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About garryslv

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. garryslv

    Lip sync

    I had it too ,but i yet to resolve it. i think it had to do with the modle.cfg missing an animation. well good luck for both of us.
  2. I gathered them all around and now we worship U Â Â Â Â Â Â
  3. garryslv

    Sample T72 model - turret isn't rotating

    Usually this shit happens when u forget to binerize your p3d pbo it with BI PBO and make sure that the bineraize box is checked good luck
  4. garryslv


    Thanks man,usefull stuff
  5. garryslv


    I really like to know how to create those pbl hightmaps
  6. garryslv


    Hey thanks 4 the replay but i look more for cattle sheeps and goats
  7. garryslv

    3rd Version-Skaven's Racs

    Great job dude but say can u add a green uniformed model as well
  8. garryslv


    Hi,iam looking for animal addons for ofp any ideas
  9. Ok ill try to dealwith it thiseek see how it comesout tnx anyway one moR little question i saw u actually put allmost any COC addone in the pack exept the command engine why ?
  10. Hi Miles tring to make a Wgl5.2 patch for LoboAP3 so iam in need of a reference for the soldiers equipment & munition editor names so it would help alot if u could paste it or refer me to a link TNX
  11. Great idea totaly infavor
  12. Well usualy txtview even worse but ill check TNX BTW mr.flea any wise words or comments
  13. garryslv

    Linux server setup howto

    Could this be a GCC prob although i had it installed with my mandriva distribution and i saw it in the installed menu thanks
  14. garryslv

    Dem files

    Excuse my nwebie-ness but whats the diff between 30 to 90 DEM