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Posts posted by guncrazy

  1. This is an odd problem, certain MP servers I can play on...then there are others that my game wont connect to. Is this a known issue or am i just priveledged lol.

    Ive tried disabling all my firewalls and virus protectors still nothing...on those particular servers.

    Maybe im missing something?

  2. well im running windows XP with SP2. I have the Nvidia pure video decoder for running DVDs on my tv....Yes I checked that and it is set to single display. As for the video drivers the most updated drivers are installed.....last update was 11/06. And there is no error messgae really, just the window popping up asking me if i want to send an error report. If you want i can view details and copy/paste them.

  3. I bought this game about a month ago and still cannot get it to run. The game crashes right after a the checks appear on the screen. I have a core 2 duo 2.4 ghz 2gb dual channel ram deforce 7950gt sound blaster x-fi fatality.

    This is absurd no fix for this yet? if i cant get it to work i would expect a refund from atari or boehmia interactive.
