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Everything posted by ghost--scout

  1. ghost--scout

    MAG 58 with ACOG (M240)

    Part of the reason we started putting optics on the guns in the first place was to give us an easier time of aiming and to better aid in target identification and acquisition. All you really have to do is zero the illuminated chevron (for USMC RCOs) to the gun for whatever yard/meter setting you want.
  2. ghost--scout

    MAG 58 with ACOG (M240)

    In the USMC we use whatever we can get our hands on, which usually isn't an Elcan. Many M249's I've seen have ACOGs (or as we know them: RCOs) on them and even a few M240 B and G variants with them as well. Haven't fired a 240 with an ACOG but I have fired a 249 and I can say that it's a nice addition. I've also seen EOTECH models on some 249s.