completely, It gets messy when 2 people join before the 1st has selected a mission .. "hang up" .. Noobs and people that are unaware of the issue cant get anywhere either .. dead ends and frustration. I tried adjusting the config .. but appears they have #$@%'d this one up good ... still have to use the work around stated above ... Well here is my config: 5thSFG.OFP.SERVER Config (didnt seem like anyone wanted to share theirs, hard for Suma/BIS to fix something they cant see.) Note: This is nothing compared to no Linux support for v1.46 .. or No VON for v1.75+ sockets ... Â no biggie. *sigh* v2.0 will be solid. *wink*
  5. haXor

    Gamevoice, ofp and xp

    I have the same EXACT problem ... I have tried (4) Different sound cards and all the basic settings. Deleted Flashpoint.cfg and re-ran the Preferences Util ... no luck. I have DirectX8.1 and trying to get OFP 1.46 to run with Gamevoice, under Win2k PIII 866, 512MB ram. It all works great until .. like you said "I join a Muliplayer game or a dedicated server" If I [ALT]-TAB to desktop Gamevoice starts working again ... Please help .. I know of (6) others in my squad that have this same problem. It is an issue with OFP and the VON .. not sure what, but its annoying and frustrating and I cant seem to get any answers anywhere ... oh and this also happens with Roger Wilco as well, I just tried it to see if maybe it was a GameVoice issue. I hate buggin the guys at BIS, since they are so busy with more important stuff.
  6. haXor

    Resistance release date...

    Thanks ... If a moderator sees this .. please remove it ... Sorry ... I dont want to start or deepen the rumors. -=-=-=- Back On Topic -=-=-=- WHERE IS OUR RESISTANCE SOFTWARE ? I have emailed BIS 3 times now .. requesting an answer ... WHAT IS THE SKINNY ? Where is it ? What is the progress ? Do I need to fly to Europe to get a copy ? How big is the CD Can it be copied ? Cd protection or something ?? Would BIS be willing to sell CD-KEY's and let people download it from them and ship us the product at a later date ? Copying software is illegal ... but if BIS authorized it .. It would be ok, wouldn't it ? Looks like the date is going to be pushed back again ... DAMN !!! JULY 15th now ... WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *sob* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. haXor

    Resistance release date...

    I Really HATE rumors guys .... I saw this thread in another Forum that said this was FACT .. I hate to beleive this is true, but may explain delayed shipments of Resistance. I just heard that the DHL Cargo plane heading to USA with the Resistance Addon Crashed into a passenger plane. Will someone PLEASE verify --- Fact? or Fiction? Here is what I have so far ... Many feared dead in midair crash Man this is sad ... I pray for all the vicitims. I fear its all a BS rumor .... From the posted article: "The cargo plane was en route to Brussels, Belgium, from the Persian Gulf state of Bahrain with a stop in Italy. Gietz, the DHL spokesman, said the captain of the cargo plane was British and the co-pilot was Canadian."
  8. This is WEIRD. I hope someone has an answer or knows why this is happening ..... I have been trying to fix this for hours and hours with no resolution. Removed everything completely ... Started fresh new Folder and all. Installed OFP and all necessary patches + Flagpack and Grenade launcher official addons. Installed Resistance FRESH ... (no patches "YET") Ran Prefs and tested ... game runs great ... no issues. Wanted to make a CTF using all the NEW Res Addons .... Did the following: Multiplayer - LAN - NEW - Wizard - OK - Saved User Mission. Ran the default CTF mission that was created using the wizard, runs fine no problem. Time to add the V-80 to east side ... tried adding it as Empty, East, all diff settings and get this error everytime. "Cannot Load Mission, Missing addons: BMP2" Now I have looked twice so far and .. I have a BMP2.pbo in Both addon folders for RES and OFP ... What is going on here  ? I am not even trying to add a BMP2 .. where is the LOGIC here ? HELP !!!!! Please Stay ON-Topic ... Moderators can remove this if it goes off topic - PLEASE. I just need a simple answer to a complicated problem.
  9. haXor

    My idear for a coop mission

    Did anyone say anything about adding the women civilian models for the drunk pilots to hit on, ... of coarse .. on their way to get the fuel truck ... just a suggestion .. haha. A few more ideas: *fuel truck full of Good German Beer instead of fuel. *maybe have a way to pick the women civillians up on the way back from getting the beer truck. *Add a few pubs that are out of beer .. the "beer truck" can resuply the empty pubs in the area.
  10. Tried that and .. It WORKED !!! THANK YOU ! Thank You ... even though I still think its a bug .. but that cleared the error. Another thing I found (not to go off topic) Is that If you copy all the Mulitplayer Templates to the SPtemplates folder, they become available to the Mission editor Wizard In the main menu. If I create a mission in the Multiplayer wizard .. it is then not available in the Missions Editor in the main menu and visa versa. Almost like 2 diff editors are used. Cant they just Consolidate these ? or chose just 1 editor that everything is available from ? Maybe there is a reason for this and I am Ignorant ... *shrug*. Anyone have any suggestions or want to jump on the bandwagon ?
  11. I just wondered if anyone has tried the new mod: POW www.planetofwar.com Download Mission Download Manual Let me know what everyone thinks ... I will put it on the 37th Server if it is worthy. Is this compatible with 1.75 Â Says 1.46 .. but nothing about 1.75. They wouldnt be that stoooopid to release a mod that crashes under 1.75 ... would they ?
  12. haXor


    A great man once said: "The only thing we have to fear is Fear itself" Let me refrase that .... It should read: "The only thing we have to fear is no Resistance addon at BestBuy today." Do exactly as I said .... It may NOT be on the shelf ... insist they check the back and receiving ... be nice to them ... kiss ass ...I have (2) people at each location with my cell phone # .. they said they will call me when its in ... but I am pressing it further .. do as I said and all will work out. My confidence comes from many hours of anticipation. "The only way to overcome anticipation, is to imagine that the event has already happened." I think I already have Resistance, BIS has my $, I think I already have Resistance, BIS has my $, I think I already have Resistance, BIS has my $, I think I already have Resistance. ok thats out of my system ...
  13. haXor


    A great man once said: "The only thing we have to fear is Fear itself" Let me refrase that .... It should read: "The only thing we have to fear is no Resistance addon at BestBuy today." Do exactly as I said .... It may NOT be on the shelf ... insist they check the back and receiving ... be nice to them ... kiss ass ...I have (2) people at each location with my cell phone # .. they said they will call me when its in ... but I am pressing it further .. do as I said and all will work out. My confidence comes from many hours of anticipation. "The only way to overcome anticipation, is to imagine that the event has already happened." I think I already have Resistance, BIS has my $, I think I already have Resistance, BIS has my $, I think I already have Resistance, BIS has my $, I think I already have Resistance. ok thats out of my system ...
  14. haXor


    Man I was so wrong ... in a previous post. I feel like such a dork and all ... BIS has really done a good job on this addon ... better textures, editor ... better code. I wont argue that at all. I am also sorry to say .. I WILL HAVE IT TODAY. hehe ... I feel I owe BIS that ... after all the hype I said. I have checked several stores and they will have it in today. I will scan the cover for ya when I get it. Wish me luck ! Oh .. want me to pick a copy up for you TEX ?
  15. haXor


    Man I was so wrong ... in a previous post. I feel like such a dork and all ... BIS has really done a good job on this addon ... better textures, editor ... better code. I wont argue that at all. I am also sorry to say .. I WILL HAVE IT TODAY. hehe ... I feel I owe BIS that ... after all the hype I said. I have checked several stores and they will have it in today. I will scan the cover for ya when I get it. Wish me luck ! Oh .. want me to pick a copy up for you TEX ?
  16. haXor


    You want Resistance today ? You CAN get it today ... I shit you not !!! 1 Hour 20 Minutes and counting here ..... Here is the Secret .... go to Best Buy's Website and go to the Store Locator ... enter yer Zipcode. Find the Store(s) closest to you and CALL THEM at 11am (opening time). Press option "47" immediately. ASK FOR THE GAME AND INSIST THEY CHECK RECEIVING IF ITS NOT ON THE SHELF !!! HAVE THEM HOLD THE GAME FOR 1 HOUR (give them a credit card # if needed.) They HAVE TO hold it for you ..... The phone is faster than ANY car ... and faster than you can get there .... I am doing this with 2 stores in my area. I will have my OWN copy TODAY !!!! And PLEASE come play on the 37th Mike Force Server when you get it .... It will be running the addon and waiting for you when yer ready. WOOOT !!!!
  17. haXor


    You want Resistance today ? You CAN get it today ... I shit you not !!! 1 Hour 20 Minutes and counting here ..... Here is the Secret .... go to Best Buy's Website and go to the Store Locator ... enter yer Zipcode. Find the Store(s) closest to you and CALL THEM at 11am (opening time). Press option "47" immediately. ASK FOR THE GAME AND INSIST THEY CHECK RECEIVING IF ITS NOT ON THE SHELF !!! HAVE THEM HOLD THE GAME FOR 1 HOUR (give them a credit card # if needed.) They HAVE TO hold it for you ..... The phone is faster than ANY car ... and faster than you can get there .... I am doing this with 2 stores in my area. I will have my OWN copy TODAY !!!! And PLEASE come play on the 37th Mike Force Server when you get it .... It will be running the addon and waiting for you when yer ready. WOOOT !!!!
  18. haXor

    Resistance is futile

    I wish everyone wouldnt get all excited over this addon. This addon is just like any other addon. What makes it so special  ? I just dont see the excitement that everybody else does. I see what BIS tells us .. they have to sell a product. I dont blame them at all. Its the consumer. Ignorance of the consumer. The OFP community has paid for this new code with its dedication and time involved. The Crashes, CTD's, BSOD's and all that comes with finding and solving problems with game code. We were the beta testers and now BIS has a NEW and Improved product. Great and all .. woot! woot! Has anyone considered that we have already paid for this code when we purchased this game back in 2001 ? Does anyone realize that the "Addon" is another way BIS can pull in revenue ? Thats all it is .. they need more money to keep things going, it makes sense. We all need money, we have to eat and feed our families. BIS is a business not a charity. However, I myself wont be buying the addon. I will wait for the patches and continue running the 37th Mike-Force Dedicated Server on v1.60. I would rather BIS give the addon out for free and ask its dedicated fans and supporters for a small donation; if they feel the authors and programmers deserve it. Voluntarily. This would make everybody happy, and probably make more money than forcing everyone to RE-purchase gamecode that they have already paid for in the past. (40$ is kinda steep for an addon - Since I paid 40$ for the original game) The way I see it is ... the OFP community is dying off. The people that still play the game need to support it VOLUNTARILY, not because they feel BIS owes them anything, but because they love the game and want to see it continue to thrive and grow. BIS has done a great job, and they deserve all the respect and the praise we can give them .. they are truely behind their fans 99.9%.  - oh and another thing ... NO YOU CANT HAVE 02!
  19. I wish everyone wouldnt get all excited over this addon. This addon is just like any other addon. What makes it so special  ? I just dont see the excitement that everybody else does. I see what BIS tells us .. they have to sell a product. I dont blame them at all. Its the consumer. Ignorance of the consumer. The OFP community has paid for this new code with its dedication and time involved. The Crashes, CTD's, BSOD's and all that comes with finding and solving problems with game code. We were the beta testers and now BIS has a NEW and Improved product. Great and all .. woot! woot! Has anyone considered that we have already paid for this code when we purchased this game back in 2001 ? Does anyone realize that the "Addon" is another way BIS can pull in revenue ? Thats all it is .. they need more money to keep things going, it makes sense. We all need money, we have to eat and feed our families. BIS is a business not a charity. However, I myself wont be buying the addon. I will wait for the patches and continue running the 37th Mike-Force Dedicated Server on v1.60. I would rather BIS give the addon out for free and ask its dedicated fans and supporters for a small donation; if they feel the authors and programmers deserve it. Voluntarily. This would make everybody happy, and probably make more money than forcing everyone to RE-purchase gamecode that they have already paid for in the past. (40$ is kinda steep for an addon - Since I paid 40$ for the original game) The way I see it is ... the OFP community is dying off. The people that still play the game need to support it VOLUNTARILY, not because they feel BIS owes them anything, but because they love the game and want to see it continue to thrive and grow. BIS has done a great job, and they deserve all the respect and the praise we can give them .. they are truely behind their fans 99.9%.  - oh and another thing ... NO YOU CANT HAVE 02!
  20. haXor

    Resistance is futile

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Tex [uSMC] @ June 27 2002,09:35)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">1.46 is lightyears beyond 1.00, and guess what? You didnt have to pay one red cent from 1.00 all the way to 1.60 beta, with official addons and other goodies along the way.<span id='postcolor'> Tex, you mean well. You are very wise. I do undertsand your side and I do support BIS. I AM NOT THE ENEMY !! I paid for this with my time, frustration and the BS. Whats time worth to you ? Put a price on it ... 8$/hr - 12$/hr ? Time is priceless to me ... but then again I am a cheap ass.
  21. haXor

    Resistance is futile

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Tex [uSMC] @ June 27 2002,09:35)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">1.46 is lightyears beyond 1.00, and guess what? You didnt have to pay one red cent from 1.00 all the way to 1.60 beta, with official addons and other goodies along the way.<span id='postcolor'> Tex, you mean well. You are very wise. I do undertsand your side and I do support BIS. I AM NOT THE ENEMY !! I paid for this with my time, frustration and the BS. Whats time worth to you ? Put a price on it ... 8$/hr - 12$/hr ? Time is priceless to me ... but then again I am a cheap ass.
  22. haXor

    Resistance is futile

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (RalphWiggum @ June 27 2002,09:30)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">you asked for price, i give it to you. what's wrong with that?<span id='postcolor'> I am sorry. I did ask and you did reply. Thank You. I was saying specific as in the Lines your quoting. P.S. AvonLady is buying us all breakfast.
  23. haXor

    Resistance is futile

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (RalphWiggum @ June 27 2002,09:30)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">you asked for price, i give it to you. what's wrong with that?<span id='postcolor'> I am sorry. I did ask and you did reply. Thank You. I was saying specific as in the Lines your quoting. P.S. AvonLady is buying us all breakfast.
  24. haXor

    Resistance is futile

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (theavonlady @ June 27 2002,09:21)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Put your money where you pixels are, HaXor, and file a class action suit. <span id='postcolor'> OK ... and yer credit card numbers are ? go ahead and just email them to me ... *wink* I really think this is almost funny ... we will all find out in less than a week. Just leave it at that.
  25. haXor

    Resistance is futile

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (theavonlady @ June 27 2002,09:21)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Put your money where you pixels are, HaXor, and file a class action suit. <span id='postcolor'> OK ... and yer credit card numbers are ? go ahead and just email them to me ... *wink* I really think this is almost funny ... we will all find out in less than a week. Just leave it at that.